Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 990 Collecting clues

Pandora turned to look at Old Lich, and the eight-armed skeleton also turned to look at Old Lich.

The old Lich grinned, as if he had a toothache, and said suspiciously: "Could it be that the alarm is broken, is it a false alarm?"


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and a figure flashed to the side of the Lich old man. Hearing the siren, his expression was solemn, but it was Li Cha who had just rushed back from the Garden of Eden.

Looking at the Lich old man, Li Cha, who was not yet clear about the specific situation, asked aloud, "Why did the alarm go off?"

"Well, I don't know either." The old Lich replied, "I was falling asleep just now, and it suddenly rang. I thought it was the tree in the room that rebelled, but there has been no movement until now. , the door didn't even open, it doesn't look like it, so I can't figure out what's going on. In other words, it's not that the things you made are unreliable and misreported, right?"

Hearing what the Lich old man said, Li Cha thought for a while and said: "False alarms are indeed possible, but I have done a lot of processing before, and the probability is very low. Generally speaking, as long as it is a trigger, it is certain values ​​in the room. Crossed the cordon.

Rather than a false positive, I'd rather believe that the tree in the room, Tinwood, did something. The door has not been opened until now, it is very likely that the other party did not want to confront the tough, but escaped from the room from the ground or by other means. "

"Then what should we do?" the old Lich asked.

Li Cha's eyes flickered with a dim light, and he looked towards the No. 3 research room, but found that his vision was blurred, covered by something like white mist, and he couldn't see clearly.

"There is high-intensity chaotic energy in the room, and I can't see through the situation inside." Li Cha replied, pursing his lips, "It seems that we have to enter the room to understand the situation before we can determine what happened."

After Li Cha finished speaking, he walked towards the No. 3 research room without hesitation.

Pandora blinked, followed quickly, and said, "I'm with you."

Li Cha turned his head, pressed Pandora in place with one hand and said, "You stay!"


"Stay vigilant outside, and then enter the room when I call you," Richard said.

"Then..." Pandora and Li Cha looked at each other for a moment, and finally agreed, "Okay, but don't forget when the time comes."

"Understood." Li Cha stepped forward and continued to walk towards the No. 3 research room. After walking a few steps, he thought of something, turned his head and glanced at the many skeletons, and then looked at the old man Lich.

The old Lich's expression tightened, and he found that Li Cha looked at him and said dryly: "Hey, boy, you don't want to bring your little girl in, and don't take my old bones in. Otherwise, it's really It's too much."

"Don't worry, I didn't want to take you in." Li Cha said, "I just realized that the skeleton you transformed is doing very well. It was able to form such a tight defensive formation before I came back. Even the skeleton inside If a tree really rebels, it should be able to withstand it for a while."

"Ah, what's this..." The Lich old man had a weird expression on his face, and he said with a dry smile, "It's so-so, you're flattering yourself."

"It's you who are being modest, Mr. Fu, you are really much better than I thought." Richard said, without saying anything, he walked straight to the door of No. 3 research room.

Dazzling golden light emerged from his body, the armor of Achilles wrapped his whole body, and he stretched out his hand vigilantly towards the door.

There is a palm-sized protrusion on the door, which is engraved with dense magic lines. Li Cha pressed his hand on it and injected free energy elements to activate it.


A red light flashed on the bulge, and there was a series of "cracking" sounds from inside the door. It was the mechanical equipment working - in order to guard against the everlasting ancient tree species of tin wood inside the door, Li Cha made some noises to the room. Strict protection, the door alone has four kinds of protection.


Finally, with a crisp sound, the door opened.

Li Cha raised his vigilance and walked in, his eyes quickly scanned everything in the room.

I saw the energy-absorbing towers that almost filled the room, most of them were attacked by unknown people at this time, and melted into puddles of metal juice under the high temperature. Chaotic energy floats in the air,

From time to time, it bumped into the "Achilles Armor", causing ripples.

The temperature in the room was extremely high, and the surrounding walls were scorched to varying degrees, so the alarm was triggered.

When Li Cha turned his gaze to the center of the room, he couldn't help blinking, and saw that the ancient tree Tin Wood unexpectedly didn't run away.

The iron frame and glass pool that originally supported the other party had melted under the high temperature. At this time, the other party was fixed to the ground with roots, and a human face on the trunk looked over, showing an extremely innocent expression.

"Hey, that kid, I have to make it clear that what happened in this room just now has absolutely nothing to do with me. Although I cursed you before, your iron bumps will have accidents sooner or later, but they really have accidents, can't Blame me.

I... I just quietly absorbed my energy from the void, who knows why, those iron bumps of yours suddenly got out of control. I could feel the amount of energy they absorbed from the void suddenly increased, and then they couldn't support, melted by the overflowing energy, and became what they are now.

I was unlucky enough to be affected by them. If I hadn't used the absorbed energy to protect myself in time to counteract the attack, I'm afraid I would be seriously injured. Anyway, it really, really has nothing to do with me, it's all yours. So, don't blame me.

I'm fine now, but I can't power you until you fix your equipment. This is all caused by you. I request that this period of time be counted in our contract as well, and I cannot be deducted! In addition, you have to shorten the contract service time for me, at a month! "

After listening to Gushu Ximu's long and emotional speech, Li Cha raised his eyebrows and was a little stunned.

The situation in front of him was a little different from what he thought. He had originally thought of taking advantage of the opportunity of Gushu Ximu's rebellion, as a victim, to force the other party to sign a new contract. Why did the victim become the other party in a blink of an eye?

The other party really didn't rebel? Are the accidents caused by energy-absorbing towers?

Or, was the other party playing tricks on purpose, destroying the energy-absorbing tower, and then pretending to be innocent, to test his limits step by step?

Li Cha frowned deeply.

Gu Shu saw Li Cha's expression, and quickly said: "Hey, don't believe me, what I said is true. I have always strictly fulfilled the contract, and I have absolutely no other intentions. If something goes wrong this time, It has nothing to do with me."


Li Cha was noncommittal, his eyes flashed with a dim light, and he opened his staring eyes, carefully observing the chaotic energy floating in the room, as well as other details, trying to restore what happened on the scene before.

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