Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1074: Northern Wilderness Memory

When Li Cha entered, he saw rows of manufactured spell puppets standing in a corner of the nearly 100-square-meter room, like robots, extremely neat. In another corner, there is a large pile of bones.

In the third corner, there is an easy chair that the Lich old man used as a bed. In the last corner is a pile of sundries with various uses.

This functional division is very clear... Li Cha raised his eyebrows, and was about to talk to the old man Lich, but when he turned around, he saw that the old man Lich didn't follow him. Instead, after he entered, he quickly closed the door, tossed the latch and iron lock, and sealed the door tightly inside the door, as if he didn't think about him leaving later.

This... Li Cha opened his mouth, and said helplessly to the old Lich: "Mr. Fu, don't be so careful? Although, I know that Anan is indeed a bit eccentric, and he is used to stealing the bones you have chosen, but you are on guard Now that it’s like this, can he succeed?”


The old Lich locked the last iron lock, and tugged hard at the few iron chains tied to the door. Uneasy, he waved his hands and released a few more warning spells.

Seeing the twilight of the warning spell covering the entire door, he turned his head and exhaled, "Hey, boy, let me tell you, don't believe me, the recent things are really evil. I clearly closed the door before. It's hard to die, and people have never left, but the magic puppets made in my room have lost one for no reason-from sixty-two to sixty-one.

I doubt very much that it was the skeleton Anan who did it. Although I don’t know how he did it, we must use all our strength to prevent this from happening again. Otherwise, sooner or later, all the magic puppets I made will be stolen. . "

Close the door, no one left, yet still be stolen... Li Cha was a little suspicious, looked at the Lich old man and asked half-jokingly: "Mr. Fu, are you sure, didn't you accidentally make a wrong count?"

"You think I don't know how to count?" The old Lich pulled his face down, and said unhappily, "Can I count numbers that are less than a hundred? Hmph, boy, you underestimate me too much Bar?"

" question, I apologize."

"Hmph, that's pretty much the same. Tell me, boy, what are you doing here this time? Don't tell me, you have to go out again." The old Lich said, "Although I said before, when you go out, you must notify Me. But my original intention is to let you not go out often, so as to avoid accidents here and implicate me, instead of just asking you to say hello to me. "

"Uh, this..."

"Damn it." Seeing Li Cha's appearance, the old Lich's expression changed, "Hey, kid, you really don't want to go out again, do you?"



"But Mr. A Fu, don't worry too much, I will bring a piece of Eden this time." Richard explained.

"Take a piece of the Garden of Eden?" The old Lich was taken aback for a moment, his expression softened, and he thought for a while, "So, this time, I left with you? Where are you going? Is it going back to Jialan City or Xiangba?" Pull the town?"

"No, it's going to a more distant place."

"Where is it?"


"Northern Wilderness?" Hearing this, the Lich old man was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a somewhat complicated expression.

Li Cha thought that the Lich old man would be a little resistant and didn't want to "move". Seeing that the other party's expression was a bit inconsistent, he blinked and asked, "Why, Mr. Fu, do you have some memories of Beihuang?"

"Memory?" The old Lich shook his head lightly, narrowing his eyes and said, "It's not really a memory, it's just a vague impression that I recalled recently. I don't know if it's an illusion, I think I might have been in Beihuang when I was alive Stayed for a longer period of time and had a more exciting life experience. Maybe, there are relatively important secrets of my life, which can fill those blanks in my brain."

"So, Mr. Fu, you want to go there to find your own traces,

Try to restore all the memories of your life? "

"This...forget it." The old Lich shook his head, and said unenthusiastically, "I don't know how long it has been since the time I lived in, and even the historical records don't exist anymore. What traces are left? But..."

The old Lich paused and said, "However, I vaguely remember that in my time in the Northern Wilderness, there were many tragic battles, and a large number of bones were buried underground in many areas. There are many high-level demonized creatures, If there is a chance to excavate the bones of powerful wizards and use them as raw materials to make spell puppets, the effect will be very good."

"So, do you have any opinion on going to the Northern Wilderness?"

"What can I say?"

"That's good." Li Cha nodded, "After a while, I will let you know when I really get there."


"Then...why would I trouble you to open the door and let me go out?" Finally, Li Cha stood in front of the door, looked at the old Lich and said.

The old Lich opened his mouth and said, "Okay."

He walked to the door with his mouth pursed, and skillfully tossed about again.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

"Crack clack clack clack!"

With a "squeak", the door finally opened after dozens of seconds, and Li Cha walked out.

The old Lich only said goodbye, then closed the door with a "bang", and then sealed the door again with a "crash".

After completely returning to its original appearance, the Lich old man breathed a sigh of relief, and then leaned his back against the door and said slowly, "Beihuang? Beihuang?"

After saying it twice, the expression on the old Lich's face changed twice.

To be honest, he felt that something important must have happened in the land of the Northern Wilderness during his lifetime, but he couldn't remember what it was.

"Damn it, that stupid head."

The old Lich hammered his head angrily, finally shook his head, gave up, no longer forced to recall, walked to the magic puppets lined up in the room with his mouth pursed, and stretched out his hand to count the points one by one.

For him, the Northern Wilderness and the memories of his life are a bit far away. It is a valuable thing to cooperate with Pandora to try to create a replica of the ancient "Futu".

And if this matter is to be successful, it is necessary to ensure that the magic puppet can no longer be lost.

"one two three……"

The old Lich spoke seriously, counting continuously, and at the end of the count, his expression became more exciting.

"Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine. Huh? Fifty-nine? Isn't it sixty-two? It's weird enough to lose one before and become sixty-one. Why are there two less in a blink of an eye now?" ?”

"Could it be that I really can't count? Or maybe I'm too old, accidentally counted wrongly? Well, count it again to make sure." The old Lich took a deep breath and counted for the second time.

"One, two, three...fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight...fifty-eight! less?!" The old Lich felt his tongue was a little knotted.

Even though he possessed great extraordinary power, he had never been afraid of angels in the Shambhala uranium mine scene, but now he couldn't help shrinking his neck a little, feeling a cold air rising from the soles of his feet along his spine.

Can't there really be ghosts?

No, absolutely not... The old Lich's voice trembled a little, and he forcibly stabilized, counting for the third time.

"One, two, three... fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven... five... fifty-seven?! Ah! fifty-seven!"


With a sound, the Lich old man slapped his hands on his head, and then grabbed the sparse gray hair like withered grass on his head, his face collapsed and his eyes were terrified.


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