Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1075 Sudden Irritability

Garden of Eden, in Pandora's study.

Pandora sat upright behind the desk, holding a quill and calculating some numbers on the papyrus—this was the second improved mathematical model of the collective spell puppet.

Although the mathematical model that was improved for the first time before can be used, she and the Lich old man have different opinions on some specific details, and they cannot convince each other. Therefore, she decided to rebuild a perfect mathematical model to completely convince the old Lich.


The tip of the quill pen dipped in black ink smoothly and quickly across the surface of the papyrus paper, outlining a series of smooth or zigzag line segments, and writing a series of numbers and arithmetic symbols, making the content on the paper more and more perfect. It was so full that it almost overflowed the paper.


In the end, a piece of paper was completely filled, and Pandora skillfully put the filled papyrus aside, took out a brand new papyrus and spread it in front of her, dipped the quill in the ink and continued writing .

The tip of the quill fell, and the distance between it and the new papyrus continued to shorten, and when it was about to touch, it stopped suddenly.

Pandora blinked her big eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly like the wings of a butterfly, and then she calmed down, looking at the quill she was holding, her brows were lightly frowned, revealing a look of disappointment.

very strange.

At this moment, Pandora felt very strange. She didn't know why. She was very motivated and enthusiastic to perfect the mathematical model, but suddenly she felt that it was not very interesting, and she couldn't get motivated at all.

Does she not want to persuade the old man Lich... no, she really wants to... but she just doesn't want to do it.

The ink on the quill tip slowly slides down under the action of gravity, like a drop of rain falling on the papyrus paper, dyeing a soybean-sized ink stain.

Pandora saw it, pursed her lips, put the quill pen into the simple wooden pen holder aside, crumpled the papyrus paper contaminated by ink stains, and threw it to the corner.


In the corner, the golden retriever dog was lying on the ground, drowsy because of boredom.

The ball of paper fell and hit it on the head, and then rolled aside.


The golden retriever rhubarb dog stood up, regained his energy, stuck out his long tongue, and spit it out several times. Looking at Pandora, I thought it was Pandora who was rarely in the mood to play games with it, and immediately jumped up and down with cheerful steps to catch up with the rolling paper ball.

Sniffing with his dark nose, he opened his mouth and carefully bit the ball of paper, wagging his tail, and walked to the table with small steps. He sneaked under the table, rubbed Pandora with his head, and put the ball of paper in Pandora's palm.

Pandora was propping her chin on the table at this time, lying on the table with her hands hanging down naturally, not paying attention to the golden retriever and rhubarb dog at all. Suddenly, I felt that my hand was touched, and the ball of paper I just threw back returned to my hand with some moisture.

He raised his head and looked under the table, only to see the golden retriever and rhubarb dog waiting for a reward.

The corners of Pandora's mouth slightly pulled down, and she whispered: "Little Bell, you'd better go and play by yourself, don't disturb me, let me be quiet."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and threw the ball of paper to a corner of the door.

Go play by yourself... Listen, is this something a dog can understand... The golden retriever and rhubarb dog didn't even bother to think about what Pandora was talking about. The arrow flew out, and he quickly calculated the movement trajectory of the paper ball in the air in his mind, and calculated the landing point of the paper ball.

The speed of the paper ball is 3m/s, the elevation angle is 15°, the acceleration of gravity is set to 9.8m/s, and the trajectory equation is established based on the starting point of the flight. After thinking so much, I just rushed towards the point of intuition according to my instinct.

It turns out that intuition without mathematical calculations can sometimes be just as useful. After all, in the badminton field, badminton players do not hold a piece of scratch paper and swing the racket while calculating the parabola.

The golden retriever dog pounced on the selected position, sat down, raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and the next moment the spinning paper ball fell into its mouth accurately.


The golden retriever dog barked excitedly, shook its tail like an electric fan, ran towards Pandora showing off, and sent the ball of paper to Pandora's hands for the second time.

"Wow, woof, woof, woof!" Come again, come again, see if I can jump up and catch the ball of paper.

Pandora pursed her lips and looked at the golden-haired rhubarb dog, and said a little unhappy: "Little Bell, I told you, let me be quiet for a while."

"Wow, woof, woof, woof!"


Looking at the golden-haired rhubarb dog who couldn't understand the words at all and only knew how to wag its tail, Pandora sighed, and thought for a moment to stand up.



Outside the door of Old Man Lich's warehouse, Li Cha couldn't help shaking his head when he saw that Old Man Lich shut the door impatiently as soon as he came out.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and walked towards the storage warehouse, planning to find Anan, the eight-armed skeleton, to learn more about the current situation.

After walking a few steps, I heard a "squeak" next to me, and saw Pandora pushing the door and coming out, followed by a golden-haired rhubarb dog wagging its tail wildly. His eyes kept looking at the paper ball in Pandora's hand. look.

Pandora walked out the door, glanced at the big yellow dog, bent down and clenched her fist and hit the ground with a "bang", creating a crater several centimeters deep.

With a sound of "click", a piece of soil was broken off from the wall of the pit, grabbed in the palm of the hand and squeezed vigorously until it was made into a ball as firm as an iron block, and then opened the paper ball and wrapped it in.

"You want to pick up a paper ball, right?" Pandora asked the golden retriever dog, "Then see if you can pick up this paper ball for me."

After finishing speaking, Pandora raised her arm, and with a sudden force, she threw out the stuffed paper ball in her hand with a "swoosh".

The paper ball is extremely fast, because the weight increases, the momentum increases, and the influence of air resistance is reduced. In the sound of breaking wind, it was like a small cannonball. It drew a perfect arc in the air, flew straight for a few hundred meters, passed many buildings in the Garden of Eden, fell towards the Tiankeng spell testing ground, and disappeared in the field of vision.

Pandora pointed, and said to the golden-haired rhubarb dog, "Okay, let's pick it up?"

Golden Retriever and Rhubarb Dog: "..." The dog's eyes widened, the wagging of the tail slowed down at first, and then lowered a little bit. The gaze revealed in the eyes seemed to say: Are you kidding me?

"Can't you?" Pandora asked.

The golden retriever and rhubarb dog looked at Pandora's appearance, and instantly felt that he was being despised. Under the urging of dignity, he barked a few times, raised his head and sniffed the subtle smell in the air, and searched for the distance, as if he wanted to prove himself.

Pandora watched the back of the golden retriever dog go away, let out a sigh of relief, did not show the joy after the prank, just sat down in front of the door with her mouth pursed, her hands wrapped around her knees, she didn't know what she was thinking.

From the looks of it, Pandora, who was originally dressed in purple, seemed to be dyed with a touch of melancholy blue at this time, a bit like a poor little match girl.


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