Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

The first thousand and eighty-eight chapters do not need to wait until the end

Time is passing fast.

Rommel stayed in the residence, and the night passed in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning of the next day, there was a knock on the door of the residence, and a moment later, Rommel opened it from the inside with a "squeak".

Glancing at Yinuo Gaowa standing outside the door, Rommel asked aloud, "What's the matter?"

"Director, Inspector Chekav asked Pompey for the files of all the members who had contact with Wizard Richard, including mine, look..." Yinuo Gaowa hesitated to ask for advice.

"Promise him." Rommel said very simply, and then asked, "Is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

"Then go." Rommel said, reaching out to close the door, suddenly thought of something, before closing the door, asked Yinuo Gaowa, "Has Wizard Richard ever been to the business site?"

"No." Yinuo Gaowa shook her head and suggested, "Should I send someone to check on him and remind him..."

"No need." Rommel refused, with a bit of self-confidence, "Wizard Richard is a smart man, I believe he will make the right choice. It's just because of his character, he may hesitate before making a choice." longer."


"Back off."



Rommel closed the door.


Time continued to pass, and not long after, the whole day passed, and it was evening.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

There was another knock on the door of Rommel's residence.

A few seconds later, there was a "squeak", and the door opened. Seeing Inokova outside, Rommel frowned slightly, and already had some guesses: "Chekav has a new request?"

"Yes." Yinuo Gaowa said, "He is asking for all the materials and spell scrolls that have been borrowed by Wizard Richard..."

"give him.

"Rommel said.


"Are you okay?"

"there is none left."

"Then Richard..." Rommel asked aloud, and saw Yinuo Gaowa's expression became clear just as he opened his mouth, he stopped and said, "Okay, I understand, you step back."



Soon, another night passed.

The third day dawned.


Yinuo Gaowa walked to the door of Rommel's residence and was about to knock on the door.

But this time, before the hand touched the door, there was a "squeak", and the door opened by itself from the inside.

Inside the door, Rommel's figure appeared. He seemed a little inexplicably restless, but he was under control.

Glancing at Yinuo Gaowa, Rommel didn't wait for Yinuo Gaowa to speak, and asked first: "Sorcerer Richard still hasn't been to the business site?"

"" Yinuo Gaowa shook her head.

"Okay, got it, you go down." Rommel waved his hand, and closed the door with a "bang".

Yinuo Gaowa was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was here on a serious matter, and hurriedly shouted to the door: "Director, Inspector Chekav, he wants information on the remaining branches of the Southern Freedom Federation..."

"Promise him!" Rommel's response came from inside the door, and the voice was a bit loud.

Yinuo Gaowa was taken aback, and after a while, she replied in a low voice: "Yes."

Turn around and leave.


After Yinuo Gaowa left, more than ten hours later, at dusk, she came back again.

She walked forward, hesitated a little, and didn't know how to report to Rommel, because Chekav's request escalated again, or even went too far, directly asking for Rommel's relevant information in the past year.

What is this for? Do you suspect that Rommel and Richard colluded? Really have doubts about Rommel's loyalty?

The more Yinuo Gaowa thought about it, the more angry she felt, and she quickened her steps to Rommel's residence, thinking whether it would be better to knock on the door softly, but found that the door of the residence was wide open in front of her eyes.

Inside the door, Rommel was sitting in the hall on the first floor, squinting at the dusk scenery outside the door. Compared with the irritability in the morning, he became very calm.

This is a good sign... Yinuo Gaowa stopped at the door, looked at Rommel with some surprises, and said, "Director, inspector Chekav..."

"Leave him alone." Rommel interrupted Yinuo Gaowa with a wave of his hand, and said calmly, "I will talk to him personally."

"That's good." Yinuo Gaowa breathed a sigh of relief, and said somewhat speculatively, "Could it be that Wizard Richard has come?"

"Actually, Richard hasn't been here yet." Rommel blinked and told the truth with a smile, "To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed."

"Huh?" Yinuo Gaowa was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that Rommel's smile was a little more daunting. She subconsciously took a step back and explained to Li Cha, "Maybe Wizard Li Cha wants to wait until the end." In a moment, I will give you an answer to the supervisor. After all, isn’t the deadline tomorrow, and now, it’s still one night away.”

"Will it?" Rommel asked back, continued to look at the dusk scenery outside the door, and said quietly, "I just thought that if Richard really didn't choose to believe in the true God until the last moment, then maybe he didn't have any Believed. Just like in battle, if the enemy does not surrender until the last moment, then he definitely does not really surrender.

Surrender was just his helpless choice, and it was an attempt by him to preserve the opportunity to try to resist. I would rather reject this kind of belief on behalf of the true God, because it is destined to be impure and impure—even if it is baptized, it may be polluted one day in the future. "

Pursing his lips, Rommel continued: "I gave Richard three days. My most optimistic estimate is that he will come to me after one night - because he is smart. And even if he is persistent, He should have come to see me this morning, but he didn't.

Maybe my eyesight is really poor, not as good as Lord Foehn. At the beginning, it took me only two hours to make the choice to believe in the true God, but now nearly fifty hours have passed. Maybe... I'm really wrong. "

"I was wrong." Rommel said with a smile, the corners of his mouth curled up at the same time.

Rommel smiled silently, and the more he smiled, the brighter he became.

Seeing it in her eyes, Yinuo Gaowa felt that her whole heart was suddenly grasped by an indescribable fear, her whole body couldn't help curling up, her hands were clenched tightly, and soon the palms were sweating profusely.

At this moment, Rommel obviously did not show any momentum, but Yinuo Gaowa felt extremely depressed, as if a mountain was pressing on her body, and she could hardly breathe and was about to suffocate.

In the end, Yinuo Gaowa's legs trembled, and she almost collapsed. She felt that the bones in her whole body were about to break, and said with a desperate expression: "Master, don't..."


As soon as Yinuo Gaowa's voice came out, Rommel's smile disappeared. Yinuo Gaowa felt that the discomfort disappeared together, and she sat on the ground panting heavily.

The scene was eerily quiet.

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