Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1089 Trial in absentia

A few seconds later, Rommel closed his eyes and opened them again, reverting to his usual appearance.

Glancing at Yinuo Gaowa, she said slowly: "I'm sorry, wizard Yinuo Gaowa, I lost my composure."

While talking, he walked up to Inogaova, stretched out a hand, pulled Inogova up, and said, "Where is Chekav now? Take me to see him, I want to talk to him. "


Inuo Gaowa made a sound like a broken bellows in her throat, and tried to breathe for a few seconds before feeling her strength recovering. She looked at Rommel and nodded, not daring to hesitate, "Yes."

Take a step forward and lead Rommel forward.


Ten minutes later.

In another part of Pompeii town, there was a knock on the door of an underground chamber.

"Tuk tuk!"


With a chilling sound, a stone door covered with moss opened from the inside, revealing Chekav's figure.

Looking over Chekaf's figure, he could see a bronze candlestick engraved with the lighting technique lighting up the room, and a table full of various materials - Chekav had been carefully browsing here for the past two days these materials.

Seeing Rommel, Chekhav was slightly taken aback, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Supervisor Rommel came to see me, is there something wrong? Is there something wrong with the application I just submitted to transfer your relevant information?"

"No problem." Rommel said, "If you want, I can give you all in a while. I came to you this time mainly to talk to you about the handling of Wizard Richard."

"Sorcerer Richard, deal with it?" Chekaf was keenly aware of the change in Rommel's words, his eyes widened a little, he was a little surprised, and then let out a narrow laugh, "Oh, what, Director Rommel, what are you doing now? Finally agree with me? Before, you still insisted that Wizard Richard is an excellent member, why..."

Rommel glanced at it, interrupted Chekav, and said in a cold tone: "Inspector Chekav, you can choose to mock my mistakes. If you want, I don't even mind if you It is your right to initiate an investigation with your loyalties.


Before you do anything or say anything, it's best to think about its subsequent impact, not just for quick words. Now, you can continue to finish what you were interrupted by me, or tell me if you want to cooperate with my next actions. "

Chekav was a little unconvinced. After all, Rommel took the initiative to find him, which already showed that he was the winner, and his suspicions all along were correct.

Since he is right, why bow his head?

He should be proud.

But under Rommel's gaze, Chekav felt a great pressure, and finally couldn't help but slowly lowered his head, panted heavily, and gritted his teeth; "Yes."

"Very good." Rommel nodded, turned and walked out, "Come with me."

Seeing Rommel's figure, Chekav bit his lip and followed.


Pompey Town, Residence No. 1248.

Before the demolition plan was stopped by Rommel, more than half of the stone buildings in the 12th district had been demolished, which resulted in a lot less stone buildings around the No. 1248 residence, which felt a bit lonely. Under the shroud of night, it looks like a small boat sailing in the vast ocean.

Inside the "boat", in the living room on the first floor, many candles were lit, and Li Cha was pacing.

He is thinking.

From the moment he made the decision to resist until now, for two days and two nights, he has been thinking about how to solve the difficult situation in front of him.

Now that he is ready to refuse to believe in the true God, the easiest solution is to be denied. It will be very difficult to ensure his own safety and leave Pompey smoothly as planned.

He has researched the warning spell set by Rommel. It goes directly into the ground, forming a closed sphere, and there are no loopholes to drill. At the same time, I also used a variety of spells to test the effect of warning spells, and I am not sure that I can leave in concealment—once I choose to escape at risk, I will definitely fall into an extremely dangerous and irreversible situation after being exposed.

But if you don’t take the risk of fleeing, there is no guarantee to use other methods to get through the difficulties in front of you. In the past two days, he has drawn up four different plans, each of which gives him a chance to leave Pompey safely. , no more than 50 percent.

In other words, no matter what he did, he had at least half the chance of confronting Rommel, Chekav, and all the Pompey wizards head-on.

So he was trying to delay time, and wanted to see if there were any other variables. Unless it was a last resort, he didn't want to use rough methods as a way to solve everything.

It is true that the three implosion atomic bombs gave him a strong trump card, but these three implosion atomic bombs were for research, not for killing people.

He just wanted to be a researcher, not a butcher.

If he chose the latter, he would be very distressed that the three implosion atomic bombs were not used in the right place.

But having said that, if the current form continues, he will eventually have to choose to take risks. No matter how distressed the implosion atomic bomb is, it must be used when it should be used.

Pace, keep pacing.


Li Cha walked towards a wall. Under the candlelight, the shadow falling on the ground became longer and longer, and the voice of talking to himself came out of his mouth.

"At present, the third plan seems to be the best. The probability of solving it without fighting can reach 45%. A crisis of confidence between the Freedom Federation Branch and the headquarters of the Truth Society. This can divert the danger, confuse the situation, and take the opportunity to escape.

It's just that before the implementation, how much trust Rommel can keep in himself is a question. One's own delay in answering will not unexpectedly cause the other party's resentment, disappointment and irritation. How much will the other party be annoyed? If you still retain a little idea of ​​persuading yourself, then the plan can proceed smoothly. If the other party is too annoyed and turns his face directly, the plan will be considered a failure, and it will directly jump to the second half of plan No. 4..."

"Then what will happen to the other party now?" Li Cha said to himself, and walked to the corner.

There was a wooden chair in the corner, and he turned and sat on it, leaning back against the back of the chair. He opened his eyes and thought for a while, then slowly closed his eyelids.



Business point, basement level.

In a rarely-known meeting hall, many wizards in Pompeii Town were summoned to participate in a trial meeting—a trial meeting in which the suspect was absent.

The person who presided over the trial was Chekav, standing at one end of the long conference table, and was telling the people participating in the meeting his suspicions and evidence in detail.

Rommel sat in a corner of the hall, far away from the conference table, quietly listening to Chekav's words, without expressing his position during the whole process, as if he was just listening in.


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