Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1099 Horror Blu-ray

Around Chekav, the other Truth Society wizards were not much better than Chekav.

Under the attack of the blue light, they were injured one after another. The stronger the strength, the more mana in the source of mana, and the more amazing the mana fluctuation, the more serious the injuries.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The screams of pain kept ringing out, looking around, it could be said that there is no worst but worse.

Luckier wizards are almost in the same state of vomiting blood as Chekav.

The unlucky wizard was accompanied by the shattering of the magic source, and the part of the body exploded with a "bang" - at least a fist-sized blood hole was opened on the body, and at the most severe, it was directly blown to pieces. a body.

The most unlucky wizards are still those who are far away from the square, come to support, and rise into the air. They had a good idea and were going to prevent Li Cha from breaking out from the air. But when he was suddenly attacked by blue light, it became a tragedy. The spell to maintain the floating was invalid, and he was seriously injured. Before he could react, he fell down screaming.


Accompanied by broken and elongated voices, they hurriedly ended their lives, not even leaving a whole body, a half body... or even a tenth of the body.

After all, although their floating heights are not very high, they are definitely not very low either. They are generally several hundred meters high, which is equivalent to committing suicide by jumping from a hundred-story building on Earth. Looking at it with the eyes, the scene looks like tomatoes falling one after another, which is horrible.

In short, it can be said that after the blue light swept across, it only took a very short time to completely change the situation on the ground in Pompeii Town.

Originally, Li Cha, who was extremely weak, was fighting against hundreds or thousands of elite wizards of the Society of Truth who were in full condition.

But now, it was Li Cha who was fighting against a group of wailing wounded ones.

This is equivalent to instantly adjusting the difficulty of a breakout game from the extremely difficult hell level to the extremely easy novice level.

This is the magical electromagnetic pulse power produced by nuclear weapons.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Li Cha suddenly understood why those people from Zhixushenhui used the magic-breaking ball to insidiously injure the wizards attending the meeting at the East Coast United Revenge Exchange Conference before, and then besieged them.

Because this kind of choice that can directly reduce the difficulty is really a bit refreshing.

The previous speculation was correct.

As long as it is used well, the magic electromagnetic pulse can exert a power that is not inferior to the nuclear weapon itself.

He likes this way of reducing the difficulty, but then again, the difficulty may be reduced, but the game of breaking through the level does not end directly - you still need to clear the level by yourself, or you still need to do it yourself.

So let's do it.

Li Cha took another breath, slowly stood up straight on the stone building, and looked at Chekaf.

After spitting out nearly half a bucket of blood, Chekav in the mine finally stabilized his body, pushed away the fallen wizards of the Order of Truth, and commanded the rest of the wizards who were in better condition.

The quality of the wizards of the Truth Society is extremely high, especially the members who came to Pompeii Town, none of them are ordinary. Although there was great panic after being attacked by blue light, under the command of Chekav, he slowly adjusted and reorganized the encirclement.

After doing this, Chekaf looked at Li Cha, and asked in a hoarse voice: "You... What did you do just now?"

"I just did a trivial thing for my breakthrough." Li Cha said softly.

"Small matter?" Chekav's tone turned cold, "Do as you please. Maybe you do have some amazing means that we don't know, which can cause us all to suffer serious injuries, but now remove 30% of the seriously injured and dead people, we You can still organize hundreds of wizards to stop you.

You know, you are only one person, one person! Our number is hundreds of times that of yours. Even if we take turns fighting with you, we can exhaust you to death. Besides, you have exhausted almost all of your mana now, and you are in a weak state. It is impossible to recover quickly in a short period of time, and you are not much better than our injured members. Therefore, it is impossible for you to break through. "

"Who said that?" Li Cha chuckled, "Who said that my weak state cannot be recovered quickly? Who said that I have only one person?"

"Huh?" Chekav stared.

Li Cha didn't explain any more, just flipped his hand, and there was a black short staff in his hand - the energy storage short staff obtained from the treasure of the Black Spirit King, hold it firmly, and quickly absorb free energy from it. source.

Then the other hand turned over again, and a black suitcase appeared in the hand, which was placed flat on the top of the stone building, opened it, and said to the inside: "Pandora, Mr. Afu, Master Anan, come out, come here!" It's time for you to play."

As soon as the words fell, many figures walked out.

The first one is Pandora, wearing a purple dress, holding a nearly three-meter-long tin wood in both hands, with an eager expression on her face, and she keeps looking at the wizards of the Society of Truth around her, as if she is picking the first target to attack.

Followed by the old Lich, wearing a large black robe and holding a black scythe with condensed energy, his body is surrounded by black energy, like the god of death coming again.

Behind them are the spell puppets of the Lich Old Man, who walked out one by one in a line, all about the height of one person, with dark fire rising from their eye sockets, looking not to be trifled with.

At the end is Anan, the eight-armed skeleton.

Anan didn't look very majestic, and he was dragged behind the last magic puppet. Those who didn't know thought he was a member of the Lich Old Man's puppet army.

As soon as these figures appeared, they filled the entire top of the stone building, and the overall momentum was substantially improved compared to that of Li Cha who was alone before.

Chekaf looked at it, his eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly recalled his experience in the mine, seeing familiar faces like Pandora and the Lich old man, he belatedly said in a low voice: "Well, well, I remember Wake up, you... are indeed not alone."

"Then you still insist now, is it impossible for me to break through?" Li Cha looked at Chekaf and asked.

Chekav's eyes were gloomy, and he listened to the words without giving a reply.

Li Cha didn't wait much, and said, "Are you not sure? Well, let's prove it with facts."


With a sound, Li Cha took out a mask from the space iron ring—the mask of the Black Spirit King and put it on his face. The last remaining energy in the mask poured into his body, his body muscles bulged slightly, and his aura was overwhelming. Yisheng.


There was another sound, and Li Cha took out a brand-new world-destroying glove from the space iron ring, and replaced it with the previous one, with a sharp momentum.


Li Cha raised his hand and said to Pandora, the Lich Old Man, and the Eight-armed Skeleton: "Let's start. The goal is to get out of here. If anyone blocks it, we will solve it all."

"No problem." Pandora said seriously.

"Okay." The old lich nodded.

"..." The ghostly flames in the eye sockets of the eight-armed skull rose and gradually became golden.

"Do it!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Cha took the lead and jumped down the stone building, and began to attack, followed by Pandora and others.

Chekav saw it, gritted his teeth, and shouted with all his strength: "Stop him!"


Wizards who were still able to fight all over Pompeii Town poured in one after another, unleashing their spells, frantically venting their destructive power in an attempt to stop Richard.

The earthquake that was originally caused by the atomic bomb suddenly intensified at this moment.

On the constantly shaking ground, the battle reached a fever pitch right from the start.


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