Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1100 The battle on the verge of a volcanic eruption

The battle is going on, the scene is chaotic, and the vibration of the ground continues to intensify...

Due to the continuous release of the power of the detonated atomic bomb at a depth of more than 200 meters above the ground, and due to the slow awakening of Mount Vesuvidak under the strong stimulation of the atomic bomb, with the No. 12 area of ​​Pompeii Town as the center, a more and more A large pit is being formed, swallowing everything on the ground like a black hole.

More and more ground began to churn, as if there were huge reptiles moving under the surface, and the buildings in the entire Pompeii town began to tilt, shift, and even crack and collapse.

Fortunately, the release of this power is far less swift and rapid than the triggering of the atomic bomb. It is a relatively long process. Compared with the tremor, the time is nine, ten, or even eleven orders of magnitude slower.

This allowed the wizards who were injured on the ground in Pompeii town to still be able to react. While dodging various dangers brought about by the terrain changes, they shot at Richard and his party who were trying to break through.

Moments after the battle broke out.

"Ka Ka Ka."

On one side of the square, a four-story stone building kept leaning to one side with harsh sounds, and finally hit the square with a "boom".

A large amount of dust was raised, and following this cover, three wizards appeared quietly, aiming at the rear of Li Cha and his party, quietly preparing spells in an attempt to sneak attack.

It can be seen with the naked eye that in the dust, several black corrosive energy arrows more than half a meter long solidify and take shape little by little, and they are about to be completed.

At this moment, Pandora, who was about to step out of the square behind Li Cha's breakout team, noticed something, and suddenly looked up at the three figures looming in the dust. Without any hesitation, Pandora slammed the tinwood she held in both hands, controlled the front of the tinwood trunk, and hit a big rock not far away.

The stone rolled over during the collapse of another stone building. It was as tall as a person and weighed a thousand kilograms. It was hit by Pandora and flew straight up. Like a stone spirit with invisible wings, or like a huge baseball being beaten into the air, it made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, roaring and smashing into the dust.

The three wizards who were trying to sneak attack were shocked and responded quickly.

One of them reacted the fastest, immediately stopped the spell, and dodged to the side with all his strength.

The other two reacted a little slower, and waited until their companions dodged before remembering to stop the spell, and then tried to cast spell defense.

As a result, the defensive spell has not been released yet,

The gigantic boulder magnified sharply in their field of vision, hit them heavily, and flew out with them.

"Ah! Ah!"

Two screams sounded.

Following the screams, there was also Ximu's voice.

After being used by Pandora to fly stones, Ximu yelled slightly dissatisfied: "Hey, little girl, can you be gentle! You told me before, let that kid Li Cha reduce my contract period by one year , I agreed to be your weapon.

But as a weapon, I can only use it to hit people, not stones—although my body is strong, it is not completely invulnerable. So if you use me to hit rocks again, or do other things beyond the promise, you must reduce me more contract period. "

"Understood, I will tell Richard." Pandora responded nonchalantly after hearing this, her eyes kept staring at the dust that the stone flew past.

It seems that only two people have been dealt with, and the other one has escaped... That won't work, they have to be dealt with... Pandora thought about it, raised her eyebrows, and was about to rush out with Tin Wood in her arms. The next moment, Li Cha grabbed his shoulder and pressed In place.

"Don't run around, break out from the east, isn't this what I told you a long time ago." Li Cha reminded.

"But—" Pandora pointed in the direction of Dust, and said seriously, "But there are still enemies over there, and they tried to sneak attack just now, so we can't let him go."

"Don't worry." Li Cha said lightly, flipped his hand, and didn't see what was going on, and two red lights flew out whistling—they were two miniature spell-seeking missiles of the latest model.


Two miniature spell-seeking missiles quickly spanned the entire square and flew into the dust.

The wizard, who had evaded the Pandora stone attack wittily before, was trying to investigate the situation on the battlefield at this time, when he saw two red arrows approaching rapidly, and then turned into two huge fireballs and exploded, the whole world was silent.

"Okay, there are no enemies now, follow me and continue to break through to the east." Li Cha said to Pandora.

"Oh." Pandora looked away, nodded, obediently hugged Ximu, and rushed towards the east.

At this time, the Lich Old Man had already wiped out a large group of enemies at the forefront.

Facing the seriously injured wizard of the Truth Society, the Lich old man was not polite, and used all his strength to avenge the hatred of being beaten by Chekaf in the mine.

The huge black sickle with condensed energy kept waving, chopping away a blocked Truth Society wizard.

A wizard farther away tried to launch a sneak attack with a cold arrow. After being spotted by the old Lich, he sneered, grabbed it with his backhand, and swung it again. A magic puppet flew out and hit the wizard who shot the cold arrow heavily.

Before the wizard who shot the cold arrow got up, the magic puppet that hit it had already pulled out his two ribs, like two stabbing swords, and pierced into the wizard's body with a "poof". After stabbing in, he stirred it carefully like making coffee, which made the wizard, who was already seriously injured, die immediately.

The ghostly fire in the eye sockets of Spell Skull's Eye rose a few times, confirming that the wizard was dead, retracted his ribs, installed them on his body, got up and independently chose the target to approach.

On the side, there were two "bang bangs", and two new spell puppets were "thrown" out by the Lich old man. The two spell puppets moved closer to each other, quickly fused, and were promoted to a larger spell puppets, which matched the first spell puppets. Skeletons attack enemies.

The target of the attack was an injured third-level wizard.

The strength of this third-level wizard can be ranked among the top 100 in Pompeii Town, so he can be regarded as a small master. However, in the previous elemental tide, he was seriously injured, survived by chance, and lost most of his strength. Seeing the magic skeleton approaching him, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

But it's just nervous, not desperate.

As a third-level wizard, even if he is injured and dying, he still has a certain counterattack power. It is impossible to defeat a few magic puppets. Seeing the magic skeleton getting closer and closer to him, the third-level wizard slowly raised his numb right hand, and a cloud of sharply compressed air condensed in his palm.

"Three, two, one..."

The third-level wizard counted silently in his heart, and when he saw the magic puppet approaching less than ten meters away from him, his eyes shrank.

"It's now!"

The third-level wizard shouted in his heart, raising his hand to shoot out the powerful air missile in his heart.

But as soon as the hand was raised halfway, the whole person froze, his eyes stared, and his gaze was frozen. The body swayed, and with a "plop", he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

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