Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1102: The sky is full of flames


The cyan flame made a sharp whistling sound, getting closer and closer, and in the blink of an eye, it reached a place less than ten meters behind Li Cha.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes, felt the scorching pain behind his back, and stopped suddenly in the air. The golden light burst out from the heart of the right hand, condensing into a huge golden energy shield, and slapped heavily on the flying turquoise flame.


The shield surface of the energy shield came into contact with the cyan flame, and the cyan flame was suddenly deformed and exploded under the pressure, turning into countless fine flames flying in all directions, and then extinguished.

The energy shield fluctuated for a while, its luster was slightly dimmed, and it returned to normal after a while.

Li Cha didn't stop. He just extinguished the blue flame with the shield in his right hand, and the same golden light erupted in the palm of his left hand, condensing into four golden energy spears in a row, and threw them at the chasing Chekav four people one by one. .

"Swipe, swipe, swipe!"

Four energy spears flew out, making Chekav and the others vigilant, not daring to be careless, each showing its ability to deal with it.

Some dodged, some used spell shields to fight hard, and some misdirected the energy spear to deflect the attack direction. Finally, after a lot of effort, they all successfully resolved the danger and hovered hundreds of meters away. confrontation.

They have fully seen the power of Li Cha's exterminating glove, and saw many companions die tragically under Li Cha's "movement", and they don't want to make the same mistakes again, so they dare not get too close and be instantly killed without reacting. But they didn't dare to let Li Cha go just like that, otherwise the anger from the headquarters would not be something they could bear, so they could only bite the bullet and try to entangle Li Cha.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

Li Cha frowned, somewhat aware of the state of mind of Chekav and the others.

He understood the "stalking" of the four Chekav. After all, he has been in the Truth Society for such a long time, even if he has been "staying at home" doing research, he has some understanding of the way the members of the Truth Society do things.

It's just that understanding is one thing, and cooperation is another.

He didn't want to cooperate, and he didn't have time to cooperate.

He was not sure whether the members of the Truth Society in Pompeii Town sent a distress signal to the headquarters and other branches of the Truth Society in the communication shielding environment caused by the magic electromagnetic pulse.

But whether he succeeded in sending the signal or not, he didn't want to take any chances.

What he wants most now is to leave Pompeii safely with the remaining two atomic bombs, go to the Northern Wilderness to conduct explosive tests, collect data, and conduct research, the sooner the better, instead of staring at Chekav and the others Small eyes froze in mid-air.


Taking a deep breath, Li Cha glanced at Chekav and the other four who were hundreds of meters away, who had not approached for a long time, and made a decision in his mind.

Without hesitation, all the remaining energy in the Black Spirit King's mask was poured into the body. The next moment, the whole body was wrapped in rich gray energy, and the whole person flew straight upwards like a rocket.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he reached an altitude of more than a thousand meters, and continued to rise.

The four of Chekaf were stunned for a moment, and then quickly looked at each other. Chekaf decided aloud: "Chasing."

After hearing this, the other three did not hesitate, and each cast their spells,

Different rays of light emanated from the surface of the body, and together with Chekav, they chased towards Li Cha, chasing higher and higher.

One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters!

After a while, the four of them chased Li Cha to an altitude of three thousand meters.

Li Cha didn't show any signs of stopping, and continued to rise.

Chekav and the others looked a little surprised. Even though all four of them were very strong, the altitude of 3,000 meters made them feel more or less uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, Li Cha was still insisting on raising the altitude.

What is this for? Want to rise to the sun?

But we have already chased here, and there is no possibility of giving up halfway, Chekaf gritted his teeth and said: "Keep chasing!"

"Okay." The other three responded, and the light from their bodies became brighter, and they followed Li Cha's body and flew into the higher air.

Then 4,000 meters, 5,000 meters, 6,000 meters...

After a while, when they reached an altitude of 6,000 meters, the faces of Chekav and the others turned pale. On the one hand, it was caused by the injuries caused by the previous magic electromagnetic pulse, on the other hand, it was caused by a short-term rapid rise, and the consumption was too high, and the last one was the unsuitability to high altitudes.

This is six kilometers!

Now if there is an accident and falls to the ground, it will definitely be difficult to find even a single bone-it will be broken into slag.

With this thought in mind, the four raised their heads slightly and looked up, couldn't help but widen their eyes, and saw that Li Cha was still rising.

It's not over, right... The four of them came up with this idea almost at the same time, a little annoyed in their fatigue, and a little frustrated in their anger.

what to do? Do you want to keep chasing it?

Continue to chase, whether the body can hold it is another matter, but Li Cha has not stopped, which makes people desperate.

It was Chekaf who set an example, gritted his teeth, stared at Li Cha's figure and said, "We must catch up with him!"

After the words fell, he spit out the wind that poured into his mouth in a "bah", and his cold face exploded to catch up with Li Cha.

The other three people exchanged a wink, followed and rose helplessly, getting higher and higher.

Seven thousand meters, eight thousand meters, nine thousand meters...

Ten thousand meters!

Not long after, Chekav and the others chased Li Cha to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and Li Cha was even above them.

How tall?

Ten thousand and five hundred meters?

Eleven kilometers?

Or 12,000 meters?

Chekav and the others didn't want to think about it anymore, they just mechanically squeezed the mana in the body to continue to rise.

At an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, at the top of the troposphere, the temperature dropped sharply, reaching tens of degrees below zero. The four of Chekav had to use a lot of magic power to fight the severe cold so as not to freeze themselves.

It's nothing, the most important thing is the strong wind at high altitude.

The extremely strong wind constantly disturbed their bodies, making it almost impossible for them to keep their balance. If they were not careful, they would fly off, and they had to use all their strength to ensure that they went straight up.

If they go up a few thousand meters at most, they won't be able to hold on anymore. Couldn't Li Cha just want to use this method to get rid of them? But, can Li Cha guarantee to rise to that height?

Chekaf stared at Li Cha and couldn't help thinking.

As soon as he thought of this, his eyes narrowed suddenly. Li Cha, who was rising above his head, suddenly stopped, turned around and glanced at the few of them, and then raised his hand, a lot of red light burst out.



In the red light, nearly a hundred of the remaining miniature spell-seeking missiles in Richard's space iron ring were almost all released, and they were activated in a very short time, bombarding Chekav and the others with a very high density.

Chekav and the others are struggling to maintain their elevated status at this time.

Under full force, like a fighter plane trying to climb, its movements are stiff, its maneuverability is extremely poor, and it is almost impossible to dodge. So, almost as soon as Chekav and the others reacted, they faced this spectacular attack head-on.

In an instant, flames exploded all over the sky, and the entire sky was brightened, almost covering the sun's rays.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"



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