Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1103 Tracking Curse


Suspended at an altitude of 11,000 meters, Li Cha let out a light breath. As soon as the qi left the body more than ten centimeters, it instantly froze into ice crystals, and fell downward with a "crash clatter", falling into a sea of ​​flames.

In Li Cha's field of vision, the flames from the explosion of nearly a hundred miniature spell-tracking missiles continued to rise, completely engulfing the four figures of Chekav.

This should be resolved... Li Cha raised his eyebrows slightly thinking that, in his opinion, even if the miniature magic tracking missiles cannot kill Chekav and the others, they will lose most of their combat effectiveness, and they will no longer be able to track him— —After all, the four of them were seriously injured before they took off.

It should be safe to leave.

Li Cha's expression softened a bit, watching the flames below slowly falling towards the ground like a burning cloud, the four figures of Chekav hadn't appeared for a long time, they turned around and were about to leave.

As a result, when he turned around, he caught something out of the corner of his eye, stopped moving, and opened his eyes slightly.

All he saw was a figure rushing out of the flames and approaching him at high speed. It was Chekav.

At this time, Chekav's appearance was very miserable, almost the same as when he came from heaven. The clothes all over his body were burned, his skin was scorched, and his face was bloody and bloody. The eyes were wide open, covered with blood, the lips were split, and the blood-oozing teeth were clenched together, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

His throat had been burned due to the scorching air he breathed in, and he could only make a vague sound. A hand stretched out, the scorched skin cracked, and blood flowed from the crack. After that, a large number of granulation sprouted, trying to heal. This is the special ability of the body in the kingdom of heaven, but it is already very weak at this time, and it cannot change anything.

Li Cha could see that at this moment Chekav's eyes were extremely resentful and determined, almost with the thought of dying together, squeezing the last of his strength to rush towards him, wanting to attack him.

But according to the opponent's state, even if he really attacked, there shouldn't be much threat to him, at most it's just a slap in the face.

So, is this the opponent's last stubbornness... Li Cha twitched the corner of his mouth, raised his right hand slightly, pointed the world-exterminating glove at Chekav who was rushing forward, and prepared to completely end the opponent.

But just before activating Mieshi's gloves, he had a thought. Feeling that there were not enough free energy elements in the law source, he flipped his hand, put away the gloves of Mieshi, and took out the one-hit killing staff that hadn't been used for a long time.

Holding the blood-red one-hit killing staff in his hand, he aimed at Chekaf who was approaching him. The free energy elements in the magic source gushed out, and then a blood light flew out, hitting Chekaf's body.


A fist-sized blood hole exploded in Chekav's chest, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and all the internal organs in the chest cavity were destroyed.

Chekaf was severely injured, his eyes widened suddenly, his whole body trembled, and he stopped in the air, then his eyes closed little by little, and he slowly fell downwards.



Li Cha took a silent look and started to turn around.

Before his body could turn around completely, the falling Chekav suddenly opened his eyes, a strong wave of mana erupted from his body, pulling out a series of afterimages and pounced on him again. A pair of eyes were almost cracked, and there was both anger and cunning in the eyes.

Li Cha noticed Chekav's sneak attack, and a golden light quickly appeared on the surface of his body.

The armor of Achilles covers the whole body for defense.

But it didn't seem to work, Chekaf rushed forward, hugged Li Cha's left arm, opened his mouth and bit down hard. The teeth were like nails, directly piercing through the defense of Achilles' armor and biting into the flesh.

Li Cha felt the pain nerves were stimulated severely, raised his eyebrows, and punched Chekav hard on the head with his right hand, almost breaking the opponent's neck and sending him flying.


Chekav, who flew out, didn't feel any frustration. He stretched out his hand to break his crooked neck, and let out a triumphant laugh instead.

"Hahaha, boy, you're finished." Chekaf looked over and shouted loudly with blood oozing from his teeth, "Do you think you can really escape? Impossible! The bite I just bit, although it didn't It caused fatal damage to you, but it put a curse of the divination system on you.

As long as I don't die, then no matter how far you escape, I will feel it, and I will find a way to lead people from the Truth Society to find you and kill you. "

When Li Cha heard this, his eyebrows frowned, and he looked at the place where Chekav bit him, and saw that the wound was bloody and fleshy, and there were four small round holes that looked like bitten by a poisonous snake. Surrounding the four round holes, dark red lines quickly appeared on the surface of the surrounding skin, covering the entire arm almost in the blink of an eye, forming an abstract pattern similar to vines, which is very strange.

From this point of view, what Chekav said has a high probability of being true.


Li Cha looked at Chekaf with murderous intent, turned his hand over, and took out Mieshi's glove and put it on his right hand again.

He didn't use it just now because he wanted to save energy, which resulted in a mistake. It’s never too late to fix the problem, so doubly fix it now.

Thinking of this, Li Cha was about to make a move, then narrowed his eyes.

It can be seen that Chekav seems to have retreated into the distance as expected. At the same time, the back split open with a "stab", and a pair of feathered wings emerged. The wings flickered quickly, and it took a few moments to reach a few hundred meters away, and was shaking quickly and irregularly to prevent it from being locked.

"You really want to kill me right now, kid!" Chekav's voice came, with a hint of sarcasm and seduction in his words, "Yes, you must really want to kill me. Because, the only way to kill me is to kill me." Me, the curse on you can only be removed, and you can be out of danger, or you will be hunted down by the Society of Truth for the rest of your life.

However, it is not easy to kill me, just like I was chasing you with the other people just now - now the situation is reversed, you have to catch up with me first, and then use your weird glove attack to lock me, only then can you kill me. may achieve your goal. If you really want to do this, follow me back to Pompeii on the surface, and I will wait for you there with the rest! Waiting for you, ha ha ha! "

As he spoke, the wings on Chekaf's back kept waving, and while continuing to shake irregularly, his body dropped rapidly, falling towards Pompey.

Li Cha looked at it and was sure it was difficult to lock it. He slowly lowered his raised right hand, and his face sank along with it.

He now understands Chekav's idea, which is to try every means to drag him to Pompey, and then find an opportunity to kill him.

After all, Pompey is the opponent's home court and can exert his greatest strength.

In order to achieve this goal, the opponent kept organizing defensive lines to block him before, and when he couldn't stop him, the opponent tried to curse him again.

Once he returns to Pompey in order to kill the opponent and lift the curse, the opponent will reorganize the defense line to fight against him and reproduce the previous scene.

In this way, he undoubtedly fell into the trap of the other party.

But if you ignore it and just turn around and leave, the matter of cursing is indeed difficult to deal with.

To be honest, although he was sure that the curse was on him, he was not sure if the effect of the curse would be the same as what the other party said.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be risky, and he can't bear the risk of guessing wrong.

So what to do...

Li Cha looked down at the ground with his face sinking like water.


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