five minutes later.

Fifteen miles south of Pompeii.

Nagarjuna and Zonghu appeared in an "absolutely safe" location away from Pompey.

Neither of them spoke, and their expressions were a little ugly.

Among them, Zong Hu squatted on the ground, grasping his left hand with his right hand, and could see that the entire palm of his left hand was covered by a cloud of dark gray energy. The energy continuously eroded the flesh and blood, causing the skin to carbonize and peel off little by little. At this time, Zonghu used his power to try to expel the energy, but because the energy is very special, the efficiency is not high, so he can only operate slowly patiently.

As for Nagarjuna, he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, and everything in his body was normal. At this time, he looked at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, looking at the sky blackened by more and more volcanic ash, as if he was looking at a beautiful oil painting - only in this way can he control the blood in his nasal cavity from flowing out.

After more than ten seconds, Longjun felt that he had finally removed the lump of energy in his nasal cavity and healed the wound successfully. He sniffed his nose with a "prickly" sound, and then looked down at Zonghu.

Zong Hu also stood up at this time, looked over angrily, and said: "This time, it is entirely your responsibility. You have to explain it to the adults yourself."

"I..." Longshu opened his mouth to defend, but seeing Zonghu's expression of wanting to hit someone, he spread his hands and said, "Okay, okay, it's my fault. I didn't think of it, who I know that there are still monsters hidden in the volcano."

"That's not a monster, I think it's a person." Zong Hu said with a dark face, "If I guess correctly, it should be a person who was seriously injured and near death. Fortunately, the other party was seriously injured and near death , have no intention of fighting with us, otherwise our fate will definitely be more serious than now."

"The other party is a human?" Nagarjuna was stunned, and frowned, "It shouldn't be. If the other party is a human being, seriously injured and close to death, and can suppress our two fourth-level wizards, what level of full strength must the other party have? ?

Could it really be those old monsters who secretly broke through to the fifth-level wizard in the legend? But, what are those old monsters doing instead of hiding in their secret rooms and running into the volcano? For free heating? It's only September, and it's not too cold..."

"Okay." Zong Hu interrupted Nagarjuna funny and angrily, "I have some doubts about this, and I can't be 100% sure. But no matter what, you can tell the situation to the adults, and the adults will naturally know how to deal with it."

"Okay." Nagarjun replied sullenly, then realized something, looked at Zonghu and asked, "What about you? Listen to what you mean, are you going to go back with me to see the lord?"

"I just thought,

There is another small task to supervise the execution, and then go back after the execution is completed. "

"True or not? You didn't just push me away and just goof off..." Nagarjuna said suspiciously, then met Zonghu's staring eyes.

"Okay." Nagarjuna made a gesture of surrender, "I'm just joking. You have a task, so go and do it, and I'll go back right away."

While speaking, Nagarjuna turned around and left. Zonghu said worriedly behind him: "Don't go back to the volcano again, or if something happens again, no one can save you."


Longshu responded impatiently, stepped on his feet, flew into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the northern sky.

Zong Hu withdrew his gaze and flew towards the south.


On this day, the sun quietly crossed the center line in the sky and set in the west.

Afternoon, near dusk.

Outside Jialan City, Blue Lake Manor.

In a side building of the manor, the butler, Jia Lie, came out and walked towards the stables in the distance. First, I checked the condition of the horses to see if they were sick, and then checked the forage warehouse to see if there were any potential fire hazards.

Although it was already September and the weather was getting cooler, the air was getting drier. A single spark could cause a raging fire, and a single mistake could lead to the destruction of the entire manor.

For Galliet, he cherishes the hard-won opportunity to be a housekeeper very much. He knows that with his ability, it is difficult to be a housekeeper assistant in other noble families, so he works very hard and does not want to make mistakes. ——Li Cha was disappointed.

So, he walked around the manor for a long time, making sure that there were no problems in the stables, barn, kitchen, etc., before walking back to his room.

There was still some time before dinner, so he decided to calculate today's expenses before eating.

It seems that Master Li Cha hasn't come back for a while, and he doesn't know how Master Li Cha is doing now... Thinking about it, Galie stretched out his hand to open the door and walked into his room. As soon as he walked in, his eyes swept away, and he couldn't help being taken aback, and saw a letter suddenly appearing on the table in the room.

This is……

Gallie blinked. He remembered clearly that the table was empty before he left. Could it be that during this time, someone entered his room and put down this letter?

With a bit of surprise, Jia Lie walked to the table, opened the letter carefully, and looked at the contents on the letter paper.

The content of the letter is relatively concise, probably because his literacy level is not very high, and he doesn't have any complicated vocabulary, so he can fully understand it.

After understanding it, the added table becomes extremely complicated.

The letter was written in the name of Li Cha. Li Cha said that due to some special circumstances, he would be away for a long time, ranging from a year to a few years.

Li Cha told him that during the short time he was away, he had several different choices.

The first option is to disband all the manor staff, and leave together with the manor staff with the severance pay they have prepared long ago—the amount will not be small, and it can guarantee at least the next few years of life.

The second choice is to continue to be his housekeeper and use the money left to maintain the normal operation of the manor. This will have certain risks and will be difficult. However, when Li Cha comes back, he will definitely give rewards corresponding to his efforts.

Correspondingly, there is also a third option, which is to sell the manor, embezzle the property, and die in exile. In this way, there must be punishment.

So which one to choose?

After reading it, Jialie thought for a long time in silence.

As for the third choice, he didn't have the guts to choose, he was hesitant to choose the first or the second.

He tends to choose the second option, as he said before, he cherishes the opportunity to be a housekeeper. However, Li Cha was going to leave for a year or even several years this time, which made him a little bit emboldened.

Without Richard's support, after a long time, can he control the rest of the manor? Can he deal with all kinds of troubles in the future? Most importantly, can he really guarantee that after a few years, he can hand over an intact or even better manor to Richard?

If he can't, he might as well choose the first one.

Thinking about it, Jia Lie dragged out the brazier from a corner of the room, quickly burned the letter paper and envelope into ashes, poured water on it and stirred it with a wooden stick a few times, making sure that no one could see it——Richard’s request on the letter paper one.

Li Cha said that after reading the letter, no matter what choice he made, he would burn the letter immediately. Also, do not mention this letter to anyone. If someone asks about Li Cha's whereabouts, there's no need to hide it, and they will all truthfully say that they don't know—and they really don't know, after all, it wasn't mentioned in the letter.

So, which one should you choose?

Gale stared at the ashes that were crushed in the brazier and floating in the water, thinking for a long time.

Finally, he took a deep breath, turned and walked out.

tech wizard

tech wizard

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