Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1111: The Steward

Ten minutes later.

On the open space in front of the main building of the Blue Lake Manor.

Jialie glanced at the servants standing in two rows, counted silently in his heart, and found that one person was missing, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who didn't come?"

"Blair didn't come." Someone whispered back.

"Blair..." Gallet repeated the name again, his brows furrowed uncontrollably.

He is naturally familiar with Blair. After all, there are many people in the manor who say a lot, and there are not many people who say a lot. He can call them by name. In fact, he knows more about Blair than he does about the rest.

Because in the manor, Blair can be regarded as a thorn in the side, and he doesn't work very hard at ordinary times, and keeps stealing and cheating, using various reasons as excuses.

And he looked down on him as a housekeeper, probably because he was a descendant of a down-and-out aristocrat. The other party was literate and his level was higher than his. I always feel that he is not qualified to manage the other party. The reason why he can become Master Li Cha's butler is purely because of luck. The real butler is almost as good as the other party.

Because of this situation, he wanted to put forward his opinion to Richard many times and get Blair fired. But Li Cha is busy every day, it is difficult for him to find a suitable opportunity, and more or less feels in his heart that although Blair is bad, it has not reached the point of being unbearable, and it has been delayed until now.

Today, however, is different.

From now on, everything will be different.

He, Gallet, will make every effort to be a qualified housekeeper.

In order to better maintain the manor, he wants to save every penny. A second-rate gardener like Blair doesn't have many technical requirements, so he can be laid off and let other people do the same job, which can save a lot of salary. If it doesn't work, a better gardener can be rehired.

Thinking of this, Gallet opened his mouth and ordered a male servant at the front of the line: "Peter, go find Blair. Tell him, since he didn't come, then never come - he was fired, Let him pack his things and leave the manor before dark today."

"Ah!" The manservant who was ordered by Jialie was stunned for a moment, surprised at Jialie's completely different sternness from usual, for a while, he didn't know whether he should obey orders, or give Jialie a step to withdraw the order?

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and a figure turned from a corner not far away,

Walking over with some lazy steps, it was Blair.

From the looks of it, the other party was in his twenties, his hair was a little messy, but his face was handsome, and his sky blue eyes had the unique temperament of an aristocrat, making him more noble than Jialie.

The other party obviously heard what Jialie said just now, but he didn't panic. Under the gaze of everyone, he walked closer to the team, looked at Jialie and said, "Housekeeper, you seem to say that you want to fire me? Why? You can't just because Am I late?

I can't blame me for this, and I don't want to do this, but I really have nothing to do with the sudden diarrhea. You can't make me hold back and come here, so what if I can't help it? I have nothing to be ashamed of, I'm just afraid of getting smoked by you, butler, I'm thinking of you, butler. "

After hearing what Blair said, the servants of the manor couldn't help a low laugh, and Gallie's expression was ugly - it was obvious that Blair was teasing him, the housekeeper, in his usual way.

Of course he can refute the other party, such as questioning why the other party has diarrhea. Everyone in the entire manor ate the same meal, and it was impossible for only one person to have an upset stomach.

But according to experience, if he is really like this, under the eloquence of the other party, the debate will eventually be distorted to a completely irrelevant topic, so that the so-called punishment will not go away-in this respect, Blair is indeed smarter than him .

However, today, I am not going to make the same mistake again.

Amidst the low laughter of the manor servants, Gallie closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them, looking straight at Blair with sharp eyes.

"Blair, I fired you, of course not because you were late. Everyone in our manor will make some mistakes. If I am fired just because of a small mistake, then I will be fired many times.

Actually, you were fired because of other things like you didn't work hard, you didn't listen to management, you caused trouble, you molested the maid, you got into multiple fights with the rest of the valets.

Of course, the most important reason is that you make me very dissatisfied. I am the steward. Master Richard has given me the power to manage the entire manor. In his absence, I have the right to fire anyone. Well, I will fire you now.

Yes, it is because you make me dissatisfied, and I have the power to fire you, so you are fired. No need to say anything more, I won't change my mind, just pack up and go, your salary will be counted to you. "

"Gallie, you!" Blair suddenly panicked and stared at Gallie. He really didn't expect that Gallie would change his usual weakness, which was beyond his expectation.

"No, Gallet, you can't fire me!" Blair yelled, "You can't just fire me based on your own likes and dislikes. You are avenging your own personal revenge. I will explain it to Master Richard."

"Of course you can explain to Master Li Cha, but this will only be done after Master Li Cha comes back. Well, you go away, I hope you don't disturb me and I will order the rest of the people to do things." Jia Lie said seriously.

Blair had nothing to say, he pursed his lips, but didn't move at the same place, as if he was going to see what Gallet could do to him if he didn't cooperate.

Jia Lie seemed to have expected this, and did not get angry. He calmly glanced at Blair, and asked aloud: "What, do you need me to invite the sheriff in the city? Master Richard is a wizard, the whole Everyone in Jialan City knows that, I think the magistrate is very willing to deal with a little trouble for Master Li Cha before Master Li Cha returns."

Blair's body shook, showing a look of fear, and finally gave Jialie a look of "you're cruel", turned his head and walked towards the distance.

Jia Lie watched Blair leave, looked away, and looked at the servants. At some point, the servant's low smile disappeared, and his expression became extremely serious. He looked at him with a little respect and awe, obviously aware of the difference in him today.

Jia Lie didn't say anything, let out a breath slowly, and began to say what he had prepared before: "Considering that Master Li Cha hasn't come back for many days, I decided to make a few adjustments for the better operation of the manor.

First of all, it is to reduce the number of people. Our manor, in my opinion, is really a bit overstaffed, because we don't need to do banquets, parties, tea parties and other heavy work. Therefore, in the next period of time, I will strictly examine your respective performances, and if you are unqualified, you will be fired, saving you from wasting your salary.

In addition, there are some job adjustments. In the kitchen, there will be one less kitchen maid, and I will temporarily work as Blair's gardener. In addition..."

Jialie kept talking, and all the servants kept listening and memorizing carefully-at least it looked like this on the outside.

In the words, the sun keeps setting towards the west.

Dusk is coming...


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