End of dusk.

Shambhala Mine.

Living area No. 3 of the mine, in an office in the middle.

The mine owner Waltz sat behind his desk, squinting his eyes and finished reading a letter that he didn't know who put it on his desk.

After reading, his expression changed several times, as if he was thinking about something, then he stood up and searched for tools all over the room, preparing to burn the letter.

As a result, after turning around twice, he realized one thing: there was nothing in his office that could light a fire.

In fact, in the entire mine, everything that can make fire is strictly regulated.

After all, there are dangerous explosives such as fire and mines in the mine. Once someone loses his nerve and sneaks into the warehouse to light a fire to play, he must blow up a large group of people to the sky.

So how do you destroy the letter paper?

After thinking about it, Waltz stuffed the letter into his mouth, chewed it hard, and swallowed it with a frown.

Picking up the water glass on the table, he drank the water in one gulp, wiped the water from the corner of his mouth, tidied his clothes, and walked out the door. Seeing a middle-level mine worker passing by outside the door, he stretched out his hand to stop him, and said, "Huske, go and inform everyone that a management meeting will be held in half an hour."

"Ah?" The man named Husk was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and nodded, "Yes, mine owner."


Soon, half an hour later, in a huge meeting room in the living area No. 3, nearly a hundred managers of the mine came here.

Many of them were panting because they came from the distant mining area, and some of them didn't even have time to change their soiled clothes when they went down to the mine. It is conceivable how tense the half an hour given by Waltz was—after all, the current Shambhala Mine is not the same as before. It has almost included a large mountainous area, and the personnel are distributed in this large mountainous area. .

Waltz took a glance, and after confirming that everyone was present, he nodded in satisfaction. He didn't care about the disheveled clothes of the managers, after all, this was a mine, not a noble banquet in the city.

Clearing his throat, Waltz said: "I'm sorry, everyone. It was my mistake to call everyone over for a meeting all of a sudden and keep everyone so busy. However, considering the situation of our mine,

I think this is necessary.

Our mine, on the surface, is indeed operating well, but we must be vigilant about the future and whether it can be maintained for a long time. We are doing well now because the mines are in a period of rapid development, robbing the interests of many mines in other regions, thus covering up the shortcomings.

But it is impossible for us to develop at such a high speed forever, so we must be prepared to solve problems before they arise. First of all, the first point is that we have to take a long-term view.

We now have a lot of money because of the income from the ore. We don't have to continue to invest in mining. After all, this kind of business is not the only one in the world. We can also develop in other areas, such as taverns, hotels, jewelry, food and so on. This of course requires someone to try, so next, I may adjust the content of your work, and you are ready.

The other is the expansion of the scope of trade. The Southern Freedom Federation is too loose, and it is difficult to have large-scale trade. If we can connect with the Soma Alliance or the Kingdom of Sika, we will be more beneficial..."

The convening of this meeting lasted for a long time, exceeding the estimates of almost all the participants, and it did not end until midnight.

And this is just the beginning of the transformation of the Shambhala Mine.

From the Shambhala Mine, the beginning of the transformation to the Shambhala Business Group and the Shambhala Business Complex.


At about the same time, people in other places also received letters written in the name of Li Cha.

Like Popo Bovich's Academy of Ashes.

Popo Bovich, trimming his insanely long hair with scissors, finished reading the letter.

Then with a rubbing of the fingers, a flame burst forth, burning the letter and the clipped hair.

Eyes blinked, all thoughts.


For example, the room of Richard's two students, Harry and Cathy, in the mansion of Marquis Vian.

After reading the letter, Harry and Cathy exchanged glances, nodded, and burned the letter in the brazier.

"You must never tell anyone about this letter." Cathy looked at Harry and said seriously.

"What letter?" Harry blinked, and responded solemnly, "My sister, you must know that matter exists independently of our consciousness, and our consciousness cannot change matter. There is matter, so our consciousness, can't create this matter. And now, as far as I know, the letter you said in our world no longer exists, so... and there is no, it does not exist difference. So..."

Cathy was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she became a little annoyed. When she realized something, she asked Harry, "Have you studied secretly again recently? Don't deny it. We haven't learned what you said before."

"Uh, well, a few days ago I got a manuscript of a very old book, it seems to be called "Tessler's Handbook", I saw it from above."

"Then when you finish reading it, lend me a look."

"Yes, but you also need to lend me "Lum's Thinking Diary" in exchange."

"Hmph, how stingy, okay, okay, I'll give it to you right away." Cathy pursed her lips, walking towards the bookshelf with disgust.


Everything has its own arrangements, waiting for the day when we meet again.


Another corner of the world.

In the darkness, there is a huge stone secret room, like a tomb buried deep in the ground.

The secret room was quiet, and only after listening carefully could a faint voice be heard.

Moving his gaze to the corner of the secret room, he could see a black stone table here.

On the stone table, a pale white candle was burning. In front of the stone table, there is a stone chair with a figure on the stone chair. At this time, the figure was holding an object, playing with it by the light of the pale candle.

If you look carefully, you can see the object held by the figure, which is the head of a doll. However, the head of this doll is too real, no matter in size or details, it is undoubtedly the same as a real person, and it looks like a girl.

The only difference is the material, the shell of the entire doll head seems to be carved out of white jade, the surface is extremely smooth, delicate and hard, but there is no elasticity.

At this time, the human figure is holding a small black carving knife with tender white hands, and is polishing the details on the surface of the doll's head. With the sound of "rustling", some white powder slowly floats down, covering the whole table.

After a long time, the figure seemed to feel that it was almost polished, put down the carving knife, carefully supported the doll's head with both ends, slowly approached him, and then... put it on his empty neck.


There was a sound like a metal link, and the doll's head was fixed, and then the hard white jade shell became soft under the influence of strange energy, just like the real skin.

The two eyes carved from obsidian also turned, and part of them faded and turned white, no different from real eyes.

The rest of the body changes along with it. If it was human before, it is human now.

The figure stood up, showing a somewhat graceful body in the pale candlelight, with a flawless face, she was a beautiful girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, but she looked strange and indescribable.

The girl flipped her hands, and took out a small mirror from nowhere, and looked at her new appearance seriously in the mirror, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a sweet and satisfied smile.

Opening her mouth, a magical voice came out of her mouth, and said: "It seems to be more beautiful, um, I must be the most beautiful girl in the world now."

As soon as the words fell, there was a "buzzing" sound, and the stone door on the wall of the secret room suddenly opened.

The girl didn't move her body, but her neck turned 180 degrees directly, and she heard the sound and looked towards the opened stone door. Then his eyes suddenly widened, as if he was frightened, and he showed a very surprised expression.


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