With a "squeak", a person walked in from the door.

In other words, a humanoid presence walked in through the door.

It was seen that the clothes and skin of the other party's whole body were all burnt, wrapped in the form of carbonization like an insect shell, covering the surface of the body. The opponent's body was extremely distorted, as if more than half of his bones had been broken, and every step he took would make a tooth-chilling sound.

Viscous amber liquid oozes from the body, continuously flows down, and falls to the ground. The carbonized clothes and appearance, while walking, peeled off from time to time, turning into fine powder and floating into the surrounding air like sand.

The only thing the other party could tell was his eyes.

Those eyes were dim yellow, the eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and they looked extremely terrifying.

"My... my lord?" The puppet girl looked at the person who walked in, couldn't help losing her voice, and asked in disbelief, "Master Dead Sea?"

"It's me." The other party replied with a hoarse voice. While speaking, more viscous liquid flowed to the ground, and more black carbonized powder drifted away.

The puppet girl was surprised and frightened when she saw it, her eyes moved down, and when she saw an object on the opponent's finger, her pupils couldn't help shrinking.

On the finger of the Dead Sea, there is a colorful diamond ring worn, and the diamond will always emit colorful light. This is not only a status symbol, but also a god-given ability—an ability bestowed by the true God himself.

Once it is turned on, it will connect with the true god, allowing the power of the true god to come to this world.

This kind of ability is one-time, and it is extremely precious. Even the head of the color ring in the Truth Society dare not use it at will.

And now, the Dead Sea uses it.

It can be clearly seen that the diamond inlaid on the ring has been broken, and the colorful light released has dimmed and become unremarkable.

The puppet girl couldn't imagine what happened to Dead Sea, she would be forced to use the god-given ability, and after using it, she would be injured like this.

Was it besieged by all the fourth-level wizards in the entire continent? Or is there going to be internal strife in the truth, and the rest of the directors of Caizhihuan attack the Dead Sea together?

However, the Dead Sea has always been withdrawn and independent, and does not have much contact with people at all. The above two guesses,

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to achieve.

The puppet girl looked at the Dead Sea suspiciously, blinked her eyes and asked, "My lord, what happened to you? How...how did you get hurt like this?"

"It's just a little trouble." Dead Sea responded with a hoarse voice, "Don't ask too much."

"Uh, yes." The puppet girl didn't dare to violate Dead Sea's will, and quickly shut her mouth.

Dead Sea took a step, walked towards the other wall of the secret room, walked to the front of the wall, stretched out his hand and pushed it, opened a stone door, and walked into another connected stone room.

In the center of the stone chamber stood a pitch-black metal coffin more than two meters long and nearly one meter wide.

Dead Sea walked with difficulty to the coffin, reached out to open the coffin lid, lay down in it, and then was about to close it to death.

Before dying, he thought of something, stopped his movements, and looked at the puppet girl who followed in.

"Bibi, my injury is not serious this time, and it will take a long time of deep sleep to recover. During my deep sleep, you are responsible for the safety of this base. In addition, if you feel bored, you can , help me find a target. If you find him, don’t act without authorization, because the other party is very dangerous, just come back and wake me up and report to me. This is the target’s information.”

After finishing speaking, Dead Sea raised his hand, the carbonized skin cracked, and a cloud of gas floated out, flying towards the puppet girl.

The puppet girl stretched out her slender white fingers to catch the gas, and her long eyelashes trembled, a little surprised.

She could see that the gas was just a layer of protection, and what the Dead Sea really wanted to hand over to her was something wrapped in the gas, which were three grains of soil the size of rice grains, with some faint aura tainted on them.

what is this?

Generally speaking, if you want to use prophecy spells to track a person, you need some blood, some hair, or other body structures of the other party. To lower the requirements, it must be an object that is often touched by the other party and has a connection.

And now, there are only three soil particles contaminated with a faint breath, and they need to be tracked? That's a little too much.

But the puppet girl didn't show it. She opened her mouth and swallowed the gas and the soil particles wrapped in the gas. She looked at Dead Sea and said, "Alright sir, I will work hard."

"En." Dead Sea nodded lightly, and then closed the heavy metal coffin lid with a "bang", and the whole room fell into deathly silence.

The puppet girl stood quietly in the room for a while, then turned and walked out.

"Looking for someone? I like it the most." The puppet girl whispered, "It seems that I can go outside to play again."


The stone door was completely closed.


About the same time.


A hotel in a small town somewhere in the mainland, with a room on the second floor.


A thin piece of metal protruded through the crack of the door.


Little by little, the metal piece opened the deadbolt.


There was a slight sound, and the door of the room was carefully pushed open from the outside.

A tall figure was holding a dagger in his hand, and with brisk steps that didn't match his body at all, like a fox, he quickly pounced on the hotel bed, and stabbed hard at the sleeping person under the quilt.


There was the sound of the bedding being torn, but no blood splashed out.

The tall figure was taken aback for a moment, "swipe it" and lifted the quilt all at once, and saw that there was no one below, just a few pillows for camouflage.

The tall figure couldn't help being startled, turned around in a hurry, and then saw a girl with short hair and short hair quietly appearing behind him, it was Anne Pangbo, the eldest lady of the Pangbo family in St. Louis City.

Annie's face was pressed against the face of the tall figure, and the tall figure could even feel Annie's exhaled breath—it was hot and dangerous, like a poisonous snake in a swamp.

The tall figure looked at Annie, his eyes widened, and he was about to stab the dagger with his hand, but then he felt a pain in his wrist and was twisted directly.

Realizing the danger, the tall figure opened his mouth and was about to shout, but the next moment his neck was strangled by Annie, as if locked to death by an iron hoop.

The tall figure was terrified, begging for mercy, but the short-haired Miss Anne showed no mercy at all, and crushed her throat with a "click".


The tall figure twitched and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?"

It seemed that something was wrong inside the door, and there was a voice of inquiry from outside the door.

Anne didn't answer.

There was about a second of silence in the night.

Then there was a "crash", and a total of three figures rushed in from the outside. The three were wearing light armor, and each of them had a dark red light on the surface, which represented the activation of extraordinary power.

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