The three people who broke into the door seemed to be magic knights.

In fact, it is not the case. Compared with the lowest-level magic knights, they have not three magic pattern props, but only one, which can only be called half magic knights. But even so, it gave them a lot more combat power than ordinary people, and they had the advantage of crushing.

It's just that they encountered stronger opponents.

As soon as the three rushed in and the magic pattern was activated, Annie made a move.


A bullet of acid flew out and directly smeared the face of the person on the far left, who fell down screaming.


Another sharp ice pick flew out, directly piercing through the light armor of the person on the far right, and piercing into the heart. The man stared round his eyes, fell to the ground with a "plop", and followed in the footsteps of his companion.

Only the person in the middle rushed to Annie's eyes safely, and then realized with some bewilderment that he was the only one left. His companions were all killed face to face by the girl in front of him with extraordinary power.

In other words, the girl in front of her is not as weak as in the information, but a wizard!

The body of the surviving person trembled, feeling that the hand holding the dagger suddenly lost strength. The next moment, with a "snap", the dagger was sent flying by Anne and nailed to the roof.

Annie stretched out her left hand and grabbed the "survivor" by the neck, staring at the other person's eyes and asked aloud, "Who told you to come and kill me?"

"Yes... Your Excellency Cologne, he found out that you sneaked into his vault. He thought you were sent by a political opponent to steal evidence of his massacre, so he asked us to kill you." The living man replied tremblingly, not forgetting to add One sentence, "I also obey orders, I really don't know that you are a wizard, please... please forgive me."

"So it's that guy from Cologne? I really underestimated him." After hearing this, Annie curled her lips, "However, he thinks too highly of himself. I'm not interested in any massacre evidence in his vault. It's just a small gadget."

"Yes, yes." The surviving people nodded hastily, "I believe that the wizard must be innocent, please... please let me go."

Annie glanced at the surviving people, and said softly: "Let you go? That's fine. You can also return the things I took, anyway, it's not what I want.

"Really?" Those who survived were a little surprised.

"Of course." Annie said, flipped her right hand, and took out a purple-black stone the size of an egg, and slapped it on the opponent's head with a "slap", and it was directly embedded in the skull.

The opponent's body softened and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Annie withdrew her hand, looked at the corpse and said coldly: "Huh, really thought that after I left St. Louis City and worked my life for others, my temper would completely change? Oh, although I don't want to bring justice for the massacre, but I want to kill I have to make up my mind to be killed."

"However... Having said that, after this incident, we are destined to not be able to stay here any longer, we must leave as soon as possible. The ore investigated is fake again, so we can only go to the next place to try our luck."

Talking to herself, having made a decision, Annie pushed open the window of the room and jumped out.

A moment later, the downstairs clerk heard abnormal movements in the room, and entered the room belatedly. He was about to ask aloud, and then he stared, and saw one, two, three, four lying in the room... A total of four corpses.


The fellow collapsed on the ground and cried out loudly.


In the back alley of the hotel, Annie shook her head lightly when she heard the voice. He reached out and took out a simple map from his pocket, looked at it for a while, and said: "This place has been ruled out, and Varen and Dorta have also been ruled out. There is no possibility for the entire area. Then the next step Just go away, go to this place..."

Clicking on a certain location on the map, putting away the map, Annie walked out of the alley and into the night.


The same night.

In a small town, the only hotel was knocked from outside.

"Tuk tuk, tuk tuk..."

After more than 20 seconds, there was a "squeak", and the door was opened a crack by the hotel owner from the inside.

The hotel owner poked his head out and carefully and vigilantly looked at the person who knocked on the door. He saw that it was a young man in a black robe with most of his face hidden under the cap. He asked aloud, "What are you doing?"

"Stay in the hotel." The young man said, and asked a little strangely, "Why, there are no vacant rooms?"

"There are rooms." The boss did not fully open the door, his expression was still cautious and vigilant, "But not everyone can live in it?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Recently, there was a murder case in this area. The sheriff has asked that people with suspicious identities from a distance cannot be allowed to stay. By the way, where are you from?"

"North City."

"North City? It's not far away, but is there anything to prove your identity? I'm just a shopkeeper, and I don't want to cause any trouble?"

"Is this okay?" the young man asked, and a silver coin appeared in his palm.

The boss raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously wanted to grab it, but then quickly withdrew his hand as if he had been burned. Looking at the young man vigilantly, he asked, "Are you really from North City?"

"Don't worry, I don't want to cause any trouble. I only stay for one night and I will leave at dawn. Therefore, no matter whether I am from North City or not, others will not find out, let alone implicate you." The young man said.

"Okay." The boss agreed hesitantly, grabbed the silver coins, opened the door slowly, and let the young man in.

"Do you want something to eat? I can ask the kitchen to prepare it for you. The chef is not asleep anyway. If you want to take a hot bath, I can also ask the waiter to boil water for you." After the young man walked in, the boss quickly asked . Obviously, although the fee is high, the service can match it.

However, the young man shook his head, rejected the good intentions, and said in a low voice, "Just prepare a room for me. It should be quiet. It's best that there is no one next door. I don't like being disturbed."

"That's good." The boss nodded, and led the young man towards the second floor, and finally sent him to a spacious room at the end of the corridor on the second floor.

"This is it." The boss opened the door and introduced, "Everything is clean, and the water can be drunk directly. If you want to drink beer or need other things, just call the buddy."

"Well, I see." The young man responded, walked into the door, and then quietly looked at the boss outside the door.

The boss Mingwu: "Okay, I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do. You have to remember, leave at dawn, I don't want to mess with the sheriff."


"That's best."


In the sound of footsteps, the boss went downstairs.

The young man closed the door with a "squeak", turned around and walked towards the wooden table in the room.

He walked to the wooden table, sat on the wooden chair, stretched out his hand, and took off his robe and cap, revealing a clear face with a pale and tired expression. It was Li Cha.

"Huh" Li Cha let out a long breath, and his body relaxed slightly.

As a result, as soon as he relaxed, his whole body shook violently, and his whole body trembled. There was an unnatural redness on the face, blood vessels protruding from under the skin, and the expression looked very painful.


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