Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1115 Extraordinary factor!

The burning pain started from the bottom of the lower abdomen, quickly spread to the entire abdominal cavity, and then spread to the entire chest cavity.

The whole body seemed to be on fire, and there was a severe tingling pain inside the body, as if countless iron hooks were moving the internal organs, the pain was unbearable.

Li Cha clenched his fists and tried his best to support him. After dozens of seconds, he let out a long breath.


Feeling that the burning sensation subsided a lot, and the pain also eased, Li Cha's face eased a little. However, due to the erosion of void energy, the entire body still has strong discomfort, waiting for the next outbreak.

The same outbreak has occurred many times in the past few days, and each time it has been aggravated.

Li Cha is very clear that if he doesn't want to find a way to solve it, then it will be a hard time. From this point of view, it was a wrong choice to return to collect data after the nuclear explosion and pay such a high price. .

However, he didn't show much worry on his face, as if he already had a solution, he flipped through his hands and took out several papyrus, a quill pen and a bottle of ink and put them on the table.

He stretched out his hands and rubbed his cheeks to refresh his spirits. Holding a quill in his hand, he dipped in ink and calculated on the papyrus.

The content of the calculation is very simple, that is, the data collected in Pompeii before.

The same calculation has been done many times in the past few days, and now it is the last confirmation.


The ink-soaked nib swipes quickly across the surface of the papyrus, outlining the numbers and symbols one by one, and after a short while, the calculation reaches the end, and the final result is obtained.


Sign off.

Li Cha stood up, glanced at the number that had not changed from the previous calculation, raised his eyebrows, and muttered: "Sure enough, all the evidence proves that the number is indeed exceeded..."

Yes, beyond.

Exceeding, two simple words, is the final conclusion that he has worked hard to develop a nuclear weapon in the past year, and after detonating it, he paid a heavy price to return to collect information.


The word is simple, but the meaning is not simple.

It can even be said that it is very important and has a breakthrough significance for the theory he has been building.

Exceed, in the end what is exceed?

To explain all this clearly, we must start with the detonation of the atomic bomb in Pompeii.

In Pompeii, he detonated all three atomic bombs he made, of which the first atomic bomb had a design yield of 150,000 kilotons, the second atomic bomb had a design yield of 150,000 kilotons, and the third atomic bomb was strengthened to a design yield of 150,000 kilotons. 450,000 tons.

150,000 tons, add 150,000 tons, add 450,000 tons, that is 750,000 tons.

So, what is the equivalent of the three atomic bombs finally released?

According to the data he collected, excluding the influence of many irrelevant factors such as volcanic eruptions, and bringing it into the mathematical model for calculation, the final result is a total of 720,000 tons of equivalent.

The design equivalent is 750,000 tons, and the release equivalent is 720,000 tons. In other words, the atomic bomb released almost 100% of its power, which is extremely close to the design value, and the atomic elasticity is very good.

This seems to be no problem.

But actually, this has huge problems! One thing must be understood, that is, the design equivalent and the actual released equivalent are two completely different concepts.

No matter how perfect the design is, no matter how correct the theory is, there are always problems of one kind or another in practical application. Therefore, the actual released equivalent should be much smaller than the maximum theoretical equivalent in the design process.

Just like the first atomic bomb used in actual combat on the earth, because of the poor gun design, the actual release yield was less than 2% of the design yield, and a large amount of nuclear charge was wasted. Although the second atomic bomb used in actual combat adopted a more advanced implosion design, its utilization rate was only about 20%.

The atomic bomb he made has intentionally corrected many mistakes made by the predecessors, and added neutron reflective materials, which can greatly improve the utilization rate of the nuclear charge, but it is far from 100%.

According to his estimation, if the overall utilization rate exceeds 50%, it is considered qualified, and if it reaches 65%, it is extremely excellent, and there is a small chance that it can reach more than 70%.

In comparison, the utilization rate of nuclear weapons on the earth is about 80% after the improved design is adopted. Spell support, but after all, the strength is weak, and the time is too hasty, it is inevitable that it will be suspected of being shoddy, and it is already very good to reach a similar level.

But the real situation gave him a big surprise. Multiple sets of data told him that the nuclear weapons he manufactured were better than he imagined, and the utilization rate could reach close to 100%.

And this is the result he obtained under the premise of extremely strict consideration of the influencing factors-basically there are factors that can deduct the equivalent value, and he deducted them according to the maximum limit.

In this way, the terrible utilization rate of 96% can still be achieved. If the conditions are slightly relaxed, the utilization rate can even exceed 100% by a large margin.

This has not considered the energy conversion required for the generation of the electromagnetic pulse of the spell.

After all, what is the situation?

This is equivalent to a car with a load of five people. After stopping, a row of more than 30 people got off, and the minors were not counted.

This... is overloaded!

Seriously overloaded!

Be aware that not every car is a van.

Moreover, in the world of science, there is no van at all—as many people as there should be, there must be as many people, no one less, no more.

what happened?

Why do nuclear weapons release energy beyond normal?

From a certain point of view, this is naturally a good thing, the more the better.

From another perspective, it is extremely critical to find the reason for the extraordinary release of energy.

This is very important to what he has been studying and trying to prove.

In Li Cha's view, according to logic, if there is excess energy, there must be a source of excess energy.

The energy E of a normal nuclear weapon is converted from the lost mass m in strict accordance with the mass-energy equation E=mc2. Now that E is abnormally high, the most reasonable explanation is that the lost mass m has also increased.

Conversely, the nuclear material uranium 235 used to manufacture nuclear weapons in the current world is slightly different from the nuclear material uranium 235 on the earth. What's different? The current uranium 235 in the world has more "mass that shouldn't exist" than the uranium 235 on the earth.

Bringing in the example just now, that is the car that also carries 5 people. The car on the earth is normal, but the car in the current world is secretly equipped with an extra compartment-this way, it can naturally carry more people, not to mention that it can Take a row of people. If the carriage is long enough, you can take a group of hundreds of people.

After all, with more unknown existences, there are all possibilities.

These are not conjectures, not unfounded guesses. According to various data collected at a great cost after the nuclear explosion, Richard is sure that there is a high probability that this is the only explanation for all the facts.

To put it simply, the basic substance of the current world - atoms, has a little more than the earth. It is this extra thing that has caused nuclear weapons to release more power than normal, which has led to many differences between the current world and the earth.

He was going to call this thing, in a concise and easy-to-understand way... the extraordinary factor.

Yes, the extraordinary factor.


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