Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1129: Dumbfounded

Annie glanced at the things in Nancy's box, frowned slightly, and questioned: "The things you brought are of good quality, but the something wrong?"

Nancy did not deny it, and said frankly: "There is no way, your requirements are too high, and we have to hide. Even if the price is high enough, the output will not be too large. After all, we have just started to deal with this thing, lack of experience, mistakes The rate is too high, and some equipment has not been fully produced. Therefore, this time, the quantity you requested cannot be reached.

But don't worry, we will continue to improve in the future, and after a while, we will be able to meet the requirements of the boss behind you, Li Cha, and after a while, we will even surpass it. "

"I hope so." Annie said, without dwelling too much on this issue, she waved her hand, "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the tall gray wolf and said, "Lead the way."

The gray wolf seemed wise and understood, turned around and ran towards the depths of the forest.

Annie, Nancy, and Gro quickly followed.

"Swipe, swipe..."

Three people and one wolf changed directions many times in the forest. After walking for an unknown amount of time, they finally stopped on a piece of soft ground.


The gray wolf lowered its body and roared. There was a "rustling" sound from the surrounding trees, and wild beasts came out one after another.

Different from ordinary beasts, these beasts are extremely tall and full of attack power. Even if they are not demonized creatures, they are not too far behind.

Gro saw his face a little nervous, and Nancy frowned at the same look, turned her head slightly to look at Annie, and asked, "Hey, they won't attack, right?"

"Don't worry, no." Annie replied aloud, but when she said that, she took a step closer to Nancy. Facing the beast, his expression was a little vigilant, obviously relaxed on the lips, but also a little uncertain in his heart.

Fortunately, this scene didn't last long. Many beasts seemed to be just the eyes of an unknown existence. After staring at them for a long enough time, they slowly dispersed.

But the three of them hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and there was another "srusting" sound, and blue vines grew out from the depths of the forest, like pythons, entangled the box brought by Nancy and Grotty, and quickly dragged it away ,Disappear.

Nancy followed the direction in which the vines retracted,

Looking curiously, wanting to see something, it turned out that the thick white mist obscured the vision.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Annie, and asked aloud, "That boss of yours—Li Cha, what exactly is there?"

Annie was silent for a few seconds, and said in a cold tone, "You don't need to know."

"The meaning of your words means that you don't know, right?" Nancy said.

"Whether I know or not, you can't confirm. But I can be sure that you absolutely don't know." Annie didn't back down.

Their eyes met again.


Ge Luo couldn't help covering his forehead, and made a voice: "You two are not finished, can you leave here? This place makes me very uncomfortable..."

"Shut up!"

Annie and Nancy said in unison again with a tacit understanding.


Gro was deflated, his expression full of pain, and he was thinking: Why did Richard choose these two people to be in charge of the "garbage ore" transaction? Is there no one else in the world?

Of course, he didn't dare to say, and he didn't dare to ask.


the other side.

Soma Union, Faro City.

A newly built medium-sized courtyard is located on a remote street in Dongcheng. Compared with the neighboring courtyards, it is not very luxurious, but it is definitely not shabby either.

To put it simply, this is a medium-sized courtyard where a very ordinary middle-class family lives.

The first owner of the courtyard was the owner of a cloth dyeing shop. When the business was booming and he made enough money, he hired someone to build the courtyard according to his wishes. Every arrangement and every decoration in the courtyard has been carefully considered.

According to the idea of ​​the businessman, he will live in this courtyard for the rest of his life.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long.

He needs a small dye ore to dye cloth. Since last year, the price of this ore has been rising due to the impact of the emerging mines in the Southern Freedom Federation, which has made his cloth dyeing cost more and more expensive. In the end, he had no choice but to close the shop, sold the yard at a low price at the end of last year, and left Faro to find another way to make a living.

The yard then sat vacant for some time with moneylenders, before it was bought three months ago by a fresh-faced young man who had just arrived in Faro.

After the young man bought it, he hardly made any changes to the courtyard. After living in it, his daily life was extremely quiet.

Sometimes, it is even doubtful whether there is anyone living in it.

However, the residents in the adjacent courtyard were not too curious, so they didn't pay too much attention to it, and everything went with the flow until now.

At this time, in the courtyard, in the corner of the bedroom on the side, under the hidden door on the floor, through the long and slanting corridor, one arrives at a narrow secret room.

In the secret room, there is nothing but a black suitcase—and that is the space prop Eden.


Inside the Garden of Eden.

In the open space of the main laboratory, Pandora and the old man Lich were standing, with slightly serious and nervous expressions.

In front of them, a huge white bone spell puppet with a height of nearly fifteen meters was trembling, trying to maintain its balance. It looked as if it would fall at any time, and people couldn't help but sweat.

After more than ten seconds, seeing the giant puppet finally stand still, the old Lich let out a sigh of relief, turned to Pandora and asked, "Is it all right now?"

"It should be possible." Pandora said sullenly.

"Okay then, let's combine the next spell puppet, which is the 243rd spell puppet." The old Lich said, waving at the spell puppets lined up next to him.

The magic puppet in the front line understood, and immediately left the line and ran towards the giant puppet that barely stood still. He ran close, stepped on the ground with both feet, and flew high, flying higher and higher, and then... with a "bang", it hit the giant puppet's knee.

The magic puppet's body twisted for a while, its bones were dislocated, and it was connected to the giant puppet's knees. The other parts of the huge puppet's body are constantly moving and fine-tuning.

Visible to the naked eye, the huge magic puppet has a slight rise, and its body swayed and stabilized.

The old Lich's eyes lit up, and he exhaled excitedly: "It seems to be a success! A new record, two hundred and forty-three! We..."

As a result, before he could speak, the huge magic puppet in front of him suddenly shook violently. With a "click", both legs snapped, and the upper body fell heavily towards the ground like a collapsing hill.


Thousands of bones were scattered all over the ground in an instant, and the dust rose up like boiling water.


The old Lich couldn't help shouting, looking at the scene in front of him, his expression was stunned at first, and then he became "numbed" - dumbfounded.

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