Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1130: Research on Extraordinary Blood Energy Factors

"Looks like it failed again." After a few seconds, Pandora looked at the bones in front of her and concluded.

After speaking, Pandora shook her head, with a slightly disappointed expression, and sighed: "It seems that there are still some things that haven't been dealt with properly. The current combination still can't carry too many individuals. It needs to continue to improve the model."

"Then I have to tidy up these bones and find a way to make the new spell puppets stronger." After a long time, the Lich old man calmed down and said, but his expression was still somewhat frustrated, and he walked forward listlessly.

After taking two steps, the old Lich stopped and turned to look to the side. I saw that Anan, the eight-armed skeleton, quietly appeared in the corner without knowing when, walked around beside the scattered bones for a while, then turned his head and left.

"Hey!" Old Lich Ah Fu grew vigilant and tried to stop him, "Hey, are you stealing my magic puppet's bone again?"

The eight-armed skeleton turned a deaf ear to the old Lich's words, and kept walking towards the distance, faster and faster.

This must be a guilty conscience... The old man lich twitched his eyebrows, convicting the eight-armed skeleton in his heart, and quickly chased after him, shouting while chasing: "Stop, give me back my things quickly, give me back my things quickly I……"

Pandora watched the old lich chasing after the eight-armed skeleton, curled her lips with a helpless expression. During this period of time, the same thing happened a lot, and she was no longer surprised by it.

Withdrawing her gaze, Pandora turned around, walked to the side, walked to the door of the main laboratory, pushed the door open and entered with a "squeak".

At this moment in the main laboratory, Li Cha was taking out a glass tube from a cupboard, opening the stopper, and pouring the medicine inside into his mouth.

The appearance of the potion is healthy green, a little viscous, with a bit of elasticity, similar to slightly softened jelly, giving people a feeling of good taste.

But Pandora knew very well that this was all an illusion, because she had secretly tasted it before, and the taste of the potion was not delicious at all.

Yes, it's hard to describe in words, Li Cha, who is drinking the potion at this time, is experiencing it in a very real way.

Following the entrance of the medicine, Li Cha could clearly feel the wet and sticky mass of liquid crawling towards his throat at a very slow speed, like a snail. The taste of the potion is more uncomfortable than swallowing a snail alive. To describe it vividly, it is like smashing a banana into a pulp, then mixing it with fermented bean curd, bitter melon juice, and durian, and pouring it into the mouth forcibly.

"Gudong" sounded,

With some difficulty, Li Cha swallowed all the medicine into his stomach, holding the glass tube containing the medicine, frowning, and after a full three seconds, let out a long breath.

Putting down the potion bottle, Li Cha looked at Pandora, and asked with some doubts: "Huh? Why did you come in? I remember, weren't you testing the collective spell puppet with Mr. Ah Fu, and it ended so soon? Could it be... …Failed?"

"En." Pandora pursed her lips and nodded, looking not in a good mood.

"So it's like this, okay... In fact, there is no need to feel frustrated, failure is normal, just keep working hard." Li Cha comforted, then took out another bottle of potion from the cupboard, frowned and poured it down, looking at Pandora Said, "Speaking of which, you are doing me a favor by ending so early.

I have already taken the improved potion today, and it has been a whole month since I took it for the first time. Help me get the syringe used to take blood, take a blood sample, and test the recovery of the medicine against the erosion of void energy by the way. "

"Okay." Pandora twitched her eyebrows, as if interested, she quickly ran to another cabinet in the main laboratory, opened the door, and took down the largest silver-white metal syringe at the top of the cabinet.

It can be seen that this syringe has a radius of five or six centimeters, thicker than an adult's arm, a length of nearly twenty centimeters, and a capacity of two thousand milliliters.

Pandora grabbed it and approached Li Cha, a little excitedly preparing to draw blood for a test.

Are you preparing to beat me to death... Li Cha looked at it, couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and said with a serious expression: "Change to the smallest one, this one is too big, it doesn't fit."

"Is there?" Pandora opened her eyes wide and explained earnestly, "It's okay, I can be careful and try not to smoke too much."

I'm afraid that if you draw too much, there will be no time to remedy it. After all, after one injection, less than half of the blood in an ordinary person's body will be drained. I prepared this for the "bloodline seeds" that I might encounter in the future, not for myself... Li Cha took a look at Pandora, and rejected it simply and completely: "No, you must not use the largest one, only the smallest one." That one, that's the safety blood syringe."

"Okay——" Pandora saw Li Cha's expression no longer insisting, stuck out her tongue, put the oversized syringe that she wanted to try very much back in the cabinet, and took out the small syringe in the bottom box.

The diameter of the syringe is less than one centimeter, and the capacity is only three milliliters, which is less than one hundredth of the previous volume.

Pandora took the pocket syringe, walked up to Li Cha, skillfully stuck it on Li Cha's arm, drew out a tube full of blood, and walked to the laboratory table next to it.

First, a simple blood smear was made with part of the blood, observed under a microscope for a while, and the data was recorded, and then the remaining blood was put into multiple machines for different tests.

After being busy for a while, after dozens of minutes, Pandora counted all the data, looked at Richard, and said: "I figured it out, last month, your void energy erosion recovery rate was 9%, and now it has reached 100% eleventh.

In other words, through your research, what kind of supernatural blood energy factor is used to make this repairing liquid, it does have a promoting effect on your body's recovery. However, the effect is not too great. According to your current daily intake, you can only increase recovery by 2% in a month. It will take forty-four and a half months to fully recover. Of course, this is just blood data, if you consider the rest of your body, it may be longer. "

"Five years." Li Cha thought for a while and gave the answer, "There is no accident. According to the current intake, it will take five years to fully restore health by using the blood energy extraordinary factor."

"Then can't you take in a little more every day?" Pandora frowned and asked, "If you double your intake, you only need two and a half years to recover. If your intake becomes five times, then you will recover in one year. More One point, the intake becomes ten times, then it doesn’t take a year, just six months.”

Li Cha clicked his lips lightly, recalled the taste of the medicine left in his mouth, and said with a chuckle: "Increasing the intake by ten times, it is true that you can recover in six months, but... I may not even be able to recover for a month." I can't stand it."

"Of course." Li Cha restrained his joking expression, and said seriously, "Actually, the current intake is already the maximum health limit, and the ingredients in this medicine are not harmless things, they are supernatural factors of blood energy .

It is because of the research on the supernatural factor of blood energy that the repairing liquid can have this effect, but after all, I have not fully analyzed the supernatural factor of blood energy, and the ingestion of it now has many negative effects.

If the intake is really increased, the body may recover faster, but the remaining problems cannot be ignored. Therefore, the most sensible thing is to keep it as it is for the time being, and find a way to continue sorting out various spells, especially the unpopular blood spells, and analyze the extraordinary factors of blood energy, so as to improve and repair the spiritual liquid.

If it is really successful, it will not only reduce the side effects and increase the efficacy of the medicine, but also improve the taste of the spiritual liquid so that it will not be so... well, special. "

"Actually, it can be changed to a fruit flavor." Pandora listened, and seriously suggested, "Now, add enough concentrated fruit juice to the spiritual liquid, and it should be fine, right?"

"Thinking too much. Have you forgotten that the extraordinary blood energy factor in this potion has a special energy effect, and ordinary materials will be directly destroyed when added."

Li Cha gave Pandora a white look: "When the time comes, don't talk about the fruity taste, it's luck if it remains the same and weirder. Don't you remember that when you tasted it last time, you thought it didn't taste good, so you added orange juice to it, The result is so sour that your face is deformed?

"So you know—" Pandora drawled her tone, and stretched out her hand to scratch her hair in embarrassment.

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