Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1131 Antiquities Exchange Meeting

"Okay, I don't care about what you have tasted secretly, you should go to work first." Li Cha waved at Pandora, "I am also planning to go out for a while, and I will be back later. During this time, you should take care of your home. "

"Okay." Pandora nodded obediently, and was about to leave the main laboratory. When he walked to the door, he stopped, thought of something, turned his head and asked aloud: "By the way, Li Cha, you are going to attend that weekly meeting again, right?"


"Then can you ask me if anyone sells something very strong that can be used as a weapon, like tin wood." Pandora said with some expectation, "I always feel that the tin wood is gone. , There is no better weapon than him."

"You mean, you want to have another immortal species as your weapon?" Li Cha had a weird expression on his face.

"If there is, of course it would be the best." Pandora said seriously.

"But you don't know why Ximu left?" Li Cha exhaled.

"Isn't it arranged by you to go to the forest for labor reform and exchange some 'work points' for the contract period?" Pandora was a little surprised.

"No, that's just one reason." Li Cha shook his head and replied, "The other reason is that you are too strong. Even though Ximu has strengthened his body many times, he still feels that it is in your hands. Sooner or later, he will be defeated by you." Break it."

Pandora couldn't help but widen her eyes, thought for a while and said, "So, what you mean is that I need to use an immortal species stronger than tin wood as a weapon to meet my needs."

"No, what I mean is, I'm afraid it's hard to find something suitable for your weapon in the whole world, let alone in a small town like Faro, so don't expect too much."

Pandora: "..."

Li Cha: "Okay, I'm leaving, you just have to take care of the house. If possible, I might bring you back a relatively poor weapon, just make do with it."

Pandora waved listlessly: "Oh, okay..." pushed the door and left.

Li Cha looked at it, shook his head lightly, and followed him out the door.


In the morning, Faro City.

A four-wheeled carriage is driving fast on the road in the city,

The wheels rolled over the ground paved with bluestone, making a "booming" sound, and finally, under the skillful manipulation of the groom, the carriage stopped smoothly in front of a tall building.

This is a shell-shaped building, one of the more famous theaters in Faro, called the Sidon Opera House.

The entire Sidon Opera House is more than ten meters high. Unlike ordinary theaters, in a theater hall, seats and boxes of different identities are set up to maximize profits. Instead, the upper, middle and lower floors are directly divided.

Among them, the lower floor is exclusively open to the general public. In several huge theater halls with ordinary decoration, popular dramas, operas or other entertainment programs will be staged in a cycle. It is a good place for many ordinary people in the city to entertain in their leisure time.

Compared with the lower floor, the area of ​​the middle floor is much smaller. There are only a dozen or so smaller theater halls, which are usually given to some nobles to perform alone, or rented out for some groups to hold parties and meetings.

As for the upper floor, the area is even smaller, with only three theater halls, which are affordable places for the wealthy nobles and the rest of the minority. Speaking of which, compared with the theater hall on the middle floor, the upper floor has more luxurious decoration and no other outstanding features, but the price has more than doubled, which is very low cost performance.

But having said that, the low cost performance is also an advantage in the eyes of some people, and it is a symbol of status-not the best, but the most expensive.


Li Cha walked into the theater with strides, followed the exclusive passage, and quickly went up to the third floor.

The entire third floor was covered with a clean red carpet, and when one stepped on it, it was silent, as if the whole world had quieted down.

Li Cha walked along the corridor, passing one male waiter after another, and walked to the end. He stretched out his hand and pushed open the brown-red wooden door there, walked in, and a theater hall covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters and decorated with a golden color as the main color appeared in front of him—this is the Golden City Theater Hall.

Speaking of it, the Golden City Theater Hall is not very big, nearly half of the area is occupied by the theater stage, and the rest is the seating area. In the seating area, there are more than 30 soft sofa seats scattered here and there.

At this time, there were more than a dozen people of different ages and costumes sitting on these seats. Some of them closed their eyes and rested their minds, some of them were drowsy, and the rest were watching the drama stage with great interest. on the show.

Li Cha took a glance, sat down in the back seat, and cast his eyes on the drama stage. After watching for a while, his eyebrows raised a little uncontrollably, and he found that today's program was a bit complicated.

It can be seen that one actor after another keeps appearing on the stage, and each person has a different appearance, which is quite contrary to common sense. It seems that the drama writer wants to challenge the current mainstream drama model, such as: a dark-skinned princess, a weak body and only one The prince with eyes, the king who is melancholy and often cries, the tall and handsome palace guard and the queen full of wisdom.

The plot advances rapidly, and after more than 20 minutes, the show ushered in its ending: the princess stabbed the prince to death, then committed suicide by jumping off the building, and the king went mad and was bled to death by the doctor. The queen took a fancy to the handsome guard and tried to support him as the new king. As a result, during the enthronement ceremony of the new king, an unprecedented earthquake occurred in the whole country, and everyone died cleanly.

Li Cha watched it quietly, with a strange expression on his face.

In the middle of the front row, an old man was very satisfied with watching the show. As soon as the show ended, he applauded and praised without hesitation, and woke up those drowsy guys who closed their eyes and rested their minds.

It can be seen that this old man, with a tall black dome, is wearing a close-fitting garment with four pockets-this is the most popular style in Faro City at present, and it is somewhat similar to a suit on Earth. In addition, the old man was wearing a golden monocle and holding a silver civilized stick in his hand. He looked like a standard old gentleman. He was more noble than aristocrats, and people couldn't help but feel a little respect.

"Crack! Crack!"

Amidst the old gentleman's applause, the "dead" actors on the stage bowed and bowed out one by one, and everyone sitting in the seats in the hall also regained their sobriety.

The old gentleman stood up with a civilized stick, looked back and glanced at the audience, took out a pocket watch with a gold chain from his pocket, glanced at it and smiled and said: "Okay, everyone, it's almost time, you can come People must have come, and those who can't come must be delayed by something, so we won't wait. Then, this week's exchange meeting will officially start, how about it?"




Scattered voices echoed, and the decision was quickly reached.

"Okay." The old gentleman got a response, with a positive expression, raised the civilized stick, grabbed the middle of the civilized stick, and pointed at the Soma League-style soft sofa that he was sitting on just now. No changes were seen, but the soft sofa was controlled by a strange force, and it turned spontaneously, quickly turned 180 degrees, and changed from facing away from everyone to facing everyone.

The old gentleman bent down and sat on it, showing a serious expression, and proclaimed: "Well, this time the antiquities exchange meeting will officially begin!"


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