Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1132 Planting Staff

Antiquities Fair.

As the name suggests, this is an exchange meeting of wizarding groups centered on ancient artifacts.

The old gentleman wearing a top hat is one of the original initiators of this exchange meeting, named Abel. He is a third-level peak wizard with rich experience. There are rumors that he may have been promoted to a fourth-level wizard.

Of course, this exchange meeting is not just about exchanging ancient relics. After all, the number of ancient relics is too small to be unearthed every week. When a group of wizards get together, they can’t just stare at each other, so they slowly add everything else, such as anecdotes they come into contact with, entrustment of different events, acquisition of specific information, understanding of various The demand for spell props and so on.

In the end, the exchange meeting has developed to the present, and has become a small buying and selling market, as well as a tea party that talks about everything.

The reason why Li Cha joined this exchange meeting was very simple, that is to learn more about the current situation of the mainstream circle of wizards, and by the way, to find various things that he lacks, such as the unpopular blood spells that are currently expected.

It is true that these needs can be resolved by communicating with Oscar, the black-faced old man. However, now that he has left the Truth Society after all, he cannot continue to provide Oscar with a large amount of information about the Truth Society as before, so he will try not to bother Oscar if the rest of the people can solve it.

It was an exchange of equal value between him and Oscar. He hoped that the favor debt owed by Oscar before could be used in more important places, so that it would not be wasted if it could not be wasted.

Thinking about this, Abel, the old gentleman who announced the start of the exchange meeting, looked at him and said: "According to our practice, every exchange meeting is started by the people behind, so let's invite Wizard Richard to start." Let's communicate with him."

"Crack! Crack!"

Scattered applause sounded in the arena, which was regarded as encouragement, and they adjusted the position of the sofa one after another.

Li Cha is not surprised to see him, after all, he has participated in this exchange meeting many times, and he is already familiar with the corresponding procedures.

Facing the people looking over, he lightly nodded his head as a signal, and said in a voice: "Okay, let me start communicating with me. In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is communication. I am here this time mainly to seek everyone's help. .

The content of the help is mainly two: the first one is to continue to seek various unpopular spells, whether they are complete or incomplete, as before, and I will give you a satisfactory price;

the second,

Slightly more specific, I was looking for a weapon. This weapon does not need to have any special effects, but it must be heavy and strong, preferably in the shape of a wooden stick. Well, that's all. "

After Li Cha finished speaking, there was a slight silence in the field, and they looked at each other, and they didn't speak for a while.

Just when Li Cha thought that none of his needs could be met, a lean male wizard sitting on the sofa on the left raised his hand and looked over.

"Wizard Richard, hello, my name is Lacey, we met in the last two exchange meetings." The thin male wizard introduced himself, the skin on his face stuck to his cheeks, like water lines Wave, "I think I should be able to meet the two things you need."

"Huh? Seriously?" Li Cha looked at the other party, slightly surprised.

Will it be such a coincidence?

The other party didn't hesitate, reached out to touch his feet, and picked up a cylindrical object wrapped in a black cloth that was more than 1.5 meters long. Remove the black cloth, revealing a straight taupe wooden stick with weird patterns on the surface, faintly exuding energy fluctuations, unlike ordinary things.

The rest of the wizards looked over curiously, Li Cha twitched his eyebrows, and asked Lace, "What is this?"

"This is the branch of the world tree in the legend." The skinny wizard named Reis explained.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows.

"Ha!" Seeing Li Cha's expression, Lace chuckled, "I'm just kidding, how could it be a branch of the World Tree? After all, it's just a legend. In fact, it's a staff."

"Staff? Is this really a staff?" Li Cha blinked, slightly suspicious. After all, the thing in front of me, ignoring the energy fluctuations, is more like an iron rod than a staff.

Lace also knew why Richard was suspicious, and confirmed with a serious expression: "This is indeed a staff. Speaking of which, why it looks like this starts with the production of the staff."

Reis shared his knowledge without hesitation: "Everyone should know that there is not only one way to make a staff, but many. Apart from the more common selection of suitable materials and making by a staff wizard, there is another Kind of 'planting method'.

The so-called planting method is more complicated and troublesome than the previous one, but it is easier to meet individual needs. It usually plants the seeds of a staff vine first, and from the time the seeds germinate, different potions and spells are applied to it, and after careful cultivation and maintenance, it grows into a specific shape.

In this case, a staff made of mature staff vines, no matter in length, diameter, or others, is more suitable for spellcasters than ordinary staffs, and of course, the cost is also higher. "

"In this case, why don't you keep the staff for yourself?" Someone raised an objection.

Reis showed a bitter smile and sighed: "Actually, I thought about it too, but this is a sad story: I have wanted a staff that was completely tailored for me since a long time ago, For this reason, since preparing the seeds, I have been busy for three years, waiting for the final success.

But I am not a farmer or a gardener after all, so I don't know much about planting. When the staff vines grew normally in the first two years, but in the third year, I don’t know if there was a mistake in my maintenance method or other problems. up.

As you can see now, its current length is close to my height. It is extremely strong, far exceeding ordinary steel, and it is also extremely heavy, weighing more than forty kilograms. Don't say that I used it as a staff for fighting. Daily travel is a big problem. No way, I had to sell it. "

At the end, Lace sighed, looked at Richard and asked, "Wizard Richard, what do you think? If you are satisfied, this unprocessed staff vine can be sold for five hundred low-grade crystal coins." For you, I can also gift you an incomplete "Guide to Growing the Staff of Somme".

You have to know that it hasn't been long since I pulled out this staff vine from the soil, and within three days, it can maintain a certain degree of activity. If you buy it back, even if you don’t use it as a weapon, if you plant it back into the soil and cultivate it carefully, it is still possible to harvest a magic staff you want, absolutely no loss. As for me, forget it, I have completely given up on the road of planting staffs. "

You gave up hope yourself, but you think that I can change everything because you think I have a special talent for planting... Li Cha couldn't help but slander when he heard similar words, but he didn't show it on his face. After thinking for a while, Nodding to Reis, he agreed, "Okay, deal."

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