Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1149 Drug Testing Records

Back in the courtyard, Li Cha carefully browsed through the information provided by Sherlock, and had a detailed understanding of the situation of the Ancestral Spirit Association.

It is basically certain that the male wizard Barry did not lie, and the plan borrowed from "Blood Code" can be carried out.

Without further ado, Li Cha turned and entered the Garden of Eden.

Stepping into the main laboratory in the Garden of Eden, Li Cha quickly looked around and found that there was no sign of Barry here, and he was slightly taken aback.

He remembered very clearly that before he left, he left the other party here, and now that the other party is not there, could it be that he ran out?

Really brave... Li Cha couldn't help but sigh... It seems that the other party still doesn't fully understand the situation in Eden. According to his original thinking, keeping the other party in the main laboratory, as long as he doesn't run out, there won't be any major problems.

As for the other party leaving the main laboratory, it is really a little uncertain.

After all, no matter whether it is the Lich Old Man Ah Fu or the Eight-armed Skeleton Anan, as long as they are angry, they can make the other party's life worse than death.

It's okay, the worst thing is to mess with Pandora.

Although Pandora has become more and more sensible as she studies, once she gets really angry, no one can stop her.

After guessing like this, Li Cha became slightly worried: No, he just made a decision to borrow the "Blood Code" from the Ancestral Spirit Association, so Barry lost his life in the Garden of Eden, right? Without Barry as a key figure, it doesn't mean that the "Blood Code" cannot be borrowed at all, but it is destined to not go as smoothly as expected.

To give the simplest example, without Barry, the leading party, he would not even know where the "Blood Code" is hidden in the residence of the Ancestral Spirit Society.

Thinking of this, Li Cha's ears moved, and he vaguely caught Barry's screams coming from outside the door.

"It sounds painful, but if you know it hurts, it means you're not dead. It's okay, it's okay." Li Cha relaxed slightly, opened the door, and walked away looking for the sound, ready to see what was going on.

Walking through the open space in front of the main laboratory and making several turns, Li Cha walked to the No. 1 research room of the machining sector, and saw Pandora and Barry appearing here at the same time, and there was a golden retriever big yellow dog in the corner.

At this time, the golden retriever and rhubarb dog was licking wildly at a large basin of water, as if it had been thirsty for several days.

Pandora stared at Barry with sullen expression, but did not make any aggressive behavior.

The left side of Barry's face was swollen very high. At this time, he opened his mouth wide and screamed like a woman, looking very painful. However, in sharp contrast to the pain of the other party, the expression on the face, the eyebrows and eyes are showing a very satisfied smile.

Imagine a man standing on the ground, smiling and screaming, the scene is really extremely weird.

If he didn't know enough about Pandora, Li Cha really thought that Pandora secretly gave Barry a few needles in invisible places, and threatened Barry not to cry but to laugh.

But in reality, Pandora is doomed not to do this. It is too troublesome to get a needle or something, and it is easy to solve it with fists.


Li Cha looked at Pandora with some doubts, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's all his good deeds!" Pandora glanced at Barry, and complained angrily, "He dared to secretly catch little bell to test the medicine, and gave little bell the 'extreme diuretic', which almost made little bell Dehydration. After the accident, not only did not want to remedy it, but also wanted to hide it secretly and refused to admit it. Fortunately, I discovered it.

After I found out, I would naturally not spare him. Didn't he use the little bell to test the medicine, so I will use him to test the medicine, and let him know that things are not eaten casually. "

"Then what medicine did you test on him?"

"Unstable Potion No. 23."

"Number twenty-three?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows,

Quickly recalled the relevant information, "That is a mixed medicine containing the by-product 'Zuobiaxinzi'? I remember that the effect has not been tested yet, but the side effect is that one or several parts of the body can be randomized within a certain period of time. Sex out of control."

After finishing speaking, Li Cha looked at Barry again, and said with some understanding: "So, he lost control of his mouth and facial muscles?"

"Yes." Pandora nodded, "It's just started."

"This is indeed a bit special." Li Cha raised his eyebrows and said, "I remember that when we used mice to do biological experiments, most of the out-of-control parts were far away from the head. Could it be... Humans and mice have different structures, so random aspects will Is there a difference?"

As Li Cha spoke, his expression became serious, and he entered the state of research, completely ignoring Barry Wang's pleading gaze.

After a while, looking at Pandora, Li Cha asked aloud: "Did you make relevant records when testing the medicine? I want to see it."

"Of course I did, otherwise, what is it called a test drug?" Pandora said, and at this point, she glanced at Barry who was still screaming with contempt, and then handed over a few pieces of paper, "Hey, this is the observation record .”

Li Cha reached out to take it, his eyes scanned, and Pandora's iconic handwriting immediately came into view:

For some reason, I am going to conduct a drug test on the No. 23 potion on subject No. 1. This subject No. 1 is specifically described as an ordinary human wizard, whose source of magic is disturbed by "improved type-three mana antagonists", and the level of health... …

Three minutes before the test, I successfully brought subject No. 1 to the test site, and the other party was a bit uncooperative, so I spent a little time convincing him with the self-taught entry-level mechanics knowledge...

At the beginning of the test, I subcutaneously injected 10 ml of 5% No. 23 medicine into the opponent's upper arm. Well, since I couldn't find a suitable syringe, I chose to use a 2000ml syringe for this work. Subject No. 1 showed some fear and resistance, but was soon reconvinced by me...

Three minutes after the start of the test, the other party began to have a slight drug reaction, which continued to intensify. Twenty minutes later, it became very obvious that the left arm began to move irregularly and out of control, specifically manifested as randomly touching the surrounding objects, tearing his own hair, and slapping his body hard.

For the former performance, I blocked it to prevent damage to the instrument. For the latter two performances, for research purposes, I did not interfere too much, and observed in detail...

Forty-two minutes after the test started, the opponent's left arm lost control and ended, and he was in a relatively calm state...

Fifty-eight minutes after the start of the test, the opponent's legs lost control, specifically manifested as being unable to support the upper body...

Seventy-seven minutes after the start of the test, the opponent's legs lost control and stopped, and he returned to standing normally...

One hundred and eighty-seven minutes after the test started, the other party lost control of his mouth and made a sharp scream...

One hundred and eighty-eight minutes after the test began, I guessed that the other party's smile that lasted for three minutes might not be satisfied with my drug test, but the facial muscles were out of control.

In order to prove the guess, I confirmed it by patting the other person's cheek. After the confirmation, subject No. 1 told me by writing, in fact, you can ask him directly. Although he couldn't answer directly because he lost control of his mouth, he could tell me the answer by nodding or shaking his head.

Well, this is an experiment subject with his own ideas, but I think my method is simpler. If similar situations arise in the future, I will still stick to my method...


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