It took a few minutes for Richard to read through Pandora's observation records.

He raised his head, glanced at Pandora, couldn't help but shook his head and said, "I didn't see the special information in the record, but... why do I think, you kind of want to kill him."

"Scared! I didn't." Pandora opened her eyes wide and said innocently, "I just want to avenge Little Bell and let him try the potion. Of course, if he really dies, it can only be considered bad luck for him. "

Li Cha couldn't help shaking his head again, looked at Barry who was screaming, and said: "It seems that he is lucky that he hasn't died so far. That's fine, I have something that needs his cooperation I'll do it."

As soon as Li Cha finished speaking, he heard Barry's screams stop abruptly. Then, his eyes turned white, his body swayed, and he fell to the ground with a "bang", motionless.

"Dead?!" Pandora said quickly, her eyes sparkling.

Li Cha was stunned, approached, let go of his senses, sensed it, raised his head and said: "I didn't die, it was a sudden lack of blood supply to the brain and abnormal discharge, which led to fainting, which should be one of the new side effects of the No. 23 potion. It needs to be recorded."

As he spoke, he took a quill pen from the table next to him, and wrote a line of words on the paper.

"Are you so scared?" Pandora was slightly disappointed by this.

"Okay." Li Cha put away the paper of the observation record, dragged Barry up, walked out, and said to Pandora, "His suffering can almost make up for his mistakes, so you let him go." Bar."

"Next, it's up to me to deal with him." Li Cha said, and walked out the door.

潘多拉耸耸肩,撇嘴看向角落中还在舔水的金毛大黄狗,出声问道:“小铃铛,你觉的怎么样?要不要,我现在追上去,再揍那个欺负你的家伙一顿? Otherwise, I always feel that it is too cheap for him."


After licking the water for a long time, the golden retriever dog raised his head and barked, not knowing whether he agreed or refused.

But Pandora seemed to understand, nodded and replied: "Alright then, I will do as you said."


A few hours later, it was nightfall.


The familiar darkness.

In the familiar darkness, light suddenly appeared, and the male wizard Barry felt as if he had returned home, and he was almost used to waking up from a coma.

After waking up, he found that there were many footprints on his clothes, and his whole body was in pain, as if he had been run over by an elephant. His bones kept tingling, and even if they were not broken, there were cracks.

"What's the matter?" Barry was a little confused. He remembered being forcibly "persuaded" to test the drug before.

Even so, though, the test drug didn't suffer too much. These injuries on his body are a bit like they were caused after a coma.

After coma, what happened?

Barry looked around, and then noticed that he was sitting in the carriage of a carriage, and the carriage kept moving forward, not knowing where it was going.

Inside the carriage, Li Cha was sitting next to him. When he realized that Barry was awake, he turned his head and looked over.

"Are you awake?" Li Cha said, "I know, you have a lot of doubts now, but I can tell you a simple answer, that is: you can bully a dog, but you must understand before bullying, the dog Who is the owner. Otherwise, it is not an accident to be beaten under any circumstances."

"Huh?" Barry was stunned, still unable to react.

"In short, just be careful when doing things in the future." Li Cha said, thinking of something later, he reminded, "By the way, I have already dealt with the potion you drank for you.

Unstable Potion No. 23,

After injecting you with the neutralizing agent, the effect of the medicine has almost passed, so there is no need to worry about any part of your body suddenly losing control. However, in the next week, there is a certain chance of relapse, and it will be fine when the time comes, so don't be afraid.

In addition, the antidote for the 'improved type-three mana antagonist' was also given to you when you were unconscious. In the next three hours, your mana will recover at a relatively gentle rate, and after three hours, the rate will increase, and after twelve hours, you will be almost completely recovered. In fact, there is a more effective antidote, which will allow you to return to normal in a short time, but it will cause more damage to the body, so it is useless. "

Hearing Li Cha's words, Barry's mouth opened in surprise, his first reaction was not to be touched at all, but to be vigilant.

Although he didn't stay with Li Cha for a long time, he felt that he had fully recognized who Li Cha was: he was extremely rational and cold-blooded, and he would never show affection to him for no reason.

Now that he is giving him the antidote and caring about his body, then nothing good will happen next.

"What do you want to do to me?" Barry looked at Richard with flickering eyes.

Li Cha chuckled, and did not give a positive answer, but said: "Wait a while, you will know."

Barry was about to ask, when the carriage stopped suddenly. The old groom who drove the carriage outside poked his head in. The oil lamp hanging in the carriage reflected on his face, which was sallow and looked extremely vicissitudes.

The old groom spoke respectfully, and said to Li Cha: "My lord, there is no road ahead, do you think it is possible to send you here?"

Li Cha glanced outside through the car window, and saw that the location he was in was a forest. A road leading to the depths of the forest has come to an end here, and it is obviously impossible for the carriage to move forward. The old groom did not lie.


With a crisp sound, Li Cha popped a gold coin from between his fingers, threw it to the old groom and said, "Okay, you can send it here, and I will walk the rest of the way by myself."

After saying that, Li Cha grabbed Barry who hadn't reacted yet, left the carriage, and jumped off the carriage.

The groom carefully put away the gold coins, saluted Li Cha with gratitude, turned around the front of the carriage, and walked quickly towards the way he came. He disappeared into the deepening night after a while.

Watching the carriage disappear, Li Cha withdrew his gaze, grabbed the back of Barry's neck, and flew further into the forest as if lifting a pet.

Barry panicked, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and tried to struggle. But it didn't take long for him to drink the "Improved Type III Mana Antagonist" antidote, and his mana only recovered a little bit, which was not much different from an ordinary person, and he was completely unable to resist Richard. Therefore, he could only let Li Cha carry it, going deeper and deeper into the forest.

After going deeper for more than ten miles, Barry asked Li Cha in despair, "Although I don't think you will listen to my ideas, at least tell me where I'm going? Even if you want to bury me alive, Let me die to understand."

Li Cha's flying speed in the forest slowed down slightly, as if confirming the direction, he turned his head slightly to Barry and said, "Don't worry, I won't bury you alive. As for where you are going, you should turn your head and take a good look around. Maybe there will be an answer."

"Look around, and you can get the answer?" Barry didn't believe it at all. "Do you think I'm a child? All forests are the same. Such a large unrecognizable forest may be anywhere on the main continent, even It may be on an island far away from the main mainland, or it may be... well, wait a minute!"

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