Suddenly, Barry stopped talking, his eyes flickered, and he looked around carefully for a few seconds through the night, and said belatedly: "Hey, this forest is indeed a bit familiar now."

"Patches of Baquero trees are rare elsewhere. This...isn't this the alpine forest where the Ancestral Spirit Society is located in the northwest of the southern capital of the Soma Alliance, Xia Ya?" Barry looked at it in surprise. Richard.

"I recognized it." Li Cha said with a chuckle, "It's good that I recognize it, we can talk about business."

"Business? What business?"

"It's very simple. Not far ahead should be the residence of your Ancestral Spirit Society. Now I can no longer pursue the matter that attacked me before you, and send you home safely, and help you get rid of your hated opponent Nuo Ann, let you become the new leader of the Ancestral Spirit Society. Correspondingly, in return, I will borrow the "Blood Code" from your Ancestral Spirit Society for a period of time, study it, and then return it to you."

"This..." Barry hesitated after hearing this, "The "Blood Code" is the most important thing of our Ancestral Spirit Association, = there is never an example of lending it to outsiders, in fact, it is a member of the association, and not everyone can read it Yes. Not only do you want to borrow it now, but you don’t even have a specific time to return it, so it’s hard for me to promise you.”

While continuing to fly, Li Cha frowned slightly, looked at Barry and asked, "So, do you disagree?"

"No, no, no." Li Cha held the back of his neck and waved his hand quickly, "I mean, "Blood Code" is really important, you send me home, get rid of Nuoan, and make me the new leader, These conditions may be good, but they are a little worse in comparison. Therefore, I think it would be best if you can compensate me again. "

Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly: "What is your so-called compensation?"

"You see, now the ancestor spirit will be made extremely bad by Nuo'an. Even if you really kill him and I become the new leader, his cronies will definitely not be convinced. I hope you can solve them all at once. This way I can secure my position.

In addition, I hope you can promise me one condition, that is, if I encounter any difficulties in the future, you must help me with all your strength. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blackmailing you, I just know that I am not capable enough, and I feel that with a helper like you, I can be the leader for a few more years. "

In fact, you are planning to treat me as a thug...the ambition is not small... Li Cha narrowed his eyes and did not rush to answer.

Barry was a little impatient. After waiting for more than ten seconds, he didn't hear Li Cha's voice. He couldn't help but ask, "Do you think it's okay..."

As a result, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Li Cha.



Amidst the booing, Li Cha stopped his flying movement, and quietly landed on the ground with Barry in his hand, and pouted his mouth at the puzzled Barry.

Barry looked forward subconsciously, and through the blurred night, he saw a figure on a tree 100 meters away, fiddling with a necklace on his chest, obviously a sentinel on guard.

When Barry saw it, he was slightly startled, and said in a low voice, "Damn it, those are Nuo'an's people. When I left, there weren't many of them, and they were just guarding the station. In just a few days, the guarding area has been extended to here. Here we come. It seems that Nuoan should have recruited a lot of people recently, and his ambition is bigger than I imagined."

Your ambition is not too small, it's just that your ability can't match... Li Cha said in his heart.

"Look at this." Barry whispered, subconsciously thinking that Richard agreed to his previous conditions, and pointed to the unaware sentinel in front of him to give advice, "I haven't recovered my strength yet, and I need you to take action. With your With his ability, he could easily get close to that sentinel and get rid of him. After all, he should only be at the level of a wizard apprentice.

This is successfully resolved, we will continue to go deeper in this direction, as long as you encounter a sentry, you will assassinate and deal with it, and sneak into the garrison.

I know the resident well enough to help you get into Noan's bedroom. When the time comes, we will hide there, wait for Nuoan to come in, take advantage of his unpreparedness, and take a quick shot to kill him.

Then, you protect me and come forward and call all the people from the Ancestral Spirit Society. I will explain Nuo'an's crimes clearly and let people know that we are righteous. At that time, Nuo'an's subordinates will definitely be dissatisfied, but because Nuo'an is dead, it will be difficult to organize a resistance. Next, I will let you deal with them in batches in private, leaving only the old man who supports me.

In this way, the ancestral spirit society is a pure ancestral spirit society, and I can fully grasp it. It will also be able to give you the "Blood Code" you want without being blocked. How about it? "

After finishing speaking, Barry looked at Li Cha with burning eyes, his expression slightly agitated.

Li Cha, however, maintained his usual calmness. After thinking for a while, he asked a question: "The Ancestral Spirit Society does not have a small number of people. How can you tell who are Nuo'an's subordinates and who are the old people who support you?"

"It's very simple." Barry whispered, pointing to the sentinel who was still fiddling with the necklace in the distance, "Those who have the necklace are Nuo'an's subordinates, and those who don't have it are not."

"That necklace is special?"

"It's not special, but it's forbidden." Barry said, "Our ancestors will pay attention to peace, of course, you can also treat it as hypocrisy. Even if we kill people, we will not abuse the corpse.

Nuoan was different, he was brutal, undisguised brutality, and forced his men to do so. He asked his men to pull out the other's teeth and tie them around their necks every time they killed an enemy to show their bravery. His new recruits, as well as those who submit to him, have done so, only the old man who supports me still insists on principle. However, it is impossible to hold on for too long. "

"I see." Li Cha nodded.

"Okay, let's act quickly." Barry couldn't help urging, "It's dark now, so it's easy to hide, otherwise it will be difficult when the sun rises, and it will be very difficult to clear the sentries."

"Actually, it doesn't need to be that troublesome," Richard said.

"Huh?" Barry was a little confused, and looked at Richard, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Since they are all going to kill people, why do you need to be sneaky? If you want to pay attention to efficiency, it is best to lead them together and solve them together. You don't want to delay time, and I don't want to delay time, because my time is more precious than yours. .”

Barry stared: "You're crazy! Do you know how many people the Zu Linghui has now? Anyway, I don't know, I only know that Nuo'an has been recruiting wizard apprentices and wizards. It's easy for you to gather them together, but With Nuo'an's cooperation, it is impossible to kill them all. You will be the only one who will be killed.

I know that you are very strong, but if you want the plan to be successful, you must first deal with Nuo An, causing the opponent's army to be in a mess. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are, you will only fail. After all, you can't fight against an entire wizard organization alone, can you? Even if the ancestor spirit will not be famous, it is impossible. "

"That's not necessarily the case." Li Cha said softly, and glanced at Barry.

Seeing Li Cha's gaze, Barry couldn't help backing away: "Hey, you're not really crazy, are you? If you're crazy, I don't want to die with you, I want to leave, I want... ah!"

Suddenly Barry's voice turned into an exclamation.

Li Cha grabbed the back of Barry's neck again, leaped suddenly, reached mid-air, and flew towards the front with an extremely fast speed.

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