Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Guaranteed 3 updates tomorrow

There will be three more guarantees tomorrow, so... I am sorry to ask for leave today.

Don't take the knife first, everyone, listen to my explanation.

I know that the update is very unstable during this period, but there is no way, many things in life are squeezed together, I don’t have much time today, and I am so tired that I have to ask for leave.

I will try my best to adjust in the future and try to reduce the number of leave requests as much as possible.

After all, I am also afraid of being hacked to death (crossed out) and losing face.


Anyway, sorry!

"Technology Wizard" will be updated tomorrow with a guaranteed third update. Please wait a moment.

After the content is updated, please refresh the page again to get the latest update!

Dear, click to enter and give a good review. The higher the score, the faster the update. It is said that those who gave the new full score found a beautiful wife in the end! The new version of the mobile station upgrade address:, data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, no ads Fresh reading!

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