"Crack, click, click..."

The sound of Narid gnawing melons kept ringing, Li Cha calmed down and looked at the paper with the translation content written on it.

He first read the last third of the content he had just brought, and then put all the content together and read it again in its entirety.

After reading it, his eyebrows were raised, and his expression was a little weird. If he hadn't trusted the witch Circe, he really suspected that the other party copied some texts from somewhere and handed them to him.

What was shown on the paper was completely different from the hidden knowledge and wealth he expected, and had nothing to do with it, and it didn't even have much to do with the legendary wizard Soros himself.

What is described on the paper is a person named "Thangka". Soros talked about various things about Thangka in the tone of a friend, such as the dangers Thangka encountered during his travels in the mainland, how to resolve them, what benefits he got, and so on.

After browsing the content again, Li Cha was sure that he did not miss any key things. The translated text was indeed "Biography of Thangka". Frowning slightly, he looked at the witch Circe and said, "Thangka?"

As a translator, Circe obviously understands the content better. After listening to what Richard said, he nodded his head and asked, "Yes, it's Thangka. Wizard Richard, I don't know where you found these words that need to be translated. But when it is translated, it is exactly what you see.”

"Then... who is this thangka?" Li Cha asked.

"He..." Circe pursed her lips, ready to answer.

At this time, Narid suddenly raised her hand high, and said a little braggingly: "I, I, the teacher let me come, I know the answer."

Circe froze for a moment, then turned her head to look at Narid, with a look of reproach and helplessness, and finally let out a sigh of relief: "Okay, tell me."

"Okay." Narid nodded vigorously, opened her mouth wide, and swallowed all the melon in her hand with a few mouthfuls. With a serious expression, she began to talk about it with a somewhat prudish appearance.

"Thangka, his full name should be Thangka Modo Filo, he was once a famous legendary wizard. According to rumors, he is very powerful, but he doesn't like to fight with others, and he is more interested in studying some things you are interested in.

It is said that he was very eager to find out what happened to the ancient wizard civilization, which led to the destruction overnight, so he devoted most of his time to searching, excavating, and exploring ancient ruins.

By the way, he has friendship with many legendary wizards of his time, such as the "Blood Wizard Soros", "Sky Wizard Coxi", "Flame Wizard Gardon"...

It's a pity that he died very early, only a few dozen years old-when most wizards were in their prime, they died. Some people said that he fell under a vicious curse while exploring the ancient ruins, while others said that he was poisoned by an assassin sent by a hostile organization. In any case, his friends were very regretful and angry, and they tried to find out the cause of Thangka's death together, but nothing happened in the end...


Narid talked eloquently for a long time, took a deep breath after speaking, and concluded: "Okay, that's all I know."

"How about it, am I good?" Narid looked at Li Cha with a slightly satisfied look in her eyes.

"Awesome." Li Cha said, thinking quickly in his heart.

According to Narid,

This legendary archaeological wizard has a good relationship with the blood wizard Soros, which is confirmed in the translated content.

In addition, he noticed that at the end of the translation, Soros mentioned from the perspective of the first person that he and Thangka had jointly explored an ancient ruins. But the ancient ruins are very dangerous. Even with the strength of the two of them, they were forced to withdraw after only exploring the fringe area due to lack of preparation.

After quitting, he made an agreement with Thangka to prepare for a period of time, re-explore, and figure out the secrets in the ancient ruins. But not long after, Thangka passed away very abruptly, which made this agreement never have a chance to be fulfilled.

Compared with the rest of the record, this record is quite abrupt, because the rest of the record is purely from the perspective of a friend and a third party, objectively telling Thangka's individual deeds, only this one is the interaction between the two.

When I first read it, I didn't pay much attention to it, but now I think it has a deep meaning.

Could this be a hint? Or, is this a hidden clue?

Indeed, the knowledge and wealth hidden by the legendary blood wizard Soros are likely to be a chain of treasures similar to the wealth of the Dark King, so they are not hidden in his own tomb, but in Thangka's tomb.

Or, to go further, the so-called knowledge and wealth, which Soros called "the most precious thing" on the seal, actually refer to the ancient ruins that have been explored a little bit in the records.

This can be said in the past.

You must know that the ancient ruins are directly related to the mysterious ancient wizard civilization. Considering that many of the current spells are just improvements from the incomplete spells handed down from the ancient wizard civilization, if you can really get in touch with the ancient ruins and get some things from the ancient wizard civilization, then the benefits you can get are unimaginable.

To give the simplest example, what he wants to get the most when he is researching extraordinary factors is the incomplete ancient spell scroll, because the content is profound and has great reference value. However, because it was difficult to collect, he retreated to look for some powerful and unorthodox spells in the current world.

If... If the truth is as he guessed, he really wants to see what is hidden in the ancient ruins explored by Soros and Thangka, so that Soros can't forget it.

Of course, having said that, for now, this is actually a bit far away. After all, whether there are clues left by Soros in Thangka's tomb, it is uncertain where Thangka's tomb is.

Thinking of this, Li Cha twitched his eyebrows, looked at the female wizard Circe, and asked aloud: "Master Circe, if I want to know more about this legendary wizard Thangka, is there any way?"

"The way to understand thangka? I have a handwritten book here, which I can lend you for a look. There are many records about thangka in it." Circe said, and then showed a bit of apology on his face, "But you only You can read it here, but you can’t take it away. On the one hand, this skill is already very old, and it’s not easy to preserve. On the other hand, I need to use it for reference when I translate something.”

"Understood." Li Cha nodded and said, "Then there is trouble."

"You're welcome." Circe said, turned her head to look aside, and called her name, "Heidi."

"Yes, teacher." Heidi understood, turned and ran to the side study, walked back carefully holding a thick book for a moment, and gently placed it on the table next to Li Cha.

Li Cha's eyes fell on the cover of the book, and he only saw a line of text, which was somewhat vaguely written: Legend Record.

After watching it, he looked up at Circe with a thankful expression. Seeing that the other party made a gesture of waving, Li Cha stopped being polite, gently opened the book, found the part about the wizard Thangka, and read it carefully.



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