Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 11175 Shiratani

More than two hours later, Li Cha finished reading all the records about Thangka, and gained a deeper understanding of this legendary wizard.

According to the records in the book, this legendary wizard was born in the Kingdom of Sika, and his life experience is more mysterious than the public. don't know.

Corresponding to Thangka's mysterious identity, Thangka's many years of experience in his youth are unknown, even to his friends. In fact, it wasn't until Thangka left the Sika Kingdom and began to travel in the mainland that he gradually became famous and met many legendary wizards.

Speaking of it, the friendship between Soros and Thangka only started in the second half of Thangka's life, but the two are indeed very close, and they have collaborated on many things. Because of this, after Thangka's sudden death, Soros was the craziest person to investigate the cause of Thangka's death.

It is worth mentioning that Thangka's tomb is not as secret as imagined. It is in the place where he lived for many years, and there is even a tombstone. However, almost everyone suspected that it was not the real tomb, but just a disguise.

People speculate that Thangka's real tomb should be in other places, but it will not be too far away from the apparent tomb. Because Thangka made public his will, requesting that after his death, he should be buried in the place he thinks is the most comfortable place in the world, that is..."

"Baigu." Li Cha slowly closed the book and read it thoughtfully.


white valley.

Li Cha has always been very mobile, and once he decides what to do, he will never hesitate.

After confirming the location of Thangka's tomb, he bid farewell to the witch Circe, left Faro City, and rushed to the place called "White Valley" day and night.

After arriving at Baigu, he first went to Thangka's public tomb. After just one glance, it became clear why everyone suspected it was a fake tomb, because the tomb was impressively located in a private garden.

In the private garden, the scenery is very good, with lawns, flowers and fountains, the air is fresh and the environment is pleasant. In addition, there are many stalls selling food and gadgets at the entrance, which is a good place for daily leisure.

But what's the matter with only being allowed to enter the park to view the tomb after collecting money according to the head?

Amusement park... No, the rudiment of the memorial hall collecting tickets?

According to the narration of passers-by, Li Cha learned some things. It turned out that this place was a way for an apprentice of Thangka who came out of nowhere to make money under the pretense of a name.

Considering that this apprentice was not disposed of by Tangka's friends and allowed his descendants to develop into what he is now, this apprentice may be real. Of course, it may be fake, but Thangka's friends are happy to see it, and use it to cover Thangka's real tomb.

In any case, public graves do have good reason to be skeptical.

Just in case, Li Cha purposely used the perspective function of the staring eye to take a look. After confirming that there was nothing in the tomb, it was an empty shell, so he shook his head and left in a funny way.

Afterwards, Li Cha began to try to find Thangka's real tomb in the rest of Baigu, and it took him a week to find it.


In the afternoon a week later.

Under the shining of the sun, Li Cha appeared on a mound tens of meters high in Baigu.

He squinted at a small town under a mound,

Thinking back to the area after area that had been ruled out in the past few days, he let out a sigh of relief.

One thing, to be clear, is that although Baigu is called Baigu, it has nothing to do with "white" and "valley".

The name of Baigu comes from the local aboriginal word "Bocado", which means "secret place". It is an area of ​​several hundred square kilometers, which is similar in size to an entire county on the earth.

It is close to the border of the Soma Alliance, not far from the barren mountains of the Kingdom of Sika and the barren plateau of the Northern Wilderness. It seems to be infected by two bad lands, so it is also extremely barren.

In the area, except for the endless forest, there are almost no special products, so the two most prosperous occupations here are lumberjacks and coachmen-loggers are responsible for cutting high-quality logs, and coachmen are responsible for transporting them out and selling them to other places people in need.

People here have been doing this since before the founding of the Soma Alliance, and it continues to this day.

The people here are not worried that the forest will be cut down at all, because the forest they face is a vast green sea that spreads to the Soma Alliance, the Sika Kingdom, and the Northern Wilderness. Whether it is for ordinary people or wizards , are almost endless.

Therefore, no matter how hard people work, they can only cut down trees at the same speed as the forest expands outwards. After so many years of hard work, they are almost wandering in place, and they have not gone deep into the forest at all.

Li Cha is not too unfamiliar with this place, because he passed by here once before in order to choose a suitable place for the long-lived tinwood to be released, and finally put the tinwood in the depths of the vast forest bordering here.

But the last time I passed by in a hurry, after this detailed exploration, I found that Baigu was not simple.

The terrain here is very complicated, with both relatively flat plains and undulating mountains, so it took him several days to explore and rule out most of the area.

Now there are two last areas in Whitevale left to explore, one is Blacknail Town, and the other is Ashwood Town below his mound.

"Ashwood Town..."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes, and his body disappeared little by little. After a few seconds, his body reappeared, already standing on the street of Huimu Town.

There were very few people on the streets of Huimu Town, and no one noticed that someone was performing the trick of "returning a living person" here, so it was very peaceful.

Li Cha looked around, selected the only tavern in the town, and walked over.

Go to the door, push the door to enter, and step into the lobby.

In the lobby, there were two tables of lumberjacks and one table of coachmen drinking wine, and the rest of the seats were empty. Considering that this is only the afternoon, and there is still a long time before the evening peak, it is not too cold.

A few people who were drinking looked curiously, but lost interest after a glance, and turned back to continue drinking with their companions. With a calm expression on his face, Li Cha didn't pay too much attention to others, locked on the bartender behind the counter, and walked over.

"I want to inquire about one thing." Li Cha spoke to the bartender, and asked after thinking for a while, "Is there any abandoned cemetery near here? Or, is there any place suitable for burying people?"

The young bartender behind the counter listened to Li Cha's words without raising his eyelids, and wiped the table with a broken rag, spit from time to time to moisten it.

There was an expression on his face that had seen everything long ago, and he was bored and tired, and he opened his mouth and said, "You are also here to find the real tomb of the wizard Thangka, right?"

"Huh?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows.


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