Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1176: West Mountain

"How do you know?" Li Cha didn't deny his purpose, he looked at the bartender and asked, a little curious about how the other party had insight into his thoughts.

The bartender didn't answer right away, but kept it a secret on purpose. He put down the rag that was wiping the table vigorously in his hand, turned his head, took out a huge wooden cup from the wooden stand, and took a large glass of beer with white foam from the barrel on the side. With a "boom", it was placed heavily on the counter, and pushed flat to Li Cha.

"You buy a glass of beer, and I'll tell you the answer." The bartender said conditionally.

Li Cha blinked and asked, "How much is the beer?"

"Three copper coins a cup, guaranteed to be delicious." The bartender smiled, his gray eyes full of sincerity and eagerness to sell.

Li Cha glanced at the beer in the wooden cup, and saw that there was a yellowish liquid under the white foam. A lot of tiny debris floated up and down in the liquid. I don't know if it was sawdust or impurities accidentally added during the winemaking process.

It is indeed cheap to buy a large glass of beer for three copper coins, but in a sense, it also shows that the beer is not much better. As a researcher, he is more resistant to alcohol because it affects his sanity. At the beginning, in the Blue Lion Kingdom, there was almost no contact with it, and fresh water was chosen for daily drinking, and now it will not make an exception casually.

After pondering for a second, Li Cha gently pushed aside the wooden cup in front of him with his hand, flipped it over, slapped a silver coin on the table, looked at the bartender and said: "I can buy beer, this silver coin is the wine money, but the drink Forget it, I never like drinking, you can help me get rid of it."

After hearing Li Cha's words, the bartender wasn't surprised, as if he was used to it, he asked calmly, "So, shall I help you drink?"


"Okay—" the bartender agreed in a drawn-out voice, pulled the wooden cup from the counter to his side, took a deep breath, lifted it, and poured it down to his mouth.

"Gudong! Gudong!"

The frothy yellow liquid quickly flowed into the bartender's mouth, and the expression on the bartender's face gradually became ferocious, and in the end it was even painful.


Ten seconds later, the bartender drank all the beer in one go, pressed the wooden cup heavily on the counter, bared his teeth and grinned, and cursed: "It's... really terrible!"

Li Cha: "..." I was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but want to say, it seemed to be you just now, who said "absolutely delicious" with sincerity.

As if he had guessed Li Cha's slander, the bartender wiped his tongue fiercely with a rag, spit out several mouthfuls of saliva, looked at it with a bit of helplessness, and said, "Hey, that I know what you're feeling right now. You must be scolding me. However, it is really not my fault, bah bah, I just wanted you to drink because I was forced.

My boss brewed this kind of beer himself. It tastes so bad that he can't sell it at all, but he still forces me to sell a barrel of it every day. What can I do? "

"Actually, if it's really bad, you can pour it out. There's no need to drink it yourself. After all... I've already paid for it." Li Cha looked at the bartender and said.

"No, no, no." The bartender shook his head vigorously, his eyes widened, and he said incomprehensibly, "How can it be poured out! Although this beer is indeed a little bit bad, it is still beer, and it must not be wasted. No matter how bad it is ,I want to drink too."

Li Cha: "..."


The bartender waved his hand, not wanting to continue discussing this topic, looked over and said, "Let's talk about the tomb of the Thangka wizard." "

"I was also about to ask." Li Cha said, showing a serious expression, "How do you know, that's what I asked you just now."

"It's very simple." The corner of the bartender's mouth curled up, and he said proudly, "Because you are not the first to ask this question, and you will definitely not be the last one to ask this question."


The bartender took a deep breath and explained: "Let me tell you this, everyone knows that the legendary wizard Thangka was buried in the area of ​​Baigu after his death, and the tomb built in the garden is definitely a fake.

Therefore, since a long time ago, people have been coming here one after another to look for the real tomb of the Thangka wizard and the treasure in the tomb. I'm not surprised by this, as long as I see strangers from other places coming, I can probably guess that this is the purpose.

Speaking of which, there was a large group of people trying to find the tomb of the Thangka wizard last night. They rested in my tavern and bought several glasses of beer brewed by our boss on my recommendation—but they only took a sip. Just asked to change the wine, the attitude is very tough, so I have a deep impression on them. "

"Is that so..." After hearing what the bartender said, Li Cha asked, "By the way, where is the tomb of the Thangka wizard that so many people are looking for?"

"I don't know about that." The bartender shrugged, "I'm just a guy in the tavern who can't sell beer to the boss. How can I know this. But I can tell you that many people go to the west side If the tomb of the Thangka wizard is really nearby, it must be in that area."

"West? Mountains?" Li Cha thought for a few seconds after hearing what the bartender said.

"Thank you." The next moment he nodded without any hesitation, turned around and left.

"You're welcome!" Just as he was about to leave, the bartender shouted loudly behind Li Cha, "If you really want to thank me, just buy another glass of beer. You don't need a silver coin, and the original price is three copper coins. If you really can't, you don't want to thank me!" Once you find the tomb of that Thangka wizard, get his treasure, and come back and buy another glass of beer."

Li Cha: "..." He walked out of the tavern with quicker steps.


After leaving the tavern, Li Cha quickly rushed to the western mountain that the bartender said, which is considered the most complicated part of Baigu.

Standing on top of a small hill on the edge of the mountain, Li Cha thought about what the bartender said, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The bartender said that people have always come here to look for the tomb of the Thangka wizard, which means that many clues point to this place. The possibility of finding the tomb here is relatively high, and maybe there is no need to go to Heinail Town.

But having said that, people have been looking for it all the time, which means that no one has really found it. So even if Thangka's tomb is really here, it must be very hidden and hard to find.

However, it is hard to find, but you have to find it.

After all, we have come here, we have to try.

Taking a deep breath, Li Cha's thoughts moved, and the free energy elements in his body rushed out quickly, and his eyes flashed with a faint blue luster.

The staring eyes are fully opened.

The whole world began to change in his field of vision. The soil under his feet and the surrounding trees quickly faded and became transparent, turning into lines arranged in an orderly manner.

Li Cha stepped forward and flew forward, quickly looking around, while consuming a lot of free energy elements, while checking the shallow soil of the mountain.

"Swipe, swipe..."

Li Cha kept flying, and time passed quickly.

One hour, two hours, three hours...


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