Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1177: Beg to die

After several hours of intermittent investigation, near dusk, Li Cha stopped at an ordinary hill in the mountains.

Even with the support of the short energy-storing staff, at this time his source of magic was also a little empty, and his face was a little tired.

However, his eyes were very bright, staring sharply at the position under his feet.

In his field of vision, more than ten meters below his feet, there is a corridor that slopes down and leads to the mountainside.

Did you find it? Is this where the tomb of the real wizard Thangka is located?

Or, is it the entrance to another place?

However, it is just a fantasy, destined to have no answer, what it is, it will be clear after a little exploration.

Oh well.

Li Cha's expression froze, he had made a decision in his heart, his eyes lost the light blue luster, and he patted the ground heavily with one hand.

"Crack! Hum!"

The vibration sounded, and with the ground as the center, finger-thick cracks quickly appeared in the surrounding soil.

The tortoise cracks continue to spread and produce branches, and the number is increasing, and the soil becomes pulverized, and finally almost becomes powder.

With a "swipe", a large piece of soil fell down like quicksand, revealing the entrance of a dark tunnel more than ten meters underground.

Li Cha didn't hesitate, and quickly fell down. Golden energy was born from his whole body for protection, and he turned on the "first armor" state, and walked into the tunnel.

Stepping on the finely divided soil powder that slid into the corridor, Li Cha moved forward quickly while maintaining vigilance. He wasn't too worried about possible traps and guardian creatures.

After all, after such a long period of research and growth, he has made great progress compared to before. Although he was still him, he would no longer be like the first time he explored the treasure of the Black Spirit King on the east coast, he had to explore three times before he succeeded, and he was even injured on the way to the point of death.

He has researched so many things and analyzed so many spells, not just for fun.

Thinking of this, Li Cha took a step forward, his body slid more than ten meters in the air, and then fell heavily, sending a powerful impact downward.

There was a sound of "crash", and an arrow trap hidden on the ground of the tunnel was completely destroyed before it could be activated.

After doing this, Li Cha's expression did not change, and he continued to move forward.

One step, two steps, three steps...

After taking three steps, he slowed down slightly, frowning and looking deep into the corridor.

The sound of "russling" sounded, and it was getting closer and closer. Under the effect of the night vision spell, Li Cha clearly saw dozens of multi-legged reptiles similar to gnats appearing and crawling towards him.

Each scorpion is about half a meter long, and its shell is as black as ink, definitely not a mortal thing.

However, Li Cha didn't observe too carefully, he just glanced briefly to confirm the opponent's strength level, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of blood-red energy spears condensed in front of him, and then released them.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Dozens of "Blood Spears" flew out and exploded quickly. The blood-colored energy was like splashing water, covering the bodies of all the giant gnats.

I saw the giant gnats seem to have fallen into the boiling oil pan collectively,

The body suddenly curled up, and after a while, most of it was shrunk into a ball, and there was no breath.

A very small number of vitality is relatively tenacious, still struggling, trying to crawl up and attack.

Li Cha looked at it, but without any mercy, he waved his hand, and several "blood spears" flew out, and landed on the stubborn gnats accurately, killing them by name.

Therefore, within a few seconds after the appearance of the giant gnat, the entire corridor regained its calm.

There was no fluctuation on Li Cha's face, he stepped on the corpse of the giant gnat lightly, and walked deeper into the corridor. In his opinion, with enough research means, it is normal to solve any danger so easily in the process of exploring the tomb.

After all, speaking of it, Thangka's tomb is much inferior to the treasures of Hei Ling on the east coast.


The footsteps echoed, and after a while, Li Cha walked to the end of the corridor, and with a wider view, he stepped into a huge cave.

Now we should be in the real mountainside... It shouldn't be too far from the real tomb... If all goes well, maybe before dusk ends, we will be able to get the clues left by the blood wizard Soros in Thangka's tomb ...Li Cha was thinking.

As soon as he thought of this, he heard the sound of "rustle", two black pythons with a length of five or six meters appeared from nowhere, approaching and biting him quickly.

The second batch of guardian creatures... Trouble... a little short-sighted... Li Cha raised his eyebrows and raised his hand without hesitation.


With a wave of his hand, he saw streaks of light flashing in front of him. In an instant, more than a dozen miniature spell-seeking missiles under test were taken out of the space iron ring, activated, and flew out roaring.

The naked eyes saw that two giant black pythons approached menacingly, marched to the middle, opened their mouths and were about to make a demonstration sound, when they were "pasted" on their faces by more than a dozen miniature spell-seeking missiles.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The miniature spell-seeking missiles exploded one after another, making a series of noises, but there were no flames or explosions, only clusters of blue light flashed.

The two giant black pythons seemed to have received a strong blow in the flashing blue light, their bodies writhed violently, and became entangled in a moment, which was very painful.

The miniature spell-seeking missile just launched is a miniature spiritual spell-seeking missile that Richard is still experimenting with. It has almost no physical lethality, but it can cause extremely strong damage to the spirit. It is specially developed for creatures.

Now it seems that the miniature spiritual magic tracking missile in the experiment is very effective against the two black pythons. After the two giant black pythons were attacked, their struggling movements became slower and slower, and after more than ten seconds, they didn't move at all.


Li Cha took a look, and this thought flashed in his mind, then turned his head away, showing a contemptuous smile.

On the surface, the two giant black pythons are indeed dead, but in his senses, the breath of life in the two giant black pythons still exists, and the mana fluctuations are also constantly strengthening. The spirit may be a little confused, but it has definitely not arrived. degree of death.

In other words, the two black pythons were playing dead.

Is it very smart, is this going to launch a sneak attack when I go forward?

Unfortunately... I chose the wrong target.

Since I want to pretend to be dead, I might as well help you and make you really die.

Li Cha raised his eyelids and raised his hands at the same time. Dozens of rays of light flashed in front of him, and a large number of miniature spiritual magic tracking missiles in the experiment were taken out and activated together.

"Swipe, swipe, swipe..."

A swarm of miniature spiritual magic tracking missiles roared out, flying towards the black python pretending to be dead.

The giant black python realized that his trap had been seen through, and hurriedly raised its head, ready to flee and dodge, but it was too late.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

The number of miniature spiritual magic tracking missiles that far exceeded the previous number exploded continuously, and the bursts of blue light directly submerged the bodies of the two black pythons, and at the same time completely defeated the spirits of the two black pythons.

"Boom! Boom!"

After a while, there were two sounds, and the raised heads of the two black pythons fell heavily to the ground. According to Li Cha's sensing, all their life indicators dropped sharply, and finally dropped to zero.

This is really dead.

If you seek benevolence, you will be benevolent, and if you seek death, you will die.

"Very good." Li Cha nodded and said, stepping over the body of the black python and moving forward.



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