Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1183 Inspection work

Li Cha left the long-haired woman and the group, flew all the way, and finally stopped on a tree in the forest.

Looking back at the direction of the long-haired woman and her party, Li Cha thought: According to what the long-haired woman said before, he can determine that the ancient ruins are located in the western border of the Soma Alliance, excluding a large area in the direction of Baigu , in the area of ​​the other three directions, there are about a dozen more matching locations.

If he wants, he can go to these places and find out.

However, having said that, he believed in his own point of view: to open the ancient ruins, the combination of the red seal and the blue seal must be needed, so that the words on the seal can be explained.

In this case, if the long-haired woman goes to explore with a team, it is doomed to fail, and it is doomed to come back to find him to cooperate.

He can just wait, don't bother.

Of course, he can also go to the extreme, snatch the blue seal from the group of long-haired women, and go to open the ancient ruins and explore alone.

However, based on his contact just now, he can be sure that the long-haired women's team is not ordinary. Although he can't determine the specific wizard level of the other party, they are definitely not weak. In addition, the other party obviously has information that he does not know, and he does not have a strong desire for the things in the ancient ruins, but just wants to use them as a reference for research.

All things considered, it is a more worry-free choice to cooperate with the other party.

Here comes the problem.

Before waiting for the long-haired woman to contact him to cooperate with him, how does he pass the time in the present moment?

Back to Faro?

It's too far to go back, and there's no need.

Back to Ashwood Town?

That's fine, but if you go there, there's nothing else you can do except taste the bad beer in the tavern.

In that case, it would be better...

Li Cha raised his eyebrows slightly, looked in a direction deep in the forest, and got an idea.


The next moment, Li Cha stepped on his feet, left the tree he was stepping on, and flew towards the depths of the forest.


As time passed, the night gradually became darker.

After the richness reached the extreme, it began to fade again. The sun rose from the eastern horizon as always, and a new day came.

In the morning of the new day.


With a sound, a figure fell straight up and landed on an open space. It was Li Cha.

With both feet touching the ground and the force of the impact being removed, Li Cha stood up slowly, when he heard the sound of many beasts running towards him from all around.


The grass was disturbed, and more than a dozen tall beasts appeared in the field of vision, looking vigilant.

Li Cha glanced at it without any fear, and instead commented to himself: "There are only so many. According to Ximu's mood when it was just released, I thought there would be an army composed of hundreds or thousands of beasts." Well, it seems that Ximu hasn't been working very hard recently. Is it too long and has become lazy?"

After finishing speaking, Li Cha turned his head to look at a gray wolf among the dozens of beasts, knowing that the other party was intelligent, and asked aloud: "I'm here to find your boss 'Ximu',

where is he now "


The gray wolf barked in one direction, and without further explanation, glanced at Li Cha, and led the other dozen or so beasts away in a hurry with its tail between its legs.

"Swipe, swipe..."

Just as Gray Wolf and his group of beasts left, there was a sound coming from the side. After a while, they saw a tin wood nearly four meters high, pushed aside the trees, and walked to the open space.

The sun from the sky shone on the golden trunk of the tin wood, shining brightly and looking very holy. The bark was twisted, revealing a human face, looking a bit dissatisfied.

Ximu asked Li Cha in a buzzing voice, "Hey, boy, what are you doing here?"

"Can't I come?" Li Cha said, "Something is being dealt with nearby, so I came here to have a look."

"Hmph, is that so, it could be that you are worried about me, so you came here specially to check?" Ximu's tone was not polite, feeling a little suspicious.

Li Cha said: "If I really didn't trust you, then I wouldn't have let you out in the first place, and would have kept you locked in the Garden of Eden."

Ximu: "..." There was a moment of silence, and he really couldn't refute it.

"Okay." Li Cha said, "Rather than worrying about you, I'm actually even more worried about the machinery on the production lines that I put in your place and let you be in charge of. During this time, you didn't break it for me, did you? "

"I am the wise man of the tree. I know how to operate and how to break it. Don't underestimate me!" Ximu said angrily, then paused, changed his tone, and said in a low voice, "But... your The machinery is indeed not working very well, and there will be some small problems from time to time, you'd better go and fix it."

Li Cha: "So, you still broke it for me?"

"No!" Ximu said loudly, "As I said, they are all minor problems, which do not affect production and cannot be regarded as damage."

"Okay." Li Cha spread his hands, didn't dwell on this question, turned and walked in another direction, "Then I'll go and have a look."

Ximu looked at Li Cha's back, and retracted his gaze with a little guilt, then realized something, and turned his head to look aside.

Before retreating from the tall gray wolf, it reappeared, and for some reason, some blood was stained on its paws. It looked at Ximu, and made a sound of "wow" in its mouth, which sounded a little sad, and turned its head back from time to time, as if to indicate something.

Ximu looked in the direction indicated by Gray Wolf, and the expression on the face on the tree trunk suddenly became serious.


Gray Wolf howled again.



With the faint howling of wolves echoing in his ears, Li Cha walked a few kilometers and entered the cave dug out of a small hill inside the forest.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, he could feel the vaguely erosive energy floating in. He propped up a layer of golden body protection energy, turned on the "first armor" state, entered the cave without fear, and saw that there were many machines working here.

"Boom, boom," the beast-like machinery kept roaring.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi", steam spouted from some pipe connections from time to time, making the surrounding smoke lingering.

On the stone wall, the incomparably complex magic lines light up and darken regularly, which means that the energy is being transmitted according to the plan.

In the corner, between several vertical cylinders, dazzling light beams light up from time to time, and high-energy lasers are generated and dissipated in a large scale.

The entire cave has a feeling of fusion of chaos and order, bringing a weird atmosphere where technology and magic intersect.

It looks a bit "steampunk" style, but it doesn't quite fit.

Li Cha feels that it is more appropriate to use the style of "technical wizard" to describe it.

Here is the factory he entrusted Tinmu to manage, which is specially used to purify the refined uranium ore powder in the Nancy and Gero mines to prepare for weapon-grade nuclear materials.

Speaking of it, in fact, as far as he is concerned now, there is not much need to store a large amount of weapons-grade nuclear materials and produce a large number of nuclear weapons. After all, he is no longer in the Truth Society, and he doesn't have so many powerful enemies-now he lives and studies freely, very comfortable.

But then again, as a powerful source of energy, Ximu signed a century-old contract with him, and no exploitation is worthless. Although too many weapons-grade nuclear materials are not very useful at present, they are not useless. If they happen to be used one day, then "the more the better".

Tin Wood is responsible for providing energy, and Nancy and Gero are responsible for providing cheap raw materials. The cost is shockingly low, so don't be too polite.

Thinking of this, Li Cha started to inspect the production line, spent several hours, and solved a series of mechanical problems. Make sure that the three production lines in the cave can maintain at least one production line within three months, no matter how bad it is, he nodded with satisfaction and walked out.

As he walked, he thought about whether he should discuss with Ximu to add a few more production lines and increase production.

After all, Ximu agreed to a series of conditions in order to let him go outside. Thinking about it, it was not difficult.


Li Cha walked out of the cave and walked towards Ximu's location.



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