Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1184 This is an order

at the same time.

In the western frontier area of ​​the Soma Alliance, somewhere, in a huge underground space.

The long-haired woman and her group were standing in front of a huge stone wall at this time, their brows were tightly frowned, and their expressions seemed to be a little off.

After a few seconds, the long-haired woman narrowed her dark brown eyes, gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice, "I don't believe it anymore, try again, this time on the left side."

"It's... Captain."

The 1.8 meter tall man nodded in response and walked towards the stone wall.

You can see the surface of the stone wall, which is engraved with densely packed magic patterns, and these magic patterns finally converge at the two positions in the middle of the bottom. There are two positions, each with a small hole, like a key hole.

The strong man walked to the small hole on the left, reached out and took out a blue seal, and inserted it carefully.


With a soft sound, something seemed to be touched in the small hole, and immediately most of the magic lines on the stone wall lit up.


The stone wall vibrated slightly, a lot of stone chips fell, and a faint crack appeared in the middle, as if it was about to open like a door.

But the inside of the "door" seemed to be blocked by something, even though more and more stone chips fell down, and even though the magic pattern became brighter and brighter, it just kept it as it was, preventing the gap in the door from widening.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time passed, and slowly, the vibration of the stone wall became weaker, and the magic pattern gradually dimmed, and it seemed that it was about to fail to open.

The long-haired woman frowned, her eyes narrowed, and she opened her mouth and said, "I still don't believe it!"

After saying that, the long-haired woman raised her right hand, put it into her mouth, and bit it hard, and the tip of her index finger immediately flowed out bright red blood.

The long-haired woman pointed her bleeding finger at the stone wall, and the blood was attracted, detached from her fingertips, flew towards the stone wall, landed on the surface, and penetrated quickly.

One drop, two drops, three drops...

The blood that the long-haired woman bleed was very thick and very slow, and it was only a dozen drops in half a day, and the long-haired woman seemed to have consumed a lot, and her face paled visible to the naked eye.

More than a dozen drops of blood seeped into the stone wall, and the stone wall finally reacted. With a "hum", it vibrated violently again, and the magic pattern became brighter than before.

But... no matter how hard the stone wall shakes and the magic pattern shines brighter, the gap in the middle of the stone wall remains the same and refuses to expand.

Slowly, slowly, the blood penetrating into the stone wall exhausted its energy, the vibration of the stone wall slowed down again, and the brightness of the magic pattern decreased again.

Failure to open is inevitable.

The long-haired woman looked at it, her slender eyebrows raised, her eyes widened and she said, "This shouldn't be, it's impossible! I won't allow it!"

After the words fell, the long-haired woman stepped on her feet, her long hair straightened behind her head like a gun, and she flew towards the stone wall as fast as lightning, with a dense purple energy condensed on the palm of her hand, and she took heavy shots.

"Open it for me!"

The long-haired woman yelled.

Almost instantly, Shibi responded.


The magic pattern on the stone wall that has faded,

All lighted up, and a finger-thick golden arc appeared on the surface, wrapping around the body of the long-haired woman like a poisonous snake.


The long-haired woman let out a short cry, was knocked into the air by the energy, whizzed back like a meteorite, and smashed a crater on the ground.

"team leader!"

In an instant, everyone shouted, especially the 1.8 meter strong man, his eyes were red, and he was about to step forward to treat the long-haired woman.


At this time, in the pit, the long-haired woman coughed twice, raised her hand, and shouted: "I'm fine, you don't need to come here." Stopping everyone from coming forward.

Under the worried eyes of everyone, the long-haired woman got up little by little, with her hair draped behind her shoulders, walking back to the stone wall in a mess.

At this time, the stone wall had returned to calm, and the blue seal inserted into the small hole automatically slid out and fell to the ground.

The long-haired woman beckoned, and the blue seal flew up from the ground and landed in her hand. Holding the blue seal, she turned it around a few times, stared at the stone wall in front of her, said to herself, and said with a sigh: "Sure enough, it's not as simple as I thought."

"Captain, why don't we smash this broken stone wall with spells!"

The strong man was beside him, making suggestions. For the long-haired woman to be counterattacked by the stone wall magic pattern, he brooded, and wanted to express his anger for the long-haired woman.

At this time, the white-haired old man wearing a black iron mask made a faint voice, and said to the strong man: "If you really want to bury us all here and completely destroy this ancient relic, then just do it. "

"What do you mean?" The strong man frowned and looked at the white-haired old man.

"The meaning is very simple, don't take the obstacles set by the predecessors too simple." Under the black iron mask, there was a faint explanation, "If I guessed correctly, this stone wall must be connected to this underground space. It's a piece, just like the metal door in the tomb before - as long as we dare to break it forcibly, the entire underground space will collapse.

I even suspect that this stone wall may be connected to a certain energy hub in the ancient ruins. Once we forcibly destroy it, it will trigger a chain reaction in the ruins and blow everyone up to the sky. Even if it fails to blow up to the sky, the entire ruins will be destroyed. "

"Then how about we change the entrance to enter the ruins?" The lame woman with thick lips suddenly spoke out at this moment, proposing a new idea, "We can directly open an entrance at a certain position on the ground, dig vertically to the center of the ruins, and take the things Just go, it's convenient and easy."

"That's right!" The strong man's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he agreed, "This is a good idea! Why didn't we think of it earlier?!"

"Actually, that predecessor has thought of it a long time ago." The white-haired old man said in a cold voice, "That person did it when he first explored the ruins, but the consequences were extremely bad. According to him, the ruins The inside is extremely complicated, and entering through this entrance is the safest, at least you can proceed step by step. And entering through the other entrances, you don’t know where you will fall into the ruins, and if there is an accident, you will never be able to get out.”

"Then..." The brawny man was anxious, and couldn't help asking, "Then what should we do? We can't, after preparing for so long, end up standing in front of the stone wall and admit defeat, right?"

The white-haired old man listened, shook his head, did not give an answer, but looked aside.

The strong man followed the eyes of the old man, and then saw the long-haired woman walking beside him at some point.

The strong man: "Captain, you..."

The long-haired woman didn't speak immediately, but looked around at everyone including the strong man, took a deep breath, and made a decision: "Okay, let's stop discussing, send a signal to that person, let's talk to him." He cooperates and explores the ruins together."

"team leader!"


"We can think about it again."

"Yeah, why do you want to cooperate with that unknown person?"

As soon as the long-haired woman finished speaking, many people raised objections immediately.

The long-haired woman didn't waver after hearing this, and said seriously: "This exploration of the ruins is a beginning and a spark. We can't afford to fail, and we can't afford to wait. We must succeed. After all, many people are still waiting for us to go back.

In addition, we can't stay in the Soma Alliance for too long. After all, this place is not safe for us. Once something unexpected happens, it will all fail.

In this way, if the other party really holds the indispensable Scarlet Seal in his hand, it will be fine for us to cooperate with him. As long as we ensure that the most important things in the ruins are in our hands, we will give him a little of the rest, no big deal. After all, I am not a stingy person.

Someone taught me that sometimes you have to know how to distribute benefits to others, so that you can bring greater success. "

"But..." Someone still hesitated to speak.

The long-haired woman's eyes froze: "No but, this is an order!"


Everyone's expressions were serious, they stopped talking, and responded in unison.



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