Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1185 I'm fine

In the depths of the forest, tin wood is placed outside the ground.

Li Cha walked out of the cave and walked towards Ximu, but he smelled a strong bloody smell tens of meters away, and couldn't help frowning.

Quickening his pace, he walked up to Ximu, and saw a wolf with silver-white hair lying at Ximu's feet. White Wolf had dozens of piercing wounds all over his body, as if he had been shot by the rain of arrows, but there were no arrows or arrow shafts, and there were jagged tears on the edge of the wound, which was very strange.

A few meters away, the tall gray wolf he had seen before was looking worriedly at the white wolf, and looked at Ximu from time to time.

Ximu didn't say a word, branches hung down from the crown of the tree, forming arms, pressing on the white wolf's wound.

On the palm of the hand, there is a light green energy, which is poured into the white wolf's body little by little, allowing the wound to heal, but very slowly. Sometimes, some strange energy was at work, and after a few wounds were repaired with great difficulty, the inexplicable wounds would burst and a lot of blood would flow out, making Ximu's efforts in vain.

However, Ximu was not angry about this, but continued to treat the white wolf with a sullen face.

Li Cha looked at it for a long time, then frowned and asked Ximu, "What's going on?"

"It's nothing. It's just that one of the demonized beasts I cultivated was injured by other demonized beasts in the forest. I'm treating it now." Ximu said, unable to hear any emotion.

Li Cha blinked his eyes, not being dismissed so easily, and looked at the injured white wolf again, especially at the wound on the white wolf, and asked aloud: "Ordinary demonized beasts will not cause this kind of injury." A wound? It doesn't look like it was caused by magic, but rather like the mouthparts of some kind of special insect."

"The one that hurt it was a demonized insect, a demonized insect that I hate very much." Ximu said, with a slightly higher tone, showing a trace of hidden anger, "Hmph, that is, these insects dare not come My core area, or I will wipe them all out."

"Destroy them all?" Li Cha's eyes flashed, he caught the key information, looked up at Ximu seriously, and asked, "There are a lot of demonized insects? By the way, you won't encounter any trouble recently, right? I'll look around you There are fewer guardian creatures, is this the reason? I happen to have some time now, if you can't handle it, I can help you handle it."

Ximu listened, glanced at him, and said in a low voice: "Boy, put away your good intentions, I am the great wise man of the tree, the source of the forest, and the immortal guardian-Yuktrazil Alhaydn · Tin wood!

I admit that the forest I am in now is much larger than the forest I stayed in before, and there are many troublesome demonized creatures and special beings living there. However, in my eyes, they are just minor issues. Really pissed me off, I could have easily wiped them all out without your help. "


"Of course it is."

"But having said that." Ximu eased his tone, and continued, "I'm busy now. After all, it takes a lot of energy to maintain your iron bumps, and it takes a lot of effort to absorb energy from the void and transmit it to the iron bumps , In addition, I also want to try to pursue a breakthrough in the level of life and evolve to a higher level. So, if you are really bored, you can help me..."

"Wait a minute." Ximu said this, but was suddenly interrupted by Li Cha.

Seeing that Li Cha seemed to have sensed something, he reached out and took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and the three magic lines on the handkerchief quickly lit up,

It brightened for ten seconds before dimming.

"Contact and cooperate? It seems to be exactly what I thought." Li Cha looked at it, narrowed his eyes, and said to himself, "In this case, go back to the place where you came from before, settle the matter, and then you can explore the ruins If all goes well, the exploration of the ruins will be completed within three days, and it will not take too much time to take the things in the ruins back to study, and it will be more cost-effective than collecting spells a little bit.”

After speaking, Li Cha took a step towards the direction outside the forest.

After walking a few steps, I remembered something, stopped and turned to look at Ximu, and said, "Hey, I almost forgot, just now you seemed to say that you want me to help you, right?"

"Hmph, kid, you heard me wrong, I didn't ask you to help me." Ximu responded coldly, "I mean, my ability is enough to deal with everything in this forest, so what should you do? Just go do what you want, don't continue to affect my work here."



"Okay." Li Cha shrugged, turned and left.

But after walking more than ten meters, Li Cha stopped again, turned his head to look at Ximu seriously, and asked for confirmation: "Is it really okay? You will not be the same as Mr. A Fu in the mine back then. For face or other reasons, you obviously have something to do Let’s talk? This is not a good choice, whether it’s a person, a tree or a long-lived species, it’s better to be wise.”

"Hmph! Boy, why are you so wordy!" Ximu was dissatisfied, and rushed to humanity, "Let's go, you go, I really have nothing to do, don't think too much!"

"Really? That's fine, but in case of any emergency, you must contact me." Li Cha finally instructed, "I gave you the crystal ball for contact, and I also told you the method. I hope you haven't forgotten."

"I haven't forgotten, let's go." Ximu said the last words with care.

Li Cha shrugged, stopped talking, stepped on his feet, and flew out of the forest.

Ximu watched Li Cha leave. Ten seconds later, he looked away and concentrated on treating the white wolf under his feet. Healed for a while, raised his head to look in another direction deep in the forest, and murmured to the white wolf: "According to the plan, the attack should start soon. If there is no accident, after ten minutes or so, your injuries will make the enemy thousands double repayment."

"Yes, it will be repaid a thousand times..."


The injured white wolf seemed to understand and barked.

The gray wolf on one side was touched, and also barked.



In the direction Tin Wood looked, in a clearing in the forest.

There stands a beehive the size of a house. Thousands of bees fly and hover above the hive, making a "buzzing" sound. Because the formation is too dense, it looks like a black cloud.

If you look carefully, you will find that this bee is different from ordinary bees, and the tail needle is much larger. In addition, there are very few bees with scorpion-like barbs on the tail needles. There are also some bees with hollow and serrated tail needles, like special tools for digging holes.

This terrifying scene was maintained for more than ten seconds, and suddenly there was a "click", and cracks appeared on the surface of the huge honeycomb, which spread rapidly.

With a "crash", the entire hive was split into two halves, and a strange creature the size of a rhino came out of the hive.

The strange creature that came out was a bit like a beetle, with a black shell, a flat head, a pair of huge compound eyes, and two antennae at the end of the head. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the huge belly below, like a flexible warehouse.

As soon as the strange creature appeared, many bees buzzed loudly and huddled together, like fear, but also like celebration, a large "black" cloud suddenly became was a little scary.



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