The strange creature like a beetle ignored the buzzing of thousands of bees.

After getting out of the hive, he turned around and lowered his head to eat the remains of the hive.

"Crack, click..."

After a while, the entire honeycomb was swallowed by the beetle, which increased the beetle's volume by a small half.


After the beetle finished eating the hive, it let out a cry, turned its compound eyes, looked to one side, and landed on the trees at the edge of the clearing.

The next moment, the six stubby legs under the abdomen worked together to propel it towards the tree at a speed of less than one meter per second.

Ten seconds later, it struggled to reach a tree. It moved its head closer, opened its mouth, and bit the tree trunk hard.


With a sound, the bark cracked, and sawdust flew, and the beetle's teeth were like sharp blades, easily cutting into the inside of the tree trunk, swallowing the wood block and swallowing it.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The beetle repeated this action, eating very fast, and in the blink of an eye, the entire tree was bitten by it to create a huge hole.


With a sound, the beetle lowered its head, which was covered by a thick black carapace, and hit the tree trunk heavily. With a "click", it broke the entire tree and fell to the ground.

"Crack, click..."

The beetle lowered its body, biting and chewing at a faster speed, and within a short while the whole tree was eaten clean by it.

Not satisfied with that, it turned its head and picked another tree to approach and bite.

"Crack, click..."

Visible to the naked eye, near the clearing, one tree after another fell down, swallowed by beetles.

Not long after, it became a barren wasteland with a radius of tens of meters.

The beetle's abdomen was stretched round, like an overinflated balloon, and one couldn't help but worry that it might explode in the next moment. The beetle's moving speed was also slower, the six short legs under its abdomen could barely touch the ground, and it stopped eating trees. It took almost a minute for it to crawl back to the center of the clearing.

After crawling back, it leaned down, and there was a "gurgling" sound from its abdomen, and a large mass of viscous green liquid flowed out from under its body, exuding an extremely sour smell. It looks a bit like eating a bad stomach and excreting, but when you get closer, you will find that it is not.

After the viscous green liquid flowed out from the beetle's body, it seemed to have life, and quickly spread to the surroundings, and solidified after a while, forming a film several millimeters thick.

Dark green lines grow on the surface of the film, which are special hyphae. The mycelium propagates extremely fast, and in a short time, it spreads over the entire film, turning the film into a thick creeper.

The beetle stepped onto the creeper, and the belly gurgled again. This time, no green liquid flowed out, but human-head-sized "eggs".

It is not accurate to say that it is an egg. The shell of these "eggs" is not hard at all, but soft and elastic, showing translucence, and the strange life that is tightly huddled inside can be vaguely seen through the light.

Weird "eggs" landed on the creep and rolled along the heights of the creep. The creep slowly undulates, and the control "eggs" are evenly distributed throughout the creep in a relatively loose state.

Then around each "egg\

,"A large number of hyphae grow and wrap around the surface, and a small part penetrates into the "egg" shell, supplying energy like an energy channel.

"Boom boom boom!"

The "eggs" began to hatch under the action of the creep, and a sound similar to a heartbeat sounded inside.

In an instant, a series of "stinging" sounds sounded, and the eggshells of all the "eggs" were torn one after another, and dozens of bee-like creatures came out. Each creature was about the size of a rooster, and was hairless all over. It shook its body, shook off the translucent liquid, spread two pairs of wings, slowly lifted into the air, and hovered near the beetle.

The beetle's abdomen was completely shriveled at this time, and it looked very tired. It seemed that the birth of these dozens of weird bees took a lot of energy.

It lay quietly on the creep, and after several seconds, it raised its head and made a sound.


The voice sounded like an order. Dozens of large and weird bees heard it, stopped wandering, formed a group of three, divided into a dozen teams, and flew towards the surrounding trees.

Flying close to the tree, the head of a large and weird bee approached, almost half of its face was split open, showing its terrifying mouthparts, gnawing at the tree trunk like a knife.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The efficiency of a single large and weird bee is far lower than that of a beetle, but when dozens of bees are added together and cooperate with each other, it greatly exceeds it. I saw the surrounding trees breaking at a speed visible to the naked eye, falling to the ground, and being quickly swallowed by large weird bees.

There seems to be a space prop in the belly of the large weird bee. No matter how much wood it swallows, there is no sign of expansion. It has doubled the area of ​​the open space before stopping.


The big weird bee flapped its wings and returned to the beetle. At this time, the beetle opened its mouth, and the big weird bees came forward one by one. The large weird bee opened its mouthpiece, but instead of opening its mouth to the beetle, it spit out highly condensed translucent crystals, which fell into the beetle's mouth.

The beetle swallowed the crystals produced by dozens of large and weird bees in one breath, and its shriveled abdomen swelled up again.


The sound sounded, and the transparent "eggs" that were the same as before were released one by one, rolling down onto the creep and began to hatch.

It can be seen that the number of "eggs" this time is more than the last time, reaching hundreds, densely covering almost the entire creep.

The consumption of the beetles was also greater than last time. After laying out the "eggs", they lay down on the creep and rested motionless.


On the creeper, the hyphae exploded, hatching "eggs" with all their strength.

Above, the black cloud-like swarm of bees buzzed non-stop, as if celebrating and cheering.

Suddenly, with a "swipe", a translucent wind blade more than half a meter long flew out of the nearby forest and blasted into the bee colony.


Nearly a hundred bees were crushed by the wind blade, and the broken wings and meat were flying, creating a chaotic scene.

This is just the beginning, and then more wind blades flew out, some continued to blast into the bee colony, some flew to the large weird bees that gnawed at the trees again, and some flew to the "eggs" hatching on the creep, Others fly to the beetle resting in the center of the creep.

For a time, the chaos was incomparable.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

In the surrounding forest, there was a continuous sound of animal calls, and then the sound of Mercedes approaching.

A tall and strong white wolf appeared in the field of vision, with extraordinary momentum, and behind it were densely packed demonized creatures. This was obviously a premeditated attack.

The timing of the attack was just right: the beetles were hatched due to their overdraft ability and were in an extremely weak state. The first batch of large weird bees hatched had become exhausted, and the second batch of large weird bees were still hatching and had no fighting power. The only thing that can fight back is a swarm of small bees, but they can deal with a single demonized beast, but they are more than enough to deal with a lineup of demonized creatures.


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