Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1202 Hand in hand, walk together

Hiding internal energy? Pretending to be below the official wizard level...Li Cha couldn't help but smile in his heart after hearing Jasmine's words...I dare not say anything else, but he is really good at this.

In fact, this has already reduced the difficulty, after all, he had learned to pretend to be an ordinary person before.

If he wanted to pretend to be below the official wizard level, he could completely remove the word "disguise".

Because he took the path of a half-apocalyptic wizard, according to statistics in the strict sense, most of the magic sources in his body are free energy elements, not smelted mana, so his level has not reached the level of a formal wizard at all. an apprentice.

Yes, he is an apprentice.

Although he can make a nuclear bomb, although he killed Rommel, the director of the Golden Ring of the Truth Society, although he can destroy the branches of the Truth Society in different locations-three times, although he can escape the pursuit of the Truth Society Color Ring, but He is a wizard apprentice.

Even though he won't lose out against the fourth-level wizard head-on, even though he has mastered the void spell and is almost immortal, and although he is constantly analyzing the extraordinary factors to explore the bottom secrets of the entire extraordinary system, he is an apprentice.

Yes, he was an apprentice, he really was an apprentice.

Trust him.

That being the case, then why is there any need to ask Jasmine for help to overcome the obstacles of the devil-eating vine?

Looking at Jasmine with a smile, Li Cha shook his head lightly, opened his lips, and made a slow voice, refusing: "Forget it, you don't need to help me, I have my own way to get through this devil-eating magic vine."

"Really?" Jasmine's expression full of sincerity suddenly froze, her hopeful eyes suddenly dimmed, she stared at Li Cha with a dubious expression on her face.

Li Cha didn't explain any more about it, but smiled and gave the answer with actions.

Stepping forward, he approached the grass of the Devil's Devouring Vine, walked to the edge, and lightly stepped on it with one foot wearing snow-white sheepskin boots.

The boots fell and came into contact with the Devil's Devouring Vine, and the Devil's Devouring Vine fluctuated like a grass, as if there was a breeze blowing. The devil-eating magic vines closest to the boots suddenly grew a few centimeters taller, with forks appearing at the ends, and they attached themselves to the boots like a creeper. However, the adhesion is very weak, not even as strong as a baby, and Li Cha can easily get rid of it with a slight movement.

Li Cha's other foot, wearing a sheepskin boot, also set foot on the grass, and started to walk at a steady pace that was neither too fast nor too slow. In just a few seconds, he walked nearly ten meters with ease - after all, it was just walking, so there was really no difficulty.

After that, Li Cha paused slightly, turned his head to look at Jasmine, spread his hands and said, "Look, I'm not lying, am I?"

"It's true that you didn't lie. It seems that you are really... a person with a deep foundation." Jasmine responded, frowning slightly, showing that she was not sincere.

Determined that another chance to fight for benefits failed, she couldn't help feeling a little frustrated in her heart. But she also knew that this failure had nothing to do with her, it was all caused by Li Cha's being too strong - this kind of strength was not strong in the conventional sense, but comprehensively strong in all fields, which made her lose the opportunity.

Well...there's always a next chance...

Taking a deep breath, Jasmine straightened her mood, and without any fuss, she looked at her subordinates beside her and said, "Let's also prepare to pass through the devil's magic-eating vine."

"Yes." A group of people, including the lame witch Su and the white-haired old man Sid, nodded, and approached Jasmine. Under Richard's somewhat strange eyes, the group lined up hand in hand.

Afterwards, the group of people chanted the mantra in a low voice at the same time, and a faint gray air was born, covering the whole body, as if surrounded by dust, and slowly walked towards the grass made of devil-eating vines.

One step, one step, another step.

It took a full minute for Jasmine and her party to set foot on the grass hand in hand.

It can be seen that they walk very carefully, as if only in this way can they keep the gray air around their bodies from dispersing.

And the gray gas did have an effect, it directly paralyzed the reaction of all the surrounding devil's magic-eating vines,

They made it seem like they didn't exist—the Devil's Devouring Vine didn't respond at all, not to mention that the ends were forked and attached to the boots, and it didn't even stretch.

From this point of view, the camouflage effect of Jasmine and her party is far better than that of Richard.

Only problem is...

Isn't it a bit too slow... The corner of Li Cha's mouth twitched slightly. After walking a few meters, he turned his head to look at Jasmine's group and found that the other party only took one step during this time.

After walking a few meters, he turned his head to look at Jasmine and her party, and found that the other party had only taken one step during this period of time.

Walking a few meters away for the third time, he turned his head to look at Jasmine and her party, and found that the other party hadn't moved for a while.

It seems that the strong man Hulk was too impatient, and his movements were a little louder, which broke the stability of the gray air on his body. This directly caused the devil-eating magic vines around ten meters to skyrocket, like a cobra, raising its end, staring at a group of people with non-existent eyes, as if it would pounce on them at any time.

Fortunately, Jasmine made a quick remedy, and her gray aura returned to normal. While standing in place quietly waiting for the active devil-eating vines to quiet down, she angrily reprimanded Hulk.

In the reprimand, Hulk looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, lowered his head, and dared not say a word of rebuttal.

Li Cha had a weird expression. He looked at Jasmine and her party for a long time, and couldn't help but slander: The other party is really too slow. In terms of the earth, at this speed of less than five kilometers per hour, if you drive a car on the road, you can't even drive a wheelchair.

At this moment, Jasmine noticed Li Cha's gaze, her lips were slightly pursed, and she looked helplessly and embarrassed.

He let out a breath and said, "You don't have to wait for us here, you can go first."

"Then I'll walk out of the grass and wait for you to meet at the edge?" Li Cha asked.


"That's good." Li Cha nodded, and stopped paying attention to Jasmine and her party. To save the other party from being too embarrassed, he walked straight forward and disappeared in the darkness after a while.

More than half a minute later, the devil's spell-eating vines around Jasmine's group finally quieted down. Jasmine gave Hulk a cold look, and said with a straight face, "Okay, let's move on now, and try to pass through the vines within fifteen minutes." This damn grass.

How to operate, we have practiced many times outside the ruins. If anyone makes low-level mistakes again and again during this period, it can only show that they didn't have any intentions before. After I go out, I have to break his legs! "


Hulk swallowed, his expression tensed, but he didn't even dare to speak.

"Okay, let's start, take a step. Left foot!" Jasmine ordered.


All of Jasmine's subordinates set off again, gently stepping forward with their left foot, then their right foot—carefully moving forward.


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