After more than twenty minutes.

Li Cha, who had been waiting at the edge of the grass for a long time, finally waited until Jasmine and her party walked out of the grass.

It could be seen that Jasmine and her party looked a bit embarrassed, their clothes were damaged to varying degrees, and there were some purple scars on their exposed skin, as if they had been whipped. Among them, Hulk was the worst, his clothes were torn like a beggar, his left shoulder was swollen several centimeters high, and his neck was a little crooked.

However, this is obviously not the worst.

After walking out of the grass, the first thing Jasmine did was to round her arms and slap Hulk hard.


With a crisp sound, Hulk's right cheek was immediately marked with a slap, with five distinct fingers.

After the rest of the people watched it, they didn't feel pity for Hulk at all, on the contrary they still felt puzzled.

Su and Xizhe were relatively restrained, and just gave Hulk a look. And "One-eyed", "Camel", and "Wood" kicked Hulk directly and unceremoniously. Especially "Ice Cube", shaking and kicking Hulk continuously, I don't know whether it is cold or angry.

Hulk's behavior at this time is like a primary school student on earth who didn't do his homework and was caught by the teacher. The expression on his face was full of guilt, he lowered his head deeply, covered his face with slap marks, and beat and kicked without saying a word.

Seeing this situation, Li Cha immediately guessed that Jasmine and her party must have made many mistakes in the process of crossing the grass, and the culprit of the mistakes was definitely Hulk.

It is entirely conceivable that after Hulk made many mistakes, Jasmine and her party were attacked by the devil's magic-eating vine, and they dared not make a move even though they had great strength--they could only let the devil's magic-eating vine play, and finally waited for the devil's magic-eating vine to attack. Gradually calm down, it is absolutely aggrieved as much as you want.

He was aggrieved to the extreme, and he endured all the way out of the area of ​​the Devil's Devouring Vine, so he naturally vented his anger.

After thinking about this, Li Cha's mouth twitched slightly. She was very considerate and didn't ask Jasmine how about the details of the pasture. She stretched out her hand and pointed not far ahead: "Isn't that the core area of ​​the ruins over there?"

Looking in the direction Li Cha pointed, he saw a huge pit with no visible edge.

The huge crater is like a dry lake or a basin, the edge is as steep as a cliff, the angle is nearly 70 degrees, and it goes down a hundred meters vertically, and the ground is invisible, as if it has no bottom.

Jasmine looked at it and nodded her head in response: "Yes, that is the core area of ​​the ruins. Alright, it's already been a lot of time, don't waste any more now, follow me and enter quickly."

After speaking, Jasmine took the lead and left.


Li Cha stepped forward to follow.

Jasmine moved very quickly, but she didn't fall to the bottom of the giant pit from the nearest place, but kept moving to the right along the edge of the giant pit, and after walking a few hundred meters, she stopped on a deep black ground. Down.

Looking around, as if confirming something, he nodded and said: "Well, this is here. It is safest to enter the core of the ruins from here."

After finishing speaking, Jasmine lightly stepped on the inner wall of the giant pit, like a piece of weightless feather, quickly fell down.

A group of people including Li Cha followed.

During the follow-up, he descended nearly 200 meters along the inner wall of the huge pit, almost equivalent to falling from the top of a 70-story building to the underground garage, and finally touched the ground.

The moment he touched the ground, Li Cha's eyes flashed, and he found that the ground was a little warm, as if he was stepping on charcoal that hadn't been completely extinguished.

Warm core?

This ancient ruins is indeed a bit mysterious.

Thoughts turned in Li Cha's mind, and then he noticed that the ruins of the buildings that had disappeared before reappeared around him.

Compared with the ruins of buildings on the ground outside the pit, the ruins of buildings at the bottom of the pit seem to be more complete, not completely collapsed, and some columns, low walls, stone gates and other parts are preserved.

But looking at it, I can see that these building parts are very simple - so simple that there are no patterns, depressions, protrusions and curves, and they are completely square and square.

This reminded him of the buildings of the Society of Truth that he had seen in Pompey back then—they were also extremely simple and boxy, just like coffins.

Is it a coincidence?

Li Cha was thinking, and while thinking, he and Jasmine walked deep into the ruins of the building.

After walking like this for more than 20 minutes, I arrived in front of a strange building complex.

The main body of the building complex is a stone pillar with a diameter of more than five meters and a height of more than 30 meters. The top is slightly pointed and towering like a mountain.

There are more than a hundred similar stone pillars scattered on the vast stone ground with a radius of nearly a kilometer. The overall look is a bit like an altar filled with candles, which further strengthens the original mystery of the core area of ​​the ruins.

After coming here, Jasmine visibly became more careful, and her speed slowed down again and again. When she approached the interior and approached the center, she stopped completely and stared straight ahead.

When Li Cha looked, he saw that the eight stone pillars in front of him circled a space with a radius of tens of meters. The eight stone pillars look slightly different from the rest of the stone pillars. The surface is engraved with dense lines. These lines extend from the top to the bottom, then extend to the ground, and finally gather at a point in the middle of the ground.

At that point, there is a stone platform more than one meter high. There seems to be something on the top of the stone platform, but it is shrouded in black air, so I can't see clearly.

But it's clear that no matter what you put there, it's not easy.


Jasmine stood more than twenty meters away from the "Eight Stone Pillars Space", took a deep breath, turned her head to look at Li Cha, and said, "You have to be prepared, the next thing you have to face may be The most dangerous part of the expedition."

"The most dangerous link?" Li Cha twitched his eyebrows and asked, "What will happen?"

"According to the information, once I approach a certain range forward, all the stone pillars here will be activated, and then the entire area will be covered by a terrifying energy storm. And the closer to the center of the energy storm, the more terrifying the power. At that time, everyone must Cooperate with each other and use magic defense to survive.

If it can't hold on, unless it is withdrawn to the edge at an extremely fast speed, it will definitely be severely injured, torn or even shattered by the energy storm, and even the corpse will not be left behind. "

"So serious?" Li Cha's expression became serious.

"Of course, I'm absolutely not joking about such a big event." Jasmine said, taking another breath, and asked aloud, "Our people are all ready, and we're waiting for you now. Then, what are you going to do?" gone?"

Li Cha turned his head and found that Jasmine's subordinates were indeed approaching, and there was a strong wave of mana in his body, as if he was about to release a spell at any time.

Li Cha pursed his lips, and Li Cha didn't hesitate. Now that he had come here, he naturally had no reason to back down. With a thought, a large amount of free energy elements gushed out from the magic source in the body, and the body surface was wrapped in golden energy. The "Yijia" state was activated, and he was ready to release more defensive spells at any time. He nodded and responded, "I can do it."

"Okay, let's get started!"

Jasmine said, finished speaking, and took a step forward.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!"

One step, two steps, three steps.

Jasmine's steps were slow, steady, and heavy.

A moment after the third step fell, as if sensing something, he quickly said: "Be careful!"

Then issue an order: "Defend against energy storms!"

"Shut up!"

The moment they heard Jasmine's order, the entire team, including Jasmine, quickly flashed an orange light covering their bodies. Afterwards, these rays of light connected with each other to form an almost seamless defensive cover, obviously well prepared.


One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The group stayed in place, maintaining their defensive spells and waiting for three seconds, only to find that the surroundings were quiet and unchanged.


The group couldn't help but stare blankly, you looked at me, I looked at you, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.


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