Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1214: Energy Furnace


Jasmine walked up to the giant mouse, took a deep breath, her expression became a bit dignified, and she slowly stretched out her right hand.

A layer of dark black energy covered the five fingers, which looked like five dangerous claw knives joined together.


Jasmine's fingertips touched the corpse of the giant mouse, and then with a sudden force, she stabbed inward.

The result was a strong resistance, the entire hand was only a few centimeters deep into the skin, and it was completely blocked, and it could no longer go any further.

This is obviously the powerful defense of the giant mouse at work - the giant mouse only suffered a little skin trauma under the continuous attacks of the crowd before, so you can imagine how strong its body is. Although it is now "brain dead" and its defense has dropped slightly, it is definitely not an existence that is easily slaughtered.

After Jasmine looked at it, her complexion changed slightly. She pulled out her right hand, selected a spot and stabbed it forcefully again, but found that there was no change—it was still blocked after going a few centimeters deep, and her eyes suddenly darkened.

The rest of the people kept staring at Jasmine's movements.

Jasmine couldn't help but turn her head, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and help!"

"Um, yes." Jasmine's subordinates just woke up like a dream, and approached the giant mouse's corpse, and cooperated with Jasmine to painstakingly cut up the giant mouse's corpse.

Undoubtedly, this was a huge project - the giant mouse was lying on the ground like a hill, and Jasmine and her subordinates had to expend a lot of effort to create a wound the size of a palm on this "hill". Then follow the wound, cast spells to explore, and find the location of the energy furnace.

Head, neck, limbs, lower abdomen, chest cavity...

Exploring again and again, eliminating again and again, continuously reducing suspicious areas, and locking the specific range where the energy furnace is located.

And so time goes by...

Li Cha looked bored, shook his head, walked to the broken stone pillar tens of meters away, and observed the things that fell out of the stone pillar during the previous battle.

Xi Zhe noticed his movement, followed him closer, and also observed the things falling out of the stone pillar.

While observing, the two exchanged in low voices, and after a while they reached a consensus—these should be objects deliberately left by some people in the ancient ruins,

Most of them are spell materials with unknown uses, and a few are broken spell props.

Speaking of which, the value of these things is not low, but because the age is too old, a lot of uncertainty has been added.

For example, spell materials all give people a strong sense of energy, but they don't know exactly what they are used for and where they are used.

Spell props are a bit better. Through their appearance, you can roughly guess whether they are for attack, defense, or other purposes. However, more than 90% of them are damaged, and their performance is unstable. If they are not handled well, they will become suicide artifacts.

Li Cha and Xi Zhe collected the things scattered around, tried to break the rest of the stone pillars, and found that the inside of the stone pillars were all hollow - but only a very small number of stone pillars had something hidden, and most of them were empty.

In the end, Li Cha and Xi Zhe collected dozens of items and piled them together.

Li Cha saw a scroll inserted obliquely in the pile of items, and curiously reached out to take it out, only to feel that it was cold to the touch, and it was made of a very special material.

Slowly open the scroll, the purpose of entering is an unfamiliar script, which is very different from the common script popular in the current mainland, but there are some similarities in the details, as if they have the same source.

"Original text?"

A thought flashed through Li Cha's mind.

He has some understanding of the original text: it belongs to a very ancient text, older than the ancient Si text on the bloody seal, and it is a kind of text handed down by the ancient wizard civilization in legend.

At present, there are many people in the mainland who are studying it, and the witch Circe is one of them, but no one dares to say that they are proficient.

Fortunately, there are not many original texts on the scroll, and most of the contents are complex graphics, like the design diagram of some kind of device.

"Design?" Li Cha thought for a moment, looked at the things in the pile of items, then at the scroll in his hand, and looked around thoughtfully.

Surrounded by stone pillars, it is obviously a special area in this ancient ruins.

According to Jasmine, there is an energy furnace in the center of this area, which is the core of everything. Once one breaks in, the energy furnace will generate an energy storm to launch an attack.

Therefore, when the energy furnace was swallowed and taken away by rats, this area lost its original function.

It sounds a bit like... a power station on Earth... Li Cha blinked.

In terms of analogy, the energy furnace is a generator set, and the stone pillars erected around it are regarded as transmission equipment. Once it enters by mistake, it is similar to touching a high-voltage line, and it will naturally be attacked.

This is a complete energy supply system.

In this case, the material inside the stone pillar...could it be used to repair this system? And the scroll I was looking at was the schematic diagram of this system, which is convenient for quickly finding the problem during maintenance?

Maybe, maybe not... Li Cha pondered, his eyes narrowed... In any case, the real situation here is more interesting than what is shown on the surface.


Li Cha lowered his head and looked at the content on the scroll in his hand again.

Because there are fewer words, more patterns, and his flexible thinking, he can see a general idea.

Then his eyes slowly narrowed into a slit...

At this time, Jasmine, who was next to her, with the help of her subordinates, made a wound the size of a slap in the heart of the giant mouse.

Jasmine pressed the surface of the wound with her palm, injected energy into the inside of the corpse to explore, and the next moment she suddenly called out: "I found it!"

After saying that, he raised his hand, and purple energy wrapped an object the size of a baby's fist into his palm.

I saw that the shape of the thing resembled a two-story round platform, and more specifically, it was a circular seal—this was consistent with the shape of the depression on the surface of the stone platform.

The entire object has a crystal-like texture, with dozens of dark golden concave-convex lines engraved on the outside, and milky white light shining inside. It looks like an exquisite and beautiful decoration, but for some reason, if you look at it for a long time, it will give people an extremely dangerous feeling. It seemed that there was a ferocious beast hidden inside, if it was accidentally released, it would destroy everything.

"One-eyed" next to him saw it, swallowed his saliva and asked, "Captain, is this the energy furnace?"

"Yes." Jasmine said in a concentrated voice, then turned her head to look at Hulk, and said, "The box."


Hulk approached with preparation, handed out a palm-sized cyan stone box, and put the energy furnace into it.


After successfully loading it in, Jasmine and the others breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had completed a major event.

After thinking of something, they all turned to look at Li Cha.

Li Cha also looked at Jasmine and her party with awareness.

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