Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1215 Calculations

Li Cha, Jasmine and the others looked at each other.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Jasmine pursed her lips, and said bluntly: "Wizard Richard, according to the plan, we were going to continue exploring the ruins. But you also saw just now, the stupid giant rat that we killed, running wildly all the way, I don’t know how many organs have been activated. If we enter rashly, if we don’t get any valuable items, we will suffer huge losses. So, I think this exploration, let’s stop, what do you think?”

Give up exploring because the depths of the ruins are too dangerous? I'm afraid this is just one reason... The other one should be that you got what you want, and it's meaningless to continue exploring... Li Cha's thoughts changed, and he didn't say anything. He looked at Jasmine and said without refusing: "Yes."

Hearing Li Cha's approval, Jasmine's expression relaxed, and she continued: "In this case, let's distribute the proceeds from the ancient ruins fairly according to the previous agreement."

After speaking, Jasmine swept her eyes towards her subordinates, and all the subordinates understood it, and took out the things they had collected along the way.

Some are rare spell materials, some are broken spell props, some are a certain part of the body of the guardian creature in the ruins, and some are scrolls with complex text and so on.

Because the group of people traveled relatively fast, there were not many collected items, no more than twenty pieces, but when put together with the items that fell out of the stone pillar, the number was quite considerable.

Li Cha looked at it, didn't say much, and also took out a piece of black ore collected along the way, and a ring that was once embedded in the stone wall.

Looking at Jasmine, Li Cha asked aloud: "Captain Jasmine, what do you plan to start distributing?"

"How about this one?" Jasmine asked with the stone box containing the energy furnace in her hand.

Really no surprise.

Li Cha smiled slightly: "You want this thing, don't you?"

"Of course." Jasmine said calmly, "I've told you more than once that this is the main goal of our exploration of the ruins. Of course I want it."

"That's a coincidence!" Li Cha responded calmly, "I want it too."

As soon as these words came out, Jasmine and her group changed their expressions one after another, they approached each other calmly, and became a little wary.

The atmosphere in the arena was a little more subtle.

Jasmine opened her mouth, took a deep breath, controlled her emotions and said, "Sorcerer Richard,

If you really do this, then our cooperation will not be as pleasant as before. "

"Then what can we do?" Li Cha spread his hands, "After all, you and I both fancy something. Otherwise, do as we agreed before—you divide all the proceeds in the ruins into two, Shall I choose one of them?"

"No, I have to get the energy furnace." Jasmine said in a deep voice. After she finished speaking, she might feel that it was too unreasonable, so she said slowly, "You can choose the same amount of things to take away from the remaining income, which is the same. It's fair."

"It's fair, but you got the right of first choice... So, it's not completely fair." Richard said.

Jasmine: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Believe me, I'm the same as I said before, I just want to use the most fifty-five points - the fairest way to determine the ownership of the proceeds." Li Cha blinked and said, "If you want to get the right of first choice, You want to get the energy furnace, well, take a gamble on your luck."

While talking, Li Cha raised his hand with a smile.


The ground under his feet crumbled, and the soil and gravel squeezed and solidified, and finally turned into a six-sided dice the size of a finger, and a stone cup, falling into the palm of his hand.

Li Cha shook the stone cup slightly, the six-sided dice inside made a sound, and said: "This matter can be solved in the simplest way: you roll one point, I roll one point, if you are better than mine If you have a large number of points, you have the priority to take away the energy furnace. Otherwise, I will take it away."

"What if the points are the same?" Jasmine asked.

"If it's the same, throw it again."

"In this case, I'm afraid there will never be a result?" Jasmine said.

Li Cha immediately understood what Jasmine meant: roll the dice, if neither of them intends to cheat, it is naturally relatively fair. But as wizards, both of them have the ability to cheat. As long as you want to cheat, it is very likely that you will always roll out the maximum six points.

Li Cha's eyes flashed, he thought about it, and gave a solution: "If you are worried, you can change the way, for example: you roll the dice alone, and I will guess whether the dice points are odd or even. I guess Wrong, the priority is yours, I guessed right, then the priority is mine."

After hearing this, Jasmine fell silent, as if she was seriously thinking about whether the method was feasible.

Ten seconds later, the female wizard Su stood up, walked to Jasmine's side, and whispered in her ear, "Captain, why don't I try?"

Jasmine glanced at Xi Zhe, and found that the other party didn't respond, then looked at the witch Su, and found that there was no better way than the current one unless she broke her face with Richard and had a big fight.

Taking a deep breath, he agreed, "Okay then."

"Don't worry, captain, I will win." Su said seriously, walked up to Li Cha, and stretched out his hand.

Li Cha handed over the dice and stone cup to the opponent.

"Look at it." Su said, shaking the dice.

The dice spun in the stone cup, but there was no sound coming out, because it was tightly wrapped by a mass of air, preventing it from colliding with the cup wall and preventing Li Cha from side detection.

At the same time, Su uttered a spell, and an orange light enveloped the stone cup. It was a prophecy spell, used to prevent Li Cha from cheating with his prophecy ability.

This is the ultimate defense.

However, Li Cha didn't react much to this, but his eyes flashed a faint blue light, looking towards the stone cup in Su's hand.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Su kept shaking, stopped after more than ten seconds, put the stone cup on the palm of his hand, covered the dice, looked at Li Cha and asked in a calm voice: "Odd number? Even number?"

Li Cha glanced at it, and opened his mouth to answer.


"Wait!" Suddenly, Jasmine uttered a voice, interrupting Li Cha's words.

"What's the problem?" Li Cha frowned and asked Jasmine.

"I repent." Jasmine replied.

"Huh?" Li Cha was slightly surprised, "What do you mean?"

"Literally." Jasmine took a deep breath, looked directly at Richard and said, "I don't doubt that the method you proposed is fair, but I always feel that you have the ability to increase your advantage."

"So?" Li Cha tilted his head slightly and asked.

"So, I want to operate in reverse: you roll the dice, and my people will guess whether the points are odd or even. If you guess right, then I will give priority to the energy furnace. If you guess wrong, you will choose the energy furnace first," Jasmine said. , Three eyes looked at Li Cha's two eyes, "Do you agree or not? If you don't agree, I have to doubt, my guess is true."

Li Cha: "..." fell silent.

After a while, he suddenly looked at Jasmine and smiled.

"Okay, as you wish."

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