Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1217: The Crystal Man


Jasmine took a deep breath, stabilized her emotions, looked at Richard and said, "The things you picked are fine, you can take them away, we have no objections."

"Very good, let's distribute the rest." Richard said, pointing at a pile of white sand-like things, "I want this, you can choose others."

Choose other?

After getting the energy furnace, Jasmine didn't care too much about the remaining benefits. After thinking about it, he pointed at a broken bracelet and said, "I want this."

"Okay, I want this." Li Cha pointed to a pile of black stones again.

"I want this." Jasmine pointed to a broken staff.

"I want this……"

Then, within a few minutes, Li Cha and Jasmine distributed all the remaining things. Among them, most of what Li Cha wanted were magic materials of unknown use, while most of what Jasmine wanted were broken spell props.

After the selection, Jasmine looked at Li Cha with blinking eyes and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Didn't you leave?" Li Cha asked suspiciously, "Isn't that what you suggested just now?"

"Uh..." Jasmine was a little embarrassed, but her vigilance continued to rise—the more normal Li Cha behaved, the more she felt that something was wrong, and the more she felt that Li Cha might attack at any time.

It must be so, it must be so...

Thinking in her heart, Jasmine led a group of her men to slowly turn around and walk towards the outside of the ruins.

The next moment, a "bang" explosion sounded beside him, and he felt a huge impact force venting to his body.

Almost instantly, Jasmine's group reacted, setting up their energy shields to defend against the attack, and they all looked at Li Cha in unison.

Jasmine shouted "I knew it would be like this" in her heart, and at the same time, it seemed to Li Cha that she was mentally prepared for a battle with Li Cha.

But Li Cha didn't make any attacking moves, but took a defensive posture like them—wrapped in golden energy all over his body, and turned on the "first armor" state—looking at the depths of the core area of ​​the ruins with a dignified expression.

A few seconds later, Li Cha turned his head slightly, and said to Jasmine and her party: "Don't get excited,

The attack is not from me, but from that direction. I feel like something is rushing out... I understand your feeling that you want to fight, but before you fight, you have to recognize the enemy clearly, don't you? "

"This..." Jasmine and her group exchanged glances with each other, and they all saw a little embarrassment on their respective faces.

But it didn't embarrass them for too long. After two or three seconds, continuous gas explosions exploded around them.

Dense compressed air missiles fell like rain, continuously releasing powerful shock waves, violently stirring the surrounding air, turning a large area into a violent ocean.

Then there was a "boom", a figure rushed out from the depths of the ruins, fell from the air, and hit the ground heavily.

Looking at it, I saw that it was a humanoid creature, but the whole body was made of translucent crystal, with a height of nearly three meters, holding a strange weapon like a lamppost, and looking at everyone with all eyes.

The reason why I say the eyes of the whole body... is because the other party has no human face - no nose, ears, mouth - only finger-thick holes that cover the whole body, like densely packed eyes, making people feel scalp numb.

"Puff puff……"

A series of highly condensed air missiles flew out of the opponent's dense eyes and exploded in all directions, making the air turbulent.

"This is?"

Everyone looked at the strange crystal man with suspicious eyes and didn't know how to deal with it.

The crystal man ignored everyone, turned around slowly, and walked towards the corpse of the giant mouse not far away.

"This guy is here for revenge?" "One-eyed" guessed in a low voice after seeing it, "Could it be that the giant mouse broke into his territory when it was escaping just now and angered him, so... ran over Are you going to kill the mouse? But the mouse has already been dealt with by us in advance, so he should thank us."

While "One-eyed" was speaking, the crystal man walked up to the giant mouse's corpse, stared at it for a few seconds, then slowly stretched out a strange weapon like a lamppost in his hand, and landed on a wound of the giant mouse.


The crystal man vibrated slightly, and his body suddenly lit up, like a sun rising. The next moment, highly condensed energy gushed out, followed the lamp post-shaped weapon, and poured all of it into the giant mouse's corpse.

The next moment, under everyone's staring blankly, the wound on the giant mouse healed quickly. After that, he trembled suddenly, stood up abruptly, shook his head, and looked at everyone dangerously.


Everyone retreated subconsciously, looked at the resurrected giant mouse with disbelief, then turned their heads and asked.

"X...Mr. Xizhe, isn't this mouse dead?"

"I don't know either." Xizhe said hoarsely, obviously very puzzled, "After my curse was cast, the soul of the other party has been asleep forever, and it is true that he is dead. But"

"This crystal man is probably the top creation in the ancient wizard civilization, and can destroy the curse." Su guessed.

"But why did he save the mice?" Jasmine asked with narrowed eyes, puzzled.

"This..." Su lost his train of thought.

"Maybe, this is a pet he kept." Li Cha said quietly at this moment.

"Huh?" Jasmine looked at Li Cha, "What do you mean?"

Li Cha did not answer directly, but said: "I have been wondering about one thing before. According to your description, there is an energy furnace in this area. Any creature that breaks in will be torn apart by the energy storm. But a weak mouse, How did it enter here safely, swallow the energy furnace, and grow to a terrifying level? Unless, there is an external third-party force to help. And now, it may be this third-party force."

Speaking of this, Li Cha paused, glanced at "One Eye" and said: "You just said that the crystal man is here for revenge? There should be nothing wrong, but I'm afraid the target of revenge is not the giant mouse, but... us. "

"One-eyed" stopped breathing, and the expressions of the others also changed.

At this time, the cursed and revived giant mouse neighed at the crystal man a few times, as if to convey some message. The crystal man turned around abruptly, looked at the group of people, holding a lamp post-shaped weapon and raised it high, the meaning was already obvious.

"You're right..." "One Eyed" said to Li Cha with a slightly stiff voice.

"Okay." Jasmine said, "Let's think about how to deal with it."

"It's a big deal to fight again." Hulk said fiercely.

"Shut up!" Jasmine retorted angrily, "We have all the things in our hands, and if we stay to fight, what good is there other than being injured? Moreover, the strength of this crystal man is obviously extraordinary. Many people were sacrificed."

After saying that, Jasmine looked at Li Cha and asked, "What do you think?"

"Withdraw." Li Cha answered concisely.

"Okay, then withdraw." Jasmine agreed, without any hesitation, and with a wave of her hand, she was about to take the lead and leave.

But the crystal man didn't cooperate, jumped up with a "bang", and rushed up with the giant mouse.

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