Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1218: Strategic retreat


"One-eyed" raised his hand, and a crimson fireball with a diameter of nearly two meters flew out, hit the surface of the crystal man and exploded.

The crystal man didn't receive any damage, the crystal body flickered for a moment, and directly absorbed the flames that exploded in front of him.


"One-eyed" was stunned, and the others were also a little surprised, but they released follow-up spells without hesitation, trying to block the crystal man and the giant mouse.


"Ice Cube" waved his hand, and a large piece of ice mist was born, covering the crystal man and the giant mouse. Thousands of ice pieces swirled in the ice mist, cutting their bodies like blades.

But the giant mouse didn't bleed at all, except for a few hairs that were cut off, and the crystal man was even more unscathed - after all, he didn't even have hair.

"Ice Cube" shivered solidly, not knowing whether it was from the cold or from fright.

The rest of the attacks followed.

The "Camel" released the earth spell, and Su released the wind spell. The combination of the two created a terrifying sandstorm, but the crystal man easily passed through with the giant mouse.

"Wood" cast a wood spell, Hulk cast a bleeding spell, a purple-red wooden thorn more than one meter long and a blood arrow shot out, the crystal man and the giant mouse resisted without being affected at all.

Xi Zhe made a move and cast an unknown curse, causing a large cloud of black air to envelope the crystal man and the giant mouse, and the speed of the two suddenly slowed down. But within a few seconds, with the body of the crystal man shaking, hundreds of air missiles blasted out from the round holes all over the body, the black air collapsed, and the curse was forcibly broken.

Xi Zhe spat out a mouthful of blood "Wow", and became depressed.

Jasmine was a little annoyed, and stared at the crystal man with his hands interlaced, making a strange gesture, the third eye between his brows suddenly lit up, and a khaki-yellow light flew out.

The crystal figure seemed to sense the danger, and waved the lamp post-shaped weapon to block in front of him, blocking Jasmine's light.

The light touched the lamp post, and the lamp post suddenly lit up, and a flame nearly one meter high shot up from the top.

The crystal man tilted the lamppost, pointing the top at Jasmine and her party, the flames that sprang up were extinguished, and a terrifying torrent of energy was released.

"Bang bang!"

Hulk and "One-eyed" were defenseless,

Knocked away by the torrent of energy.

The rest of them cast defensive spells and barely blocked them, but they also suffered some damage, and their faces were not very good-looking.

Li Cha escaped into the void, avoided the attack, and reappeared on the spot a few seconds later. Looking at the crystal man who led the giant mouse to continue chasing him, his expression became serious, and his thoughts changed:

The strength is a bit strong... definitely above the fourth-level wizard, Rommel's level...

The Golden Ring of the Truth Society...the Truth Society doesn’t have many people, and I don’t know if it’s unlucky or lucky to be able to see someone with similar combat effectiveness in the ruins...

But it can also be seen from the side that the ancient wizard civilization was once really brilliant...



The crystal man continued to approach with the giant mouse, Li Cha's eyes were fixed, and he didn't hesitate. Raise the right hand with the "glove of destroying the world", stretch out the index finger, and aim at the crystal man is a "finger of death".

"call out!"

The energy enough to penetrate everything flew out loudly, hitting the crystal man's chest directly.

The round holes all over the body of the crystal man flashed, as if a ray of light was about to shoot out, and there was a roar of "hum" inside the body, showing the posture of facing an enemy.

At this time, the energy of the "finger of death" arrived in front of him.

The whole body of the crystal man flashed red light, as if responding to Jasmine's attack, he erected the weapon in his hand in front of him.


The energy of the "finger of death" directly penetrated the weapon, and continued to move forward without any influence, hitting the crystal man's body.


With a sound, the crystal man was not pierced by the "finger of death", and a spider web-like crack appeared on his chest. Afterwards, the huge force of the "finger of death" was released, pushing the crystal man back several meters away, and the area of ​​the crack continued to expand.

When the crystal man saw it, three streaks of purple-red light flashed in his body, and when he turned his body, the energy of the "finger of death" bounced off.

The rebounded energy strictly abides by the law that the outgoing angle is equal to the incident angle. Before, it hit the crystal man from the left side, but now the crystal man leans his body and flies out vertically to the right.

On the right, next to the crystal man, is the giant mouse that has just been rescued.


With a sound, the energy of the "finger of death" penetrated the body of the giant mouse without hindrance, and after flying out from the other side of the body of the giant mouse, it flew into the darkness and disappeared.


The giant mouse screamed in pain, turned its head in some doubts, and tried to see what happened.

As a result, his head was turned halfway, his limbs went limp, and he fell to the ground without a sound.

Totally dead.

Everyone in the field was taken aback.

The crystal man was also taken aback for a moment, and then became angry. In his opinion, the giant mouse was not killed by him by accident, it was entirely the fault of Richard, Jasmine and the others.

Glancing at the giant mouse that fell to the ground, the crystal man turned his head to lock onto Li Cha, and roared from inside his body.



Deep purple light shines from the inside, gradually dyeing the whole body, making the crystal man look like an... eggplant standing on the ground.

Li Cha's eyes flickered, and he wanted to laugh, but he didn't, and his face was a little solemn.

At this moment, he clearly felt the intensity of the energy surging in the crystal body, which was several times higher than before. Obviously, the crystal body went berserk.

You know, the opponent is immune to the "finger of death" to a certain extent, and now he goes berserk, that is almost a furious version of Rommel.

Furious Rommel!

How to deal with it?


The crystal man, who has lost the company of the giant mouse, is approaching.

Li Cha made a decisive decision, pouring a large amount of energy into his right hand, and the "Glove of Destruction" flew out of his hand, turning into hundreds of fragments that shone with dazzling golden light, enveloping the crystal man.


The crystal man made a sound, struggled, roared, and roared in the golden light. Although he seemed to be restrained, he was not reconciled, and still had the ability to resist.

Li Cha didn't delay any longer. Taking advantage of the crystal man's inability to move, he looked at Jasmine's group and quickly said, "Did you forget that you just made the decision—quickly retreat!"

After finishing speaking, he withdrew to the way he came from.

Jasmine and her group watched without hesitation and quickly followed




In the remains full of ruins, people kept evacuating outwards.

Because I have gone through the route before, it is much faster to leave the same way now. It didn't take long to leave the big pit where the core area of ​​the ruins was, and went up to the ground at the edge of the big pit.

Looking forward, dozens of meters away, the goal is the grass field that can't be seen - it is densely packed with devil's magic-eating vines.

During this process, everyone stopped and made some adjustments.


Jasmine let out a breath, looked at the countless devil-eating magic vines, and turned her head to Li Cha: "I don't know if the method you used before can kill that crystal man. But no matter whether it can or not, it's up to you." As far as I know, the creatures in this ruins have spheres of influence, and they will not rashly invade unfamiliar lands. It is safe for us to run here now."




Almost as soon as Jasmine finished speaking, a figure shining with purple light flew out of the big pit in the core area of ​​the ruins. An arc was drawn in the air, passed over the heads of the crowd, and smashed heavily at a distance of more than ten meters in front of the crowd, blocking their way.

Li Cha: "..."

Jasmine: "..."

Li Cha looked at Jasmine with a strange expression.

Jasmine's expression was slightly stiff, she opened and closed her lips several times, and said, "Okay, I take back what I just said."

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