Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1219: Relic Cannon

"We have to get rid of this guy...cough cough..." Xizhe coughed, looked at Crystal Humanity and said, "Otherwise he will keep chasing us. Huo? Ran? Wen?? w?w?w?.?"

"Then there will only be a big battle." Jasmine's eyes dimmed.

Li Cha's eyes flickered, and he said, "Actually, there is a way to save trouble."

"Huh?" Jasmine tilted her head.

"Have you seen those devil-eating magic vines? I remember you said that when you approach them, you must not react with too much energy, let alone resist, otherwise all the devil-eating magic vines will become irritable." Richard said.

Jasmine's eyes lit up when she heard this: "I understand what you mean. But, to do this, you must first find a way to push this guy back a long distance."

"At least thirty meters." Li Cha glanced at the distance between the crystal man and the edge of the devil's magic-eating vine grass.

After a pause, Li Cha said again: "I can repel 20 meters by myself, and I have to rely on you to make up for the remaining 10 meters."

"Ten meters..." Jasmine pursed her lips, and said, "Don't underestimate us, we also have a trump card, but we haven't been willing to use it. Now that it's at this time, it doesn't matter if we use it, we can do it too. Knock this guy back twenty meters."

"Twenty meters?" Li Cha confirmed.

"Of course!" Jasmine shouted in a low voice, "Look!"

Jasmine crossed her hands quickly, forming weird handprints, and then a layer of silver-white energy covered her whole body.

After that, the energy gathered towards the top of the head, condensing into a snow-white shining crown.

The crown is 10%, and Jasmine's whole body weighs heavily, and the ground where her feet are stepping directly sinks a few centimeters. If she wants to wear the crown, she must bear its weight.


Jasmine let out a long breath and said a spell, the third eye between her brows opened wide. The whites of the eyes become lighter, the pupils elongate and split, and double pupils are born.

One eye and two pupils.


The crystal man attacked with a weapon pierced by a round hole, Jasmine suddenly raised her head and looked directly at the crystal man.



The surrounding space seemed to freeze, and the crystal man froze in place.


Jasmine shouted, raised her chin, the blood vessels on her neck stood out, and a faint red light flickered inside. She raised her hands and pushed towards the crystal man, and saw the crystal man flying backwards rapidly under the invisible repulsion.

Blood flowed from Jasmine's three eyes, her body trembled, but she kept her pushing motion unchanged.

The crystal man flew farther and farther, more than ten meters away.

"Help me!" Jasmine's three eyes were bleeding profusely as she shouted to her opponent.

Her subordinates had already tacitly prepared for it. As soon as Jasmine made a sound, they shot with all their strength, and many spells blasted on the crystal man.

The crystal man looked very heavy at this moment, like a mountain, no matter how powerful the spell was, it could only make the crystal man retreat more than ten centimeters, and it took a lot of effort to make the crystal man retreat 20 meters away.

Jasmine gritted her teeth and looked at Li Cha: "It's your turn!"

After speaking, push with the last strength.

The crystal man quickly flew upside down two or three meters in the air, and fell to the ground, recovering his ability to move in the process.

Li Cha looked at it, and took it over without hesitation.

The method he took over was simple but effective, that is, the continuous "finger of death".


Finger of death!

Finger of death!

finger of death...

Under the continuous bombardment force of the finger of death, the crystal man had no time to bounce back as before, so he had to be repelled, repelled, and repelled continuously.

When Li Cha's pale face slammed the last finger of death, and when he held the short energy storage staff to replenish energy, the crystal man had already been repelled by more than 20 meters, and fell into the grass of the devil's magic vine. The entire front of the chest was almost shattered.

This made the crystal man extremely angry. As soon as he landed, a light brighter than the sun burst out of his body, ready to fight back against Li Cha, Jasmine and his party.

But the next moment, almost in an instant, the devil's spell-eating vines with a radius of more than ten meters reacted, swelled and entwined, engulfing the body of the crystal man.

The crystal man resisted, "stabbed", and violently tore off several devil-eating vines wrapped around his body, trying to escape. But this can only have the opposite effect, causing more Devil's Devouring Vine to react, and the Devil's Devouring Vine within a radius of tens of meters will be entangled.

The crystal man looked at it, and the resistance intensified. "Prick, thorn," tore more devil's magic-eating vines, and jumped up suddenly, preparing to jump out of the area of ​​the devil's magic-eating vines.

A devil-eating magic vine that grew to a length of 100 meters and a diameter of nearly two meters, sensed the crystal man's intention, pulled it out suddenly, and the end produced a sonic boom that tore the eardrum.


The crystal man was hit by the huge vine head-on, unable to resist at all, flew hundreds of meters, and fell into the center of the devil's magic-eating vine grass, which made a large area of ​​devil's magic-eating vines revel.

The devil-eating magic vines with a radius of hundreds of meters became active, then a radius of 150 meters, and a radius of 200 meters...

The originally quiet grass turned into an angry forest of vines, and many devil-eating magic vines soared to more than 100 meters, more than 200 meters long, entangled towards the crystal man, wrapped tightly from the inside to the outside, almost wrapped into a ball.

Looking at this scene, Li Cha raised his eyebrows, and truly experienced the power of the devil's magic-eating vine.

Jasmine was similar. Although she had been warning the others to be careful of the Devil's Devouring Vine, she was still a bit surprised to see the Devil's Devouring Vine in full swing.

Hulk watched from the side, even shrinking his neck.

When he and his companions passed the Devil's Devouring Vine Grass before, due to mistakes, the Devil's Devouring Vine counterattacked several times. At that time, he didn't feel how vicious it was, but now he was terrified.

If he had made a few more mistakes at the beginning, he might have ended up in the same fate as the Crystal Man, right? He's dead... Hulk thought.


As soon as Hulk thought of this, there was a violent explosion, and a fireball with a diameter of nearly 100 meters appeared in the middle of the devil's magic-eating vine grass.

The high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees directly melted and burned a large area of ​​devil-eating magic vines, creating a large open space.

On the open space, the crystal man bent slightly, stepped on both feet, and flew into the sky, getting rid of the control of the devil's magic-eating vine.

The devil-eating vines that had not been burned around the open space were somewhat unwilling to let the crystal man leave, and continued to grow.

The crystal man speeded up and flew higher and higher, his whole body shone with deep purple light, and he flew into the air several hundred meters away.

At this height, the devil-eating magic vine grew to its limit, swinging at the feet of the crystal man for a long time, and finally retracted helplessly, returning to its original state.


There was a rumble inside the crystal body. From the perspective of Li Cha, Jasmine and the others, there was no words or words, but the meaning of revenge was extremely clear.

Li Cha, Jasmine and the others were on alert.


The crystal man swooped towards the crowd, flew past the area of ​​the devil's magic-eating vine, raised one hand, gathered energy, and was ready to attack.

But before the attack had time to make a move, a black light suddenly flew out from inside the ruins.

This black light is like an arrow, but only a few tens of centimeters long, it is extremely fast and slow to the extreme.

It is said to be extremely fast, because it flew from the interior of the ruins to the nearby place in the blink of an eye, as if spanning the distance of space. It is extremely slow because it is so fast, but everyone can see it clearly.

It seems to forcibly attract everyone's attention and make everyone pay attention to it.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the black light hit the crystal man in the process of diving.

The body of the crystal man, which could not be pierced even by the finger of death, became extremely fragile at this moment, and it was too late to struggle, and it disintegrated directly.

Like a giant hammer hitting the glass, the crystal man exploded with a "crash". Like a firework, it turned into thousands of fragments and flew in all directions, and finally scattered on the devil-eating vine grass.

The devil devouring vines rioted, entangled the fragments tightly, and after a long while, they noticed that these fragments gradually lost their energy, and then returned to normal.

And this also declared the crystal man's complete death.

A group of people outside the Devil's Devouring Vine Grassland looked at each other after seeing it.

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