Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1232 Bibi who is late

Seeing that Jasmine was silent for a long time, Li Cha spoke.

Glancing at Jasmine, he said, "Why, you haven't thought about what you can offer in exchange for my help? Well, why don't you tell me.

You told me just now, please let me send you to the middle of the ruins, but you don’t want to share the things in the ruins with me. It seems that the things in the ruins are very important to you. I don't want to rob violently, but the principle is still necessary. No matter what is in the ruins, I will take half of it-if the thing I get is really meaningless to me, I can give it to you, but it must belong to it before to me.

In addition, didn't you say that the exploration will end in the middle, and the second half is too dangerous, so don't explore anymore? You don't explore, but I am interested in exploring. For this reason, I want you to provide me with all the relevant information you have. In addition, you also have to help me.

In case of danger, you can leave early and let me explore alone, but before encountering danger, you must provide me with help within your ability. Of course, since you are not interested in the second half of the proceeds, they all belong to me. After all, the first half of the proceeds are almost all yours, and this is only fair in comparison. "

When Li Cha said this, he paused. He thought very clearly in his heart that he was not very interested in what Jasmine brought out. After all, he is not a traditional wizard, and he doesn't have a high demand for some magic props, unless it is some technical material, it is valuable.

Therefore, he helped the other party because he valued the location and information of the ancient ruins in the hands of the other party. If he could get something similar to the design diagram of the energy furnace from the next ancient ruins, it would be a huge benefit.

However, the prerequisite for this to happen is to have the initiative in the exploration of the ruins. Otherwise, if Jasmine asks for something after seeing something, there is no way to get it back unless it is torn face.

As for the initiative, if the first half of the ruins cannot take the initiative, you must also take the initiative in the second half of the exploration of the ruins. In a word: the initiative is very important, you can't master everything, you have to master part. In this way, he won't suffer a loss if he helps the other party.

Looking at Jasmine, Li Cha asked aloud, "What do you think of what I said?"

As soon as the words were finished, before Jasmine could answer, all of Jasmine's subordinates had turned pale. In their view, Li Cha's request was not just "how", it was completely excessive.

They asked Li Cha for help, but they just wanted to pay a relatively small price and ask Li Cha to help solve a problem and act as a tool. On the other hand, Li Cha wanted to use them as tools, how could he accept it?

Originally, they had great distrust of Li Cha, but after Li Cha revealed Jasmine's identity, their vigilance increased significantly.

Now I just want to reject Li Cha, even if I pay a higher price to find someone else, I will not cooperate with Li Cha. But Jasmine didn't answer. As subordinates, it was difficult for them to speak first, so they stared at Li Cha and dared not speak out.

After a few seconds, Jasmine finally made a sound. Compared with her subordinates, she seemed calmer. Instead of rejecting Li Cha, she looked at Li Cha and asked a few questions: "Are you sure, you only need half of the income in the first half of the ruins? It won't change at that time." , increase the share?"


"Are you sure that in the second half of the expedition to the ruins, if we encounter danger, we can leave?"


"Then how do you judge, is it considered to be in danger? Is it up to you, or is it up to us?"

"It's up to you."

When Jasmine asked such a question, all of Jasmine's subordinates instinctively felt that something was wrong, and they all looked at Jasmine and whispered persuasion.

"Princess, don't be impulsive..."

"Princess, we don't have to ask him for help..."

"Princess, actually..."

Jasmine ignored her and looked at Li Cha to ask the last question: "During this expedition, will you do your best?"

"If I encounter difficulties, I will naturally do my best. After all, helping you is helping me." Li Cha replied.

After listening, Jasmine thought about it for about half a minute, and said decisively, "Okay, I agree to your request."

"Very good." After hearing this, Li Cha nodded and asked directly, "Then when are you going to leave?"

"How long do you need to prepare?" Jasmine asked back.

"I don't need to prepare, I can start exploring the ruins today." Richard said, while speaking, as if sensing something, he turned his head and glanced in the direction outside the forest, and added, "The sooner the better, it is best to start immediately .”

Jasmine raised her eyebrows, remembering that Li Cha had made similar actions in the last expedition, and asked aloud, "Why, could it be your intuition is at work again, thinking that if you wait a little later, something bad will happen?"

"This is only one aspect." Li Cha didn't deny it, and paused, "On the other hand, my time is precious. Finish your work as soon as possible, and I will come back to do my own work. Be more efficient, for you, It's good for me, isn't it?"

Jasmine was stunned, originally he thought that Li Cha would have to delay for a few days anyway. After all, this time is different from the last time. She took the initiative to look for Li Cha. The last time Li Cha looked for her, she spent two days verifying that she could not open the gate of the ruins before she decided to cooperate with Li Cha.

Who knows, Li Cha didn't let her bother at all, it seems that everything has been dealt with in advance, as long as she nods her head, it can be executed immediately.

In that respect... being realistic actually pays off.

"Okay——" Jasmine said, and said to Richard, "Then set off immediately. It will take more than a day to reach the location of the ruins. It will take half a day to explore the ruins, and it will take four days to get back. .”

"Then lead the way." Li Cha raised his hand as a "please" gesture.

Jasmine didn't say any more, she nodded her head lightly, stepped on her feet, jumped up, and flew towards the outside of the woods in one direction.

Although Jasmine's subordinates were a little unhappy and felt that they should not agree to Li Cha so easily, they had no choice but to follow up quickly.

Li Cha also followed, and after a while, he left the surrounding area of ​​Faro.


A few hours after the group left, it was approaching evening.

Bibi came in a hurry, smelling the scent and chasing into the woods. Looking around, he saw that there was no one. He frowned deeply, and then murmured in a sense of loss: "Gone? You...gone..."

Feeling lost for a while, his expression gradually became angry.

"I didn't catch it again..." Standing among the trees, Bibi clenched her fists, full of resentment, "Just a little bit, just a little bit! You bastard, you're just a bastard. It’s been over and over again, I’m going to find it soon, but I left at this time, it’s too hateful! It’s so hateful!”

Sniffing, Bibi lowered her face and said, "Now, who knows when the target will come back? What if the other party notices something and never comes back, what should I do? Then, where else can I look for it?

Can I still find it? This... is too difficult, too difficult! I just want to have fun after completing the task, why can't I get my wish? This... this... is someone targeting me on purpose? "

Bibi grabbed her hair, looked up at the branch next to her, looked at a white pigeon on the branch, and asked, "Tell me, am I right?"

White pigeon: "Coo coo, coo coo, coo coo!"

Bibi stared: "Nonsense, someone is targeting me, and it has nothing to do with me not working hard! I have not been idle these days, I have been busy, okay?"

White Pigeon: "Cuckoo, Cuckoo."

Bibi: "No way, I just drank once and fell asleep for a long time, how can I sleep all the time?"

White Pigeon: "Cuckoo, Cuckoo."

Bibi: "Shut up, I say half a day is half a day!"

At the end, Bibi punched the tree trunk angrily.


The tree shook violently, and the white dove flew up in panic, and saw the tree it used to live in, quickly leaning to one side.



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