Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1233: Forest Battle


Trees fell.

"Bang bang bang!"

A large area of ​​trees fell to the ground.

In the forest shrouded in darkness, more than 20 hyena-like creatures with bone blades on their forelimbs kept chopping tree trunks until the tree fell and quickly dragged it aside.

They are very efficient, and they cleared more than a hundred square meters of open space in the forest in a short while.


At this time, the sound sounded, and a black bloated beetle the size of a house flapped its wings quickly and flew over, descended from the sky, and landed in the center of the opened space.


The abdomen of the black beetle made a sound, and a large piece of grass-green liquid was excreted, flowing and solidifying on the ground, forming a creep.


There was another sound, and the black beetle hatched eight giant eggs with a diameter of one meter on the creep.

The location here is far away from the sphere of influence of the weird biogroup. The arrival of the black beetle is an extremely aggressive "airborne" operation, and it is a means for the weird biogroup to speed up the expansion of the field.

And this kind of aggressive action is obviously difficult to conceal, and it didn't take long to attract the attention of nearby creatures.

The sound of "russling" sounded, and wild beasts and demonized creatures appeared on the edge of the open space, with strange green lights in their eyes, staring at the beetles hatching giant eggs, and there were as many as two or three hundred in a short while.

"Ho Ho, Ho Ho!"

They growled and issued a warning to the beetle, announcing in the most direct way that the beetle is not welcome here, and asked the beetle to leave immediately.

The black beetle ignored them, ignoring the many beasts and demonized beasts, and continued to hatch giant eggs.

"Bang bang! bang bang!"

A heartbeat resounded inside the giant egg.

"Wow, wow!"

Strange hyena creatures continue to open up open spaces to prepare for the further expansion of the creep.

A strange hyena creature came to the surrounding beasts and demonized creatures, and a khaki demonized wild boar lowered its head and stared at it, looking at each other.

The weird hyena creature didn't hesitate, it didn't matter whether it was a tree or something else in front of it, it just cut it with a bone blade.


The sound of a blunt knife cutting into cowhide sounded, and the sharp bone blade cut half a centimeter into the skin of the demonized wild boar, and it was directly stuck. After all, this is a demonized creature, and its defense is comparable to iron armor.

The weird hyena creature was stunned, and the demonized wild boar was also stunned. The weird hyena creature was stunned because it was surprised that it didn't cut it open, and the demonized wild boar was stunned because it was surprised that the weird hyena creature really dared to attack.

After a brief hesitation, the wild boar roared angrily, and with its head thrown up, it violently crushed the chest of the strange hyena creature, killing it.

This action is like blowing the battle horn, and other wild beasts and demonized creatures attack one after another.

The strange hyena creature is not weak in combat power, but compared to the number of wild beasts that appear, it is too small, but more than 20-a gap of more than ten times, and there are also demonized wild beasts in the formation.

So, within a short while, all the weird hyena creatures were killed.

The victorious beasts and demonized creatures didn't stop there. They knew very well who was the culprit who disturbed their peace. They all stared at the black beetle lying on the creep and the hatching giant egg.


They roared again, stepped on the creep blanket unceremoniously, and bit the giant egg.

As a result, just as they approached the giant egg, the giant egg ruptured automatically, and what was exposed from inside was not a semi-finished weird creature, but a strange structure similar to a cactus. The surface of the "cactus" is covered with black needles, showing a metallic luster.

The beast and the demonized creature were stunned, and before they could react, the "cactus" swelled slightly, and the black needles on the surface flew out quickly.

The black needle is extremely sharp and extremely fast, like a bullet, even demonized creatures cannot resist it. Only the sound of "Puff puff puff" sounded, and a large amount of blood mist exploded on the creep. All the beasts and demonized creatures that stepped on the creep were not spared, and all fell down and died wailing.

The creeper squirmed for a while, devouring the corpses of beasts and demonized creatures, giving birth to straws, piercing the black beetle's body, and transmitting energy.

The shriveled belly of the black beetle swelled up again, and "Gululu" laid another batch of new eggs for hatching.

Obviously, the black beetle is prepared to develop here for a long time and will not leave easily.

In the forest far away in the clearing, a white wolf witnessed all this, with a vigilant look in its eyes, and quickly turned and left.



A wolf howl sounded, and a tall gray wolf appeared with a white wolf. It stopped in front of a golden tree, growled lowly, and delivered a message.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The golden tree turned around, revealing a human face, it was Tin Wood. After hearing the growl, the canopy shook slightly, with an angry expression on his face.

"Why, I have given in so much, and the other party still refuses to let go? Does this mean that blindly giving in is weakness? Huh, I don't want to fight. After all, this forest is very big, and it can completely live in two strange species .

Since the other party is so excessive, let's stop here for the concessions. I will let the other party see what is asking for trouble and what is wrong! "

"You really want war? Well, I'll satisfy you!" Ximu said in a deep voice, turned around and strode in one direction.

"Let's see the horror that I personally shot!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The ground shook, and Ximu quickly walked away.

The gray wolf and the white wolf quickly followed, and after a while, all the beasts in the rest of the forest sensed to follow, roaring and gathering.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

The entire forest boiled, and the real decisive battle began.


On the creeper, the black beetle was still lying on its stomach, hatching new eggs.

Suddenly the black beetle noticed something, raised its head, and looked vigilantly in one direction in the forest.


The black beetle screamed, and the hatching speed of the new eggs accelerated. After a few seconds, they burst, and out came out strange creatures that resembled cheetahs. Compared with the previous weird hyena creatures, the weird cheetah is larger, with bone blades on all four limbs, tight muscles, and a sense of strength and speed.

After the birth, more than 20 strange cheetahs quickly rushed towards the vigilant direction of the black beetle, preparing to find out the source of danger.

As a result, the moment they pounced, seven or eight branches protruded from the woods, piercing their bodies continuously, sucking their blood, and killing them easily like strings.

"Bang bang bang", heavy footsteps sounded, Tinmu stepped out, the branches were retracted and woven into one of his arms, Tinki stared at the black beetle with unkind eyes.

The black beetle felt the danger, and reacted decisively. The wings on its back flapped quickly, and it was about to fly up and escape.

Ximu looked at it, snorted coldly, swung his arm, the length skyrocketed, and pierced the beetle flying into the air with a "poof". With a rough tug, he pulled the seriously injured black beetle in front of him, and stepped on it directly with thick feet made of tree roots.

Looking at the compound eyes of the beetle, Ximu said coldly: "I know that bastard behind you can see me through these eyes. Then I will warn you one last time:

My patience is limited. My temper is much better now than before, but it doesn't mean I won't be angry. And once I get angry, the consequences will be very serious. So, if you are sensible, get out of the way and don't invade my territory, otherwise..."

Ximu didn't finish his words. In the forest directly in front, many strange creatures had poured out, and there were sounds in the sky, and a large number of flying creatures approached.

This is the other party's statement.

"Okay!" Ximu laughed angrily, and said in a deep voice, "You must provoke me, then come!"


Ximu's feet exerted force, crushing the beetle's head hard.

At this time, in the forest directly in front, countless strange creatures spewed out, and more than thirty beetles flew over their heads, one of which was larger and bright red in appearance, looking down at Tin Wood from a height.

Ximu also looked at the other party. Behind him, the army of beasts and demonized creatures in the forest had gathered, confronting the army of weird creatures aggressively.

Ximu stared at the red beetle in the sky, and said in a concentrated voice: "You want to destroy me and monopolize the forest, right? But I am the source of the forest, I'm afraid you have found the wrong person, bug!"


As Ximu spoke, he threw out his two extended arms violently, and with a golden arc, he drew towards the red beetle.

The red beetle has amazing agility. Seeing Tinmu's attack, it quickly dodges and rises up, allowing Tinmu to hit an empty space.

Ximu was not upset, but said: "It's good that you can escape the attack, but let me see if the rest of your men can escape."

After saying those words, Ximu fiercely attacked the black beetles in the sky and the strange creatures gushing out of the forest, his whole body lit up with golden light, like a god for a moment.

Arms turned into long whips and pulled out again and again, just a moment to defeat the formation of the army of strange creatures, the army of wild beasts and demonized creatures, seize the opportunity to attack quickly, and cooperate with Ximu to expand the results of the battle.

For a time, the forest was full of blood.

"Puff puff……"


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