Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1237: Control Hub


A fireball exploded, scorching a large area of ​​ants, but immediately after the ant corpse was trampled by the rest of the ants, new ants rushed forward one after another.


A wind blade flew out, crushing a line of ants, but within a few seconds the ants on both sides closed in the middle and returned to normal.


"Boom boom boom!"

Li Cha condensed more than a dozen blood spears, shot at the center of the ant colony, and exploded quickly. A large amount of erosive energy attached to the ants, taking their lives. However, it didn't disrupt the formation of ants, just a few breaths, and the gap was filled.

After Li Cha saw it, he couldn't help frowning. He noticed that the number of ants was really huge, so huge that he could use the sea of ​​ants tactics to fight against them regardless of death. And the other party is not blindly consuming, but is using these dead lives extremely efficiently.

For example, in the face of their spell attacks, before the spell hit the surface of the ant colony, many ants would jump up and trigger the spell in advance. In this way, although the jumping ants will die, they will reduce the damage to their companions.

This is simply a biological grid armor.

In this way, although the power of spells cannot be completely eliminated, it is reduced a lot. Falling on the rest of the ants, it was expected to cause ten damage, but now it can cause five or even three damage at most. What's even more amazing is that the ants that are injured and disabled will take the initiative to meet the next spell and die. If you die once, you can't achieve twice, if you die twice, you can achieve three times, and you can rest until you die, so as to maximize your own value.

For example, in a battle, there is not much difference between a soldier being stabbed once and being stabbed twice, both of which will lose combat effectiveness. But now the ant colony has a choice, try to let each ant stab countless knives, and then die.

Every individual ant is no longer a simple life, but a tool, a tool for the pursuit of the highest utilization rate.

Li Cha understands what Jasmine said before, what it feels like to fight an army, this is simply the most terrifying army.


Waving his hand, Li Cha blasted out dozens of blood spears with all his strength, clearing away a large group of ants that came up, making the offensive slightly stagnant.

But it was only a stagnation, and the following ants did not panic, reorganized their attack, and consciously loosened up, weakening the attack effect of the blood spear.

On the other side, Jasmine and her party also blasted spells, causing a large number of casualties to the ant colony, but they kept retreating under the attack of the subsequent attacking ants.

"Damn ants!"

The female wizard Su became angry, jumped up suddenly, and chanted a spell in mid-air, preparing a large-scale spell.

As a result, as soon as she left the ground, the ants caught fire, and thousands of acid clusters flew towards her. The acid mass seemed to be small in size, but it was extremely corrosive. The protective energy film on the surface of Su's body couldn't completely defend against it, it fluctuated constantly, and it looked like it would burst at any time.

Before finishing chanting a spell, Su fell to the ground in embarrassment, a little resentful and unwilling, but under the frenzied attack of the ants, he had no choice but to back away with the rest.

At this time, the group had already retreated to the edge of the gray-white highland, and if they retreated, they would leave the highland.

Jasmine obviously didn't want to repeat the previous experience. While ordering her subordinates to hold on, she looked at Li Cha and shouted, "Do you have a solution?"

After hearing this, Li Cha pondered, squinting his eyes at the ants flooding in like a flood, and fell into thinking.

What Jasmine said before is correct, a single ant is not difficult to deal with, and the same is true for hundreds or even thousands of ants. A spell or a few spells can always clean it up, but it is terrifying like now.

The simple quantity is large, and it can be barely accepted. After all, no matter how large the number is without cooperation, it is just a mess of loose sand, which can be ground to death in a few opportunistic ways.

For example, use earth magic to build several narrow passages under the high ground to lure the ants in. In this way, on the one hand, it can disperse the opponent's strength, on the other hand, it can lengthen the opponent's front line, so that the opponent cannot exert its full combat power, and can attack at the end of the channel with great pressure, and slowly reduce the opponent's number.

However, based on the decisive reaction of the female wizard Su just leaving the ground and being instantly set on fire by the other party, I am afraid that the other party will not cooperate at all. If there are really narrow passages established, they will not enter, but will be flattened directly.

This is the army, the real army of minds. He will not attack indiscriminately, but will display various rational responses according to the environment in which he is located, and will always maintain his combat effectiveness.

From this point of view, what is really scary about the other party is the mind and wisdom.

Only by eliminating this wisdom can the opponent be eliminated.

What is the source of that wisdom?

The opponent's body is indeed much larger than that of ordinary ants, but the brain capacity cannot guarantee that each individual has human-like intelligence.

Even if someone had the wisdom, they couldn't cooperate so tacitly.

According to logical speculation, the opponent should have a control hub, maybe more than one, after all, the number of ant colonies is too large.

It is very likely that the opponent has a top-to-bottom, multi-layer and multi-level control system, so that it can be adjusted, changed, coordinated, and launched attacks so flexibly.


Li Cha's eyes flashed a faint blue light, and he turned on the perspective function of the staring eye, and suddenly stared at a position under the thick ant colony.

"Shut up!"

On the surface of Li Cha's skin, golden light flashed three times in a row, and a large amount of energy enveloped his body, turning on the "Top Three" state.


Stepping on his foot, Li Cha jumped into the ant colony, punched hard, and the golden light on the face of the fist exploded, smashing the bodies of many ants.

A purple ant the size of a fist was exposed in the pile of ant corpses. The shape of the opponent is very strange, with a huge head, occupying half of the body, but the six legs are extremely weak, unable to move by itself, and must be carried by a group of other ants.

After being exposed, the purple ant panicked slightly, its tentacles swayed again and again, and the ant under it seemed to have received a signal, and quickly hid behind it with it.

Naturally, Li Cha would not let the opponent succeed, a blood spear with a magic level of four rings blasted out, directly blasting the opponent to pieces, and also wiped out the ants in a radius of several meters.

The moment it was wiped out, the ants more than ten meters away all froze, as if they were frozen. Soon the ants returned to normal. Li Cha, who noticed this scene, smiled.

Sure enough... There is a control hub in the ant colony responsible for command and dispatch... Once the control hub is destroyed, it will directly affect the actions of the ant colony... Of course, there is not just one hub, destroying one will be quickly taken over by the rest of the hubs , Replacement, harmless... But destroying more than one, or even destroying almost all of them, should be irreparable.

Li Cha's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at a position in the ant colony twenty meters away.


On the surface of the skin, golden light flashed twice, covering the body with new energy, replenishing the damage of the ant acid. Then Li Cha flew over, fell down suddenly, and cast a spell to blast away the protective ants, exposing another purple big-headed ant, killing it mercilessly with a blood spear.

"Boom boom boom!"

Next, Li Cha's eyes flashed blue, he kept scanning his surroundings, and kept naming and eliminating the control hub of the ant colony.


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