Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1238: A Little Weak

"One, two, three, four, five..."

"Six seven eight ninety..."

While counting silently in his heart, Li Cha killed one after another the control hub ants that directed the ant colony.

He noticed that most of the control hub ants were purple, and a few were dark gray, which belonged to higher-level existences—every time he killed one, it would cause the smaller half of the ant colony to stagnate, and it would take several seconds, ten It can take a few seconds or even longer to recover.

Moreover, even if it recovers, the ant colony can no longer organize attacks as flexibly and smoothly as before.

To give an example, the entire ant colony is like a precision-running machine. As the control hub ants are continuously removed, the machine gradually rusts and becomes more and more difficult to operate stops completely.


Li Cha crashed into a corner of the ant colony and smashed many ordinary ants, exposing two dark gray big-headed ants together.

Without any politeness, the blood spear shot out and killed decisively.


As the bodies of the two dark gray ants shattered, the ant colony that was still barely maintained collapsed immediately. All the ants froze together, as if they had lost their senses, and slammed into all directions, forming a mess, not to mention attacking, they couldn't even maintain their formation.

"It should be settled now." Li Cha thought in his heart, flew away from the ant colony, returned to the side of Jasmine's group, and said, "Don't wait, attack as much as possible while the opponent is in chaos."

Jasmine looked over, blinked, then looked away, nodded and gave an order to her subordinates: "Attack with all your strength!"




Jasmine's men, who didn't have any hands left, released their spells and bombarded the chaotic ant colony.

Li Cha didn't stay idle either, and waved his hand to form a whole row of bloody spears and blasted them out. With his backhand, he took out many miniature spell-seeking missiles from the space iron ring, activated and released them, one after another, until all the stocks that had just been replenished not long ago were exhausted.

"Boom, boom..."

in the ant colony,

Numerous flames exploded and countless fireballs exploded. Because of the chaos of the ant colony, the power of each spell was no longer reduced. On the contrary, some of them could cause damage beyond the level, which caused the ant colony's casualties to increase linearly.

"Boom, boom..."

Under the continuous bombardment, the number of ant colonies decreased significantly. First 10%, 20%, then 30%, 40%, and finally when Jasmine and her party were a little tired, the number of ant colonies was only one or two out of ten.

Under the heavy casualties, the remaining ants regained some order, as if aware of the danger, they quickly retreated to the rear and fled into the darkness.


All of Jasmine's subordinates stopped their hands after looking at it, breathed a long sigh of relief, and murmured, "These ants finally know how to be afraid. They can finally explore the places they didn't explore last time."

After speaking, it is necessary to move forward in one direction to the side.

However, Li Cha did not move, and said: "You are not afraid, when you come back, will you encounter these ants again? There are so many ants, you should be able to guess that they have a terrifying ability to reproduce, right? If given When they recover, when we return, there may be an ant colony of the same size or even a larger size waiting."

"This—" the female wizard Su froze for a moment, lowered her brows and eyes, and thought about it, "We don't know what state it will be at that time. If there are casualties, maybe we will really be left in the ruins."

"So, my suggestion is to catch up and wipe out the opponent completely." Richard said.

After hearing this, Su glanced at "Wood" next to him, and then looked at Jasmine together with "One-eyed" and Hulk.

Jasmine obviously also heard Li Cha's words, she pursed her lips, and made a decision: "Chase!"


A group of people, without hesitation, quickly chased the remaining ant colony fleeing in the darkness.


"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of spell bombardment sounded again, and it didn't take long for the group of people to catch up with the escaped remnant colony of ants in the dark, and they shot unceremoniously.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ant colony gets smaller and smaller, until finally only a few ants escape to the vicinity of their nests - a ground covered with thick white mycelium.

It can be seen that the white mycelium on the ground, like the spring exposed after the sofa is broken, extends in all directions. Each bundle of mycelium is hung with many translucent eggs the size of quail eggs. Through the thin egg shell, you can faintly I saw a large number of black and red ants curled up inside.

There are almost countless such eggs on the endless creep, which makes people's scalp tingle. It is completely conceivable that all the ants in these eggs hatch successfully, what a terrible scene it will be.

The complexions of Jasmine's subordinates changed unnaturally.

At this time, the last remaining ants crawled onto the creep, and their antennae swayed rapidly, sending out an emergency signal.

"Bang bang bang!"

Dull footsteps sounded, and a hill-like figure appeared deep in the creep.

From the looks of it, it was a snow-white ant like an elephant, with a height of nearly four meters. The proportion of the head was not exaggerated, but it dragged a bloated abdomen. As it walks, white eggs are continuously discharged from the abdomen and roll down to the creep to hatch.

Probably aware of the crowd, the giant white ant raised its head. Looking at it with its eyes, everyone felt their minds sinking, and invisible pressure enveloped their bodies.

This is the strength of the supernatural species.

The giant white ant watched the crowd for a few seconds, got enough information from the last remaining ant, opened its mouth and roared at the crowd without any politeness.

Because the frequency of the sound was beyond the range of human ears, it was not really heard by Li Cha and his party, but the impact did exist. When Li Cha was in the crowd, he felt his heart beat suddenly stagnate, his blood flow suddenly stopped, and his face instantly turned purple.

Jasmine raised her eyebrows. Sensing the danger, she slammed her fist into her heart to restore its normal beating, and shouted: "Kill it!"

Her subordinates listened, and quickly made a move, mana fluctuations were born in the body, preparing powerful spells.

As a result, before the spell was attacked, the white giant ant dragged its bloated abdomen, rushed towards it, and knocked out at an unimaginable speed.

Everyone was shocked.

But just as the giant white ant rushed several meters away from the crowd, its body froze suddenly, and a round hole appeared in its head, piercing through its entire body, and died immediately. Under the action of inertia, the corpse of the dead white giant ant slid on the ground for a long distance before stopping without moving.

Jasmine and the others looked at Li Cha in surprise, and saw that Li Cha was slowly lowering his right hand with the metal glove.

At this time, Li Cha was also somewhat surprised. Unexpectedly, he just released a "finger of death" with the "glove of exterminating the world", and killed the super-born giant ant. In his opinion, the Superborn species are special beings after all, they are considered to be at the same level as Ximu, and their strength may exceed that of ordinary fourth-level wizards.

Such an existence more or less has some ability to counteract the prophecy spells. Even if the "Finger of Death" cannot be completely ineffective, it will not be 100% effective.

But who would have thought that the result would be so easy, with just a single "finger of death" to kill the giant white ant, even the full function of the "glove of extermination" is not needed.

a little weak...


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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