Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1240 Water can carry a boat

The crystal ship advances on the water.

One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters...

Slowly, the shore of the lake disappeared from sight, and there was only boundless water all around.

Hulk continues to output energy to drive the crystal ship forward. Occasionally, Jasmine's other subordinates will also provide energy for assistance, but the main force has always been Hulk.

Traveling like this for a long time, the crystal boat was in the underground lake, and it was no longer known how far it had traveled. The people on the boat had nothing to do, and almost fell asleep from boredom.

At this moment, there was a "bang", and there was a muffled sound from the bottom of the ship, as if it had hit something, the crystal ship swayed violently, and its speed dropped sharply.

The people on the boat woke up instantly from the drowsy state, looked at Hulk in unison, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Did you hit the rocks?"

"No... I don't know..." Hulk, who was holding the rudder in his hand, looked a little blank, "Just was fine, but suddenly it happened like this. It should be... an accident, nothing serious."


As soon as Hulk finished speaking, as if reality was going to deliberately slap his face, there was another muffled sound from the bottom of the crystal ship. The hull swayed again, the amplitude was bigger than before, the lame Su stumbled, and almost fell off the boat, but luckily he reacted quickly and grabbed the side of the boat.

After finally standing still, Su looked at Hulk with a bit of anger, and asked, "What's going on?"

Before Hulk could answer this time, "One Eye" had already seen the answer with his only eye, pointed to the water surface on the side of the boat, and said, "Look, what is that!"

Everyone looked quickly and saw a huge black shadow skimming through the water and diving to the bottom of the boat.


The crystal ship immediately shook for the third time. Everyone took precautions and quickly stabilized their figures, but their expressions became very ugly.

"That should be the water monster in this water area. According to the information, it is very powerful and extremely difficult to deal with," Jasmine said.

Everyone's expressions became even uglier: "Then what should we do?"

"Get rid of it." Jasmine looked at Hulk and said, "Leave here quickly. According to intelligence, the water monsters in this water area all have fixed domains, and as long as they leave their domains, they won't pursue them."


Hulk nodded, holding the rudder firmly, increasing the energy output. The speed of the crystal ship suddenly increased, accelerating forward, traveling hundreds of meters in a few breaths, and regaining freedom.

Everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, when the black shadow "swiped" and caught up at a faster speed. Dive into the water, let the crystal boat sway violently with a "bang", reduce the speed just raised again, and let the boat almost stand still on the water.

Hulk was holding the rudder of the boat, his eyes were wide open, and the light on his body was flickering brightly and darkly. He shouted to Jasmine: "Captain, that guy is entangled with the boat and cannot move."

"Don't worry about it, continue to increase the energy output." Jasmine listened, and said coldly, "I don't believe it can compete with the energy furnace!"

"Yes." Hulk said, taking a deep breath, the light on the surface of the body became brighter, and the energy close to the limit was poured into the rudder continuously.

"Crack, crack..."

There was a tugging sound from the bottom of the crystal boat. It was obviously a tug of war with the water monster, and they fell into a stalemate for a while.

"help him!"

Jasmine looked at it and shouted, asking her subordinates to inject energy into the rudder together, and she also walked up to inject energy, but the water monster persisted and did not give up.

Jasmine was annoyed, and shouted to her subordinates: "Output energy at full capacity, Hulk, increase it to 45% of my limit!"



Countless energies were poured into the rudder, and the crystal ship became loose. The cracking sound of "crack" sounded from the bottom of the ship, and the loosening became bigger and bigger.

Li Cha looked at it, and was hesitant to step forward to help, when there was a "stab" sound from the bottom of the boat, and the crystal boat completely got rid of the entanglement of the water monster, and rushed out.

"It's safe!"

Everyone was overjoyed and let go of the rudder.

Hulk held the rudder, and was also a little happy, showing a smile. Taking a deep breath, he was about to slowly reduce the amount of energy output, when suddenly his expression froze, his eyes widened, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

As the blood spit out, the light on Hulk's body suddenly dimmed, and the output energy was greatly reduced, and it was reduced to zero in a few seconds.


Hulk swayed and collapsed to the ground, his face as pale as a piece of parchment.

The crystal ship that had lost power slid several hundred meters along the original route, and its speed kept slowing down. No matter how Jasmine's other subordinates took over and tried their best to input energy to recover, they could only maintain a barely moving speed, which was similar to when they were entangled by the water monster before. .


Everyone looked at Hulk in surprise and anxiety, and asked, "Hulk, Hulk, what's wrong with you?"

"I...I don't know..." Hulk's eyes were confused, and he said weakly, "Obviously everything is normal, but the energy furnace... suddenly lost control."

"How is this possible? Didn't the energy furnace not exceed your limit? Didn't the highest energy output rate reach 45%? Did you break through the red line without authorization?" Some people were puzzled.

"I didn't." Hulk shook his head with difficulty, and said with certainty, "The energy output rate is definitely not more than 4.5%, I remember it clearly, but this time..."

"You are tired this time." Jasmine sighed suddenly, gave the answer, and explained, "Your normal state can indeed guarantee 45% of the energy output, but... before that, fighting that ant colony If you consume too much, your body will be exhausted.

Even if we try our best to protect you from injury, your carrying capacity of the energy furnace will inevitably decrease, so the originally safe 45% energy output rate has become dangerous. Maybe it's just a little bit more dangerous, but it's been able to get out of control - luck isn't on our side, it seems. "

"Is that so..." Hulk widened his eyes and asked, "Then...captain, what should we do?"

Jasmine blinked her eyes, but didn't answer, she turned her head and looked worriedly behind the crystal ship.

I saw that the water monster, which had just managed to get rid of it, slowed down significantly after seeing the crystal ship get rid of it, and caught up again without any politeness. This time, it didn't choose to sneak into the bottom of the boat to entangle the crystal boat, but swam directly to the bow of the boat, broke through the water with a "crash", and stretched out a long tentacle towards everyone on board.

I can see the tentacles, which are similar to octopus tentacles, but the strange thing is that there are countless pairs of eyes on the surface.

As soon as the water broke through, all eyes looked at everyone in unison, and then continuous energy beams shot out from the eyeballs.

A part of the energy beam hit the hull of the crystal ship and was wiped out without causing any damage.

A part of the energy beam hit everyone's body, but it made everyone feel the danger, and they set up their energy shields one after another. Under the bombardment, they only lasted for a few seconds and burst immediately.

Fortunately, the energy beam attacks from the eyes on the tentacles are relatively scattered, allowing everyone to have time to build up new energy shields to resist. If they focus their fire on a person, they may be instantly killed. When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help being afraid, and they understood why the intelligence indicated that only taking the crystal boat would be safe.

But the problem is that the crystal ship without Hulk's energy support is like a small boat without power, and it is no longer safe.


At this time, another tentacle full of eyes burst out from under the water surface, cooperating with the first tentacle to launch an energy beam attack on everyone.

Everyone resisted and dodged in a panic. During the process, two muffled groans sounded, and "Wood" and "Camel" were injured.

Before everyone could catch their breath, there was a "crash", and a third tentacle with eyes appeared again.


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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