Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1241: You Can Rowing

Jasmine glanced at the three tentacles, frowned, and bit the tip of her tongue hard in a cruel heart.

Hands interlaced, touched a strange handprint, and suddenly spit out the blood in the mouth.

The third eye at the center of the brow split open, shooting out a cherry red light, hitting the spit out blood.


The blood split into three, turning into three small bloody arrows, hitting three tentacles like lightning.

The three tentacles froze suddenly, as if they had been petrified, their surface quickly turned gray, their eyes froze, and they swayed and fell back into the water with a "plop".


The group breathed a sigh of relief, but they all knew that this was just delaying time. If they didn't drive the crystal ship quickly to leave here, sooner or later they would be killed by the water monster with tentacles and eyes in other ways.

"One Eye" couldn't help looking at Hulk, and said: "Hulk, are you okay? You have seen the current situation. If we can't restart the energy furnace, we will all die here."

"I..." Hulk hesitated.

Jasmine blinked, and gave the answer for Hulk: "He can't. The energy furnace has a lot of side effects on the body, and it has high requirements on the physical condition. It is because he is in a poor state that he lost control, and now he is injured. Worse. If you forcibly restart the energy furnace, I am afraid that the energy furnace will directly extract a large amount of vitality to compensate, and it will not take long before you will be sucked to death..."

Hearing Jasmine's words, everyone's expressions turned serious, realizing the cruel reality they were facing.

After hearing this, Hulk opened and closed his mouth, his eyes suddenly became firm, and he shouted: "Captain, stop talking, I understand, I can do it!"


"'One Eye' is right, I can't restart the energy furnace, we're all going to die here." Hulk clenched his fists and said, "If that's the case, why don't I sacrifice it, it's worth dying like this."

Everyone looked at Hulk with complicated expressions.

"I know, my performance in this team has been poor, but I really want to do something, and now I have this opportunity." Hulk gritted his teeth, stood up shaking, and held the rudder with both hands, a little stiff He smiled and said, "Goodbye everyone, please take good care of the captain. Farewell, captain. I hope that one day, everyone can call you a princess and call you a queen. I hope that on that day, you can still remember me. This subordinate.


At the end, Hulk's expression became a little bit upset, he turned his head to look at the only outsider on the boat, and said, "And you, kid, I've been looking at you so badly. I hope you remember, this time it's me I saved you with my life, and you owe us a favor. I will use up all my vitality to send you and the captain to the other side of the lake, and get what you want this time. I hope you will not break your promise when the time comes ——only take half of it!"

"Anyway, goodbye everyone!" Hulk finally took a deep breath, taking advantage of no new tentacles protruding from the water, holding the rudder with both hands, and desperately trying to restart the energy furnace.

At this time, Li Cha made an untimely voice.

"Wait a minute," Richard said.

"What?" Hulk frowned and looked at Richard.

"Have you ever thought about one thing, you use your life as the price, sail the boat to the other side, get what you want, how can you sail the boat back?" Li Cha asked seriously, "Or, take After something, stay there forever?"

"This——" Hulk was stunned. He was already hot-tempered and didn't think carefully about things. The injury made him dizzy and this tendency was exacerbated. He really didn't think about this problem just now.

As for the rest of the people, under the influence of Hulk's tragic atmosphere just now, they also subconsciously ignored this question. It wasn't until now that Richard raised it that they all reacted with wonderful expressions.

"So." Richard looked at Hulk and said, "If you really do what you said just now, there is a high probability that we will all be sent to death. It is wiser to control the crystal ship to turn around and return to the place where it started , leave the ruins, and let the rest of the people survive except you."

"But... But, you won't be able to get the items in the ruins like this!" Hulk said.

"Yes, but what can I do?" Li Cha spread his hands, "I hope that everything you want will come true when you die, but it turns out that death cannot solve all problems."

"This..." Hulk was anxious and wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. He was trying to stabilize the injury forcibly, but now he was in a hurry, opened his mouth "wow", and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his whole body became sluggish.

Su rushed to Hulk and tried to heal Hulk, while the others frowned and looked at Richard, not knowing what to say.

On the crystal ship, the atmosphere is weird.

However, the weird atmosphere didn't last long, and was broken by the water monster that had accumulated anger underwater for a long time.


"Wow, wow, wow, wow..."

A series of sounds appeared, a large piece of water broke open, and one after another, tentacles full of eyes were seen stretching out continuously. In the end, there were seventeen new tentacles surrounding the crystal ship.


That's one more than two octopuses plus one.

If you count the three that were injured by Jasmine before, there are a total of twenty!

A water monster with twenty tentacles!

Everyone stared, and despair began to brew in their hearts. After all, this was really impossible to deal with.

"One-eyed" frowned and touched his only eye, "Wood" stretched a finger into his mouth and prepared to bite it off, "Camel" bent down and covered his throat, "Ice Cube" suddenly stopped shaking, Su took a deep breath Annoyed, Jasmine reached out and touched her hair...

As far as Jasmine and her group were concerned, in fact, they still had trump cards that they hadn't used yet, but they were all trump cards that cost a lot, and if they were used, they would be in a near-death state even if they didn't die instantly. So they haven't used it for a long time, but now it seems that there is no way not to use it.

Just when Jasmine and her party were about to make a decisive blow, Li Cha looked at the seventeen tentacles, blinked his eyes and said suddenly: "It's a bit difficult to deal with, I really need to make a full-strength shot after seeing it——Okay, just When the promise was fulfilled.”

"Huh?" Jasmine and her group were taken aback for a moment, they couldn't help looking at Li Cha, and then their eyes shrank involuntarily—this was the result of being stimulated by the strong light.

Li Cha's whole body suddenly lit up, turning into a sun at night, and a torrent of energy condensed from his body erupted violently, violently blasting towards the seventeen water monster's tentacles.


With a sound, the seventeen tentacles were shattered under the impact of energy, and the sea monster under the water screamed and escaped from the crystal ship in fear. With the only three remaining injured tentacles, he swam to a distance of several hundred meters in front of him, watching Li Cha on the crystal boat vigilantly.

Everyone was also watching, looking at Li Cha in shock and disbelief.

At this time, the light on Li Cha's body gradually faded, and it was no longer the whole body that was the sun, but it could be clearly distinguished that there were four small suns inlaid on his body—the left wrist, right wrist, left shoulder, and right shoulder.

"Are you..." Jasmine looked at it, and asked involuntarily, guessing a certain possibility, her expression became very uneasy.

"Yes." Li Cha nodded, knowing what Jasmine wanted to say, and said honestly, "This is the energy melting pot."

"How is this possible? Ahem!" Hulk coughed and shouted, full of disbelief.

The rest of the people didn't speak, but they all had similar expressions, and they all thought it was impossible.

This is an energy melting pot!

There should only be one in the whole world, and it was the one they took out from the ruins and fused into the Hulk.

Now, why did four new ones suddenly appear?

This is dreaming!

"I know you may not understand, but it's a bit troublesome to explain this matter." Li Cha said slowly, not wanting to be too wordy, and took a breath, "So, let's drive this crystal boat to the other side and leave Let’s talk about the more dangerous waters, how about it?”

"Uh..." Everyone spoke out, not knowing whether to agree or reject, the amount of information ingested in a short period of time is too large, and the brain is a bit "redundant".

Li Cha shrugged, without being polite, walked to the rudder, stood in front of Hulk, and clasped his hands.


The four "little suns" on Li Cha's body suddenly lit up, and the four energy furnaces operated at high power, injecting far more energy into the rudder of the ship, and the crystal ship shook violently and roared.

The next moment, everyone felt their feet slipping, and before they had time to react, they had already sat down on the deck under the action of inertia, and the crystal ship flew out like an arrow off the string.

Fast, too fast.

Compared with before, the speed of the crystal ship is not a little bit faster at all, but more than ten times faster.

If the crystal boat operated by Hulk before was a wooden boat with sliding oars, the crystal boat operated by Richard now is a motorboat.

"Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!"

A crystal ship like a motorboat, traveling at high speed in the water.

The water monster that swam hundreds of meters ahead watched the crystal boat pass by. Although it was a little frightened, it still wanted to stop it unwillingly.

I saw the sea monster roaring to meet him.

The sea monster crashed into the bow of the crystal ship.

The sea monster screamed.

The sea monster's body ruptured.

The crystal boat continued to move forward unscathed, and killed the second water monster that appeared out of nowhere with a "bang".

The second water monster was relatively small, and it was crushed under the impact of the crystal ship without even making a scream.

The crystal ship continued to move forward after being run over, drawing a white line on the waters, forming a clear channel.

All creatures in the waters in front of the channel, left and right dodge one after another, lest they be hit by the crystal ship. Although the original crystal ship is strong and not dangerous, but now at high speed, it directly becomes a deadly god of death. It will hurt you if you touch it, and you will die if you hit it.

Just like that, under the dodge of the creatures in the water area, while Jasmine and her party were stunned, the crystal boat roared to the other side of the water area.


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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