"It's not surprising. When you... um... I... or we came to this world inexplicably, didn't you subconsciously think that everything could happen?" Li Cha said as he looked at him who looked like a child .

"That's true." He nodded and muttered to himself, "If the logic starts to become confused, in a sense, he is no doubt a lunatic, or if he has accepted agnosticism, then what is wrong with him?" Accepted? But... Having said that, we actually haven't given up struggling, we're all trying to figure out what's going on in this world."

After a pause, the child-like man looked over and asked earnestly, "I'm a little curious now, where have you come?"

"If the truth of the world is a big mountain, I should be considered to have climbed the top of a mountain. There are many, many mountains ahead. I am sure I will continue to walk, and one day I will reach the end. But I am not sure when It is the end, and what is the end." Richard said.

"Sounds like it's still very difficult." He spread out his hands like a child, "However, no matter how difficult it is, there is always hope, right? It's better than staying at the bottom of the mountain and living a life of deceiving yourself, isn't it?"


"Then I wish you success." He smiled as a child.

"Wish me success." Richard said, preparing to leave the house.

"By the way!" the child-like man suddenly stopped, as if he suddenly remembered something, pointed to the outside and asked, "You plan to leave here and keep walking towards the black tower, right? Going to have a look, There's something waiting for you at the furthest point, right?"

Li Cha nodded.

"Okay then, I want to know what's there too, so good luck to you."

"Thank you." Li Cha turned around, turned halfway, paused, turned his back to him, and said to him who looked like a child, "By the way, if possible, I hope that in this world of past memories, you will continue to If you met Keiko before, don't teach her Japanese."

"Then what do you want me to teach her?" he asked the childlike, "French? Oh, drink Uva?" ①

"Whatever." Li Cha waved his hand and walked out, "I don't object to Italian...Adiyu..."②



The door of the third house closes,

Li Cha returned to the snow field.

Looking into the distance, the Black Tower is already closer, so close that some details can be seen.

At this time, he had already realized that the height of the Black Tower might be terrifying, and the Black Tower might be a miraculous building, so he could see it from a very far away.

Between him and the black tower, many white houses appeared, and white houses appeared on the left and right sides, and each white house represented one of his memory anchors.

This time he stepped forward without hesitation, walked to the nearest house, did not stop, strode forward and continued to move forward.

One house after another, more and more houses were left behind by him, and he kept moving forward, only wanting to find the last house that represented the earliest memory.

"Puchi, puff..."

One hour, two hours, three hours...

He walked for three hours and stopped in front of a somewhat different house.

This house is huge, like a gymnasium. The moment he saw it, he had a clear understanding: this is what he wanted to find, the memory before all memories, the memory of his previous life before the birth of his current body.

He put his hand on the door and had many guesses for a moment, guessing what he would see when he opened the door.

Is it a city full of tall buildings? Is it a busy road? Is it a factory full of black smoke? Or a roadside snack bar? A desk with a missing corner? A broken computer with a blue screen?

Countless thoughts were born in his mind, and then dissipated. His hands slowly exerted strength, pushed the door open with a "squeak", walked in, and then froze.

As a result, there is nothing inside the door.

Yes, nothing.

The space inside the door is surprisingly large, larger than it looks from the outside, as if it could fill a world, but there is nothing, it is empty, and there is only a piece of white in sight.

The ground is white, the walls are white, the roof is white, every surface and every line is white.

This is a white world, just like the snow field he walked outside.

Walking into the room, he was obviously taken aback when he saw this scene. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

He stood there thinking, pondering: Is it because the illusion cannot read his memories before he was born? Or those memories...

He pondered for a long time in the house, but he couldn't find the answer he wanted.

Finally, taking a deep breath, he turned and walked out the door.


After closing the door, returning to the snow field, and turning around again, he was surprised to find a towering black tower that was so close that he could touch it with his hand.

He narrowed his eyes and reached out to touch it.

The snow on the surrounding snow field suddenly rolled up and rushed towards him, turning into white light and engulfing him.

The whole world began to tremble, began to crack, and the vision gradually returned to normal.



Li Cha opened his eyes and found himself standing in front of the blue gate that opened in the ruins.

Behind him, Jasmine and her group were all standing without any movement, their expressions were confused, as if they were still in an illusion.

So, have you been standing outside the door all this time... Li Cha blinked his eyes... So, he didn't go inside at all.

What is inside that door?

He cast his eyes and saw that it was an extremely huge space, with a radius of nearly a kilometer and a height of nearly a hundred meters, like a gymnasium magnified countless times.

In this super-giant gymnasium, there are hundreds of stone platforms more than one meter high, which seem to be the bases for placing something, but now almost all of them are empty, only a stone platform in front of it is placed.

After a glance, he recognized it, it was the black tower he saw in the illusion.

The tower in reality is exactly the same as the tower in the illusion, but the volume is very different, only about ten centimeters in height. It looks like it just entered the illusion and saw it on the snow field, which is very different from the last state of towering into the clouds.

What is this...

Li Cha squinted his eyes and stepped into the door. The moment he stepped on the ground inside the door, he heard a voice ringing in his ears.

"Una compagnia aerea orientale emise un grande divano..."


After a while, the sound stopped, and then a new, even stranger sound appeared.

"ыпустилабольшой диван..."

Li Cha blinked, completely unable to understand.

After waiting for a few more seconds, the popular lingua franca of the mainland finally rang out, saying in a mechanically synthesized voice:

"One visitor was detected, and the identity could not be confirmed. After passing the most basic verification, a minimum ten-level pass was obtained, and he could but only visit the first floor of Balta."

When Li Cha heard this, his eyebrows raised sharply.


Note ①: Oh drink Uwaha, French—Au revoir, Chinese—goodbye.

Note ②: Adiyu, Italian——, Chinese—bye.

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