Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1247 I Steal Myself

"Who is talking?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows and asked.

"You can call me 'Yougram'. I am a creation produced by the 'Odinard' alliance. I have no self-awareness, but I can complete the corresponding work according to the settings. Of course, for the visitors who get the pass, provide the rules It is also one of my functions to help."

Li Cha listened, blinked his eyes, thought for a few seconds, and asked the same question again: "Who is talking?"

"You may call me 'Yugam', I am..." The voice responded in the same way.

"Who is speaking?"

"You can call me 'Yougram'..." It was still the same answer, without any change in the tone, the same blunt and mechanical, leaving no doubt, asking the same question a hundred times, still the same.

Sure enough... I really don't have self-awareness... It is very likely that I will not pass the Turing test... Of course, it may be that the disguise is too good, but the probability is very low. After all, the other party does not know that there are several lives like the spirits before, and they died tragically. In his hands... Li Cha thought in his heart.

Pursing his lips, Li Cha asked again: "A creation of the 'Odinard' alliance? Was it made by an organization of ancient wizard civilization?"

"The same could be said in your day," the voice replied.

"Then..." Li Cha squinted his eyes, "Then... the illusion just now is related to you? Or directly, it was created by you?"

"Yes." The voice replied, without concealment or any embarrassment, faithfully executing the set procedures, "The illusion created just now is my defense measure to prevent unauthorized people from breaking in.

Among them, the basis for generating the illusion is the thinking and memory of the intruder, and it is impossible for a person to defeat himself, so theoretically, without external help, the intruder cannot break through and leave the illusion. But you are special, you have passed this verification in a way that I can't understand, and according to the regulations, you get the minimum right of passage. "

"Is that so?" Li Cha was not surprised when he heard this. Regarding these, he had guessed in the illusion. "Sure enough, it is an illusion based on personal thinking and memory."

So at the very beginning, he kept controlling his mind, did not reveal any information, and only saw the vast expanse of white snow. Until later, he took the initiative to let go of some of the restrictions, thinking about the Blue Lion Kingdom, and immediately the cavalry of the Blue Lion Kingdom appeared, and then entered the memory of the Blue Lion Kingdom, and kept going back to the earlier time.

First there is the celebration of returning to the palace, then the massacre, and then the child reading himself...

just finally,

Before all memory, the great house he saw, empty inside...

Li Cha pondered, his expression changed a few times, finally took a deep breath, regained his composure, looked at the air in front of him and said: "Well, some of my doubts have been resolved, and there are some speculations that have not been resolved. What I want to ask now is, what exactly is this place?" Li Cha pointed to the huge room where he was.

"This is 'Suandos Logis Tego'." The voice gave a word that was lengthy, difficult to pronounce, and even more difficult to understand, "or you could simply call it 'Deco'."

"'Di Gao'?" Li Cha frowned, "What is this place, can you explain in detail?"

"Sorry, this is beyond my ability. I can only tell you that 'Digao' is a proper term for ancient wizard civilization, and it explains its own meaning, just like 'hound' and 'wild boar'.

But since there is no 'Di Gao' in the current era, it is difficult to explain it clearly from the side. It's like if you have never seen the two creatures "hound" and "wild boar", no matter how I explain it, it is difficult for you to fully understand it. "The voice said, "So, my suggestion is, please explore on your own, after all, you have obtained a part of 'Digo' - the right to enter the first floor of Balta. "

"Balta? Explore by yourself..." Li Cha murmured, looking at the black tower on the stone platform in front of him, and made a decision in a moment, "Okay."

"Welcome." The voice said, and then fell silent, no longer responding, as if it never existed.

Li Cha stepped into the black tower, the surface of his body was covered with rich golden energy, he carefully touched the surface of the black tower, trying to inject energy.

The moment energy was injected into the black tower, the whole world lit up.


After the light gradually faded, Li Cha saw himself appearing in a huge space.

This space is a bit like the Garden of Eden, but it is bigger than Eden and has almost no boundaries. In the air, there was a soft light, illuminating the surroundings.

Looking around, he saw that on the ground not far in front of him stood a sign with a height of more than ten meters, with lines of characters written on it, which should be the translation of a sentence in dozens of different languages.

After reading it from top to bottom, he found that everything was very strange, only the upper middle line, and he could identify a few characters with uncertainty.

"...Material...number...station..." Li Cha read aloud, slightly confused, unable to understand the meaning accurately.

Taking a breath, he turned his head and looked straight ahead, his eyebrows furrowed.

As you can see, there are a large number of transparent blocks floating in the air in front of you, and each block is one meter long, wide and high. It looks like the material is a bit like glass, but it is actually a very special energy composition, and there are things inside. A cursory glance reveals that there are all sorts of strange things inside.

What the hell is this place?

What is the explanation for "Di Gao" and the so-called "Material Number Station"?

Li Cha frowned, walked to the front of the transparent cube, observed and guessed one by one.

Could this be a museum? Or an exhibition hall?

Or... Guessing, Li Cha suddenly stopped in front of a floating grid, and his eyes fell on the things inside the grid.

The things in the grid are not very strange, but he is a little familiar.

Yes, he's kind of familiar.

You can see that it is divided into four parts according to the mathematical horizontal and vertical axes: the first quadrant, the second quadrant, the third quadrant, and the fourth quadrant.

Among them, several large-capacity beakers are placed in the first quadrant, a pile of Erlenmeyer flasks are placed in the second quadrant, dozens of test tubes are placed in the third quadrant, and sundries such as glass tubes and funnels are placed in the fourth quadrant.

These things are all placed inside a space iron ring on his body and carried with him, so that he can conduct experiments on the spot if necessary.

But now, he actually saw the same existence in this so-called "Digao" space.

Really identical, not similar. The specifications, quantity and arrangement of each container above are exactly the same as in his memory.

Absolutely not such a coincidence.

Either, he is now in another illusion, or...

Pursing his lips, Li Cha took out the space iron ring marked "No. 8" that he carried with him, reached out and took out all the beakers in the first quadrant, and put them on the ground next to him, and then he saw, A hand reached into the transparent block and "stealed" all the beakers.

He took out the Erlenmeyer flasks in the second quadrant from the iron ring of space, and immediately, the hand in the transparent box appeared again, "stealing" all the Erlenmeyer flasks.

Then there are the test tubes in the third quadrant, the sundries in the fourth quadrant...

After he took everything out of the space iron ring, he thought for a while, reached in, and made a scissors gesture with his index and middle fingers.

I saw that the hand in the transparent box gave him the same scissors gesture.

Well... Li Cha let out a sigh of relief... I think it is basically possible to draw a conclusion: if there is no accident, the space in his space iron ring is the transparent square in front of him, and he is "stealing himself" right now.

Well, it's okay!


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