After speaking to Ximu, Li Cha took out a tube of grass-green potion and poured it to repair the damage to his body.

Although the energy furnace has given him unlimited energy, it is not a small burden on the body, and it absorbs vitality, making him not at all want to fight a war of attrition with superborn species, that would be too stupid.

After all, even if you win, the price you pay is too heavy, and you won't get back from Ximu, right?

Squeeze this matter, it is necessary to pay attention to cost performance.

After drinking the potion, Li Cha looked at Ximu, waiting for the other party's reply.

After listening to Li Cha's words, Ximu wondered if he had guessed Li Cha's inner thoughts. He was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Okay, I'll help you. Although it's beneficial to me to use the ability of the 'Wise Man of the Tree' fully. It’s not a small injury, but in order to solve this matter as soon as possible, that’s all.”

When the words fell, Ximu's body lowered, and the feet made of tree roots sank deeply into the ground. The trunk turned grayish white, the crown shook, and translucent thin lines flew out, flying to one tree after another in the forest. .

Originally, in a normal state, he could only get information from the few trees he controlled, but now he is forcibly connecting with the entire forest. Now, every tree is his eyes, every tree is his body, every inch of grass is his skin.

The moment Li Cha felt the tin wood take root in the soil, the whole forest was slightly quiet, and then there were continuous "russling" sounds all around, as if countless people were whispering, if it was an ordinary person, he would have a nervous breakdown.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After more than ten seconds, Ximu's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he said with awareness: "To the northeast, near the edge of the forest, there was a lot of movement, and I saw a golden beetle during the battle. Although the figure is blurred due to some interference, I guess it is most likely the mother insect of this group of insects."

"Are you sure?" Li Cha was a little suspicious, "So quickly, you can find the other party? And, there happened to be a battle that exposed the other party? It's too coincidental, isn't it a trap?"

"This—" Ximu also hesitated, and the long battle made him fully realize the wisdom of the strange biological mother insect. The other party really knows how to set a trap, and not only does it, but also sets traps within traps, so Richard's suspicion is well-founded.

After thinking for a while, Ximu replied: "I can't confirm the real situation of the other party. I can only provide you with the information I know. It is up to you to decide whether to go or not."

"Okay." Li Cha narrowed his eyes and made a decision after a few seconds.

Still go and have a look. Even if there is a trap, he has the confidence to get rid of it, and if it is the real situation, that would be the best.

In addition, he was also a little curious about the sudden battle there. Annie, Nancy, and Gero were arranged to rest in a safe area not long ago. They couldn't be the other three. Could it be that other people broke into the forest to help him?

Thinking of this, Li Cha stepped on his feet, the surface of his body was wrapped in white light, and flew away quickly.


Time, push forward a little bit.

A new day is coming, when the morning has just begun.

Outside the forest, a figure approached and finally stopped at the edge of the forest. It was Bibi.


Bibi was panting slightly. Sweat marks and a look of exhaustion were rarely seen on her flawless cheeks at this time. It must be said that the tracking distance this time was beyond her imagination.


"I finally caught up. Hmph, let's see how you run this time!" After taking a few breaths, Bibi stared at the depths of the forest with wide eyes, gritted her teeth, and was about to go deeper.

And just before stepping into the forest, she suddenly thought of something, and stopped to look at the white pigeon that followed her all the way.

The white pigeon was resting on a nearby branch at this time. Bibi looked over, pondered for a second, and gave an order: "You stay here for me, don't continue to follow me."

"Coo coo." The white dove cried out, a little puzzled, it worked so hard to follow all the way, and gave Bibi the direction of breath, why didn't it take it into the forest?

"It's very simple, because I think bringing you in will drag me down." Bibi said unceremoniously, and began to dig into history, "Before, every time because of you, I always almost succeeded, but failed in the end. .I have chased here this time, and I must not fail again, so you leave me alone."

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!" the white pigeon cried out excitedly, its wings fluttering as it screamed, and it defended itself unconvinced.

Bibi didn't listen at all, and said rudely: "It's your fault if you say it's your fault. You must have brought me bad luck, so I couldn't catch him, so you must stay here—if you dare Followed me secretly and was discovered by me, so I must cook you up."


The white dove shrank its neck in fright.

"Hmph, that's pretty much the same." Bibi looked at it, hummed softly, and strode into the forest. The white dove was on the branch watching Bibi's figure disappear into the depths of the woods, hesitated for a long time, and finally did not dare to follow, and flew away with fluttering wings.

On the other side, Bibi entered the forest and moved forward rapidly. After a while, she suddenly stopped with a frown.

She keenly sensed that the surrounding environment was not normal. There were no living animals, not even earthworms and insects under the ground. The entire forest was lifeless, like a dead end.

This is a trap?

Bibi frowned deeply, looked around, her thoughts were spinning, and she made some guesses.

Was it a trap from the very beginning?

Yes, very possible.

She has been tracking the target for so long, maybe she made a mistake somewhere and was noticed by the target. The target must have been terrified of her presence, and tried to find a solution, finally deciding to lure her here and ambush her so he could kill her.

As soon as she thought of this, Bibi heard the sound of "Shushasha", and more than 50 strange creatures that looked like black panthers appeared, vaguely surrounding her, lying low and making dangerous strange screams. After that, they didn't have much time to react, they rushed forward in unison, and launched an attack collectively.

But just as they were flying in midair, their whole bodies froze slightly, and the next moment it seemed that a net cut through their bodies, and with a "poof", a large cloud of blood burst out in the field. Most of the strange black panther creatures were directly cut into pieces. Only a small half of the strange black panther creatures survived, but they were too frightened to go forward.

Blood mist filled the air, Bibi stood in the center of the field, looking at the scene that looked like a slaughterhouse, she felt sure: Sure enough, this place is indeed a trap, the target found her, so she was deliberately lured here to kill, These strange animals should be one of the ambushes set by the target.

It's just a pity that I underestimate her too much, she can't solve it casually.

Since the target dared to set a trap for her, it means that the target is probably directing all of this, so she must break through the whole trap, find out the other party, and let the other party know that she is not easy to mess with. Then grab each other back, complete the task, and finally play happily.

Thinking of this, Bibi was very motivated to look at the remaining dozen or so strange black panther creatures.

At this time, the strange black panther creature had already realized Bibi's amazing strength, so he did not rush to death, and retreated decisively towards the depths of the forest.

Bibi shouted: "Stop, don't try to run! Do you hear me, stop!"

While shouting, while chasing after.


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