
Bibi took a quick step, and it didn't take long to catch up with the strange black panther creature that was fleeing. She attacked and dealt with it easily.

Afterwards, she dealt with several groups of strange creatures that emerged from the forest, and continued to go deeper into the forest without any injuries, trying to find the mastermind behind all this, which was the target she was looking for.

After more than ten minutes, I don't know if it was an illusion. Bibi found that after she entered a dark gray ground area, the number of strange creatures she encountered increased sharply, and there were hundreds of strange creatures intercepting them every now and then. It's as easy as before.

And the closer she got to the forest, the more obvious this phenomenon became. The strange creatures she encountered no longer ran away, but tried to cause her harm with their last breath.

Could it be that the front is the target she is looking for?

Bibi had some guesses, her eyes lit up, and she took a quick step forward. After forcibly breaking through several teams of strange creatures intercepting them, and reaching an open space, her vision widened, and she was taken aback for a moment.

It can be seen that the area of ​​this open space is tens of thousands of square meters, like a small square. The surface is covered with a thick dark golden creep, which is soft and silent when stepped on, like the highest grade wool carpet. And in the center of the open space, in the middle of the dark golden creep, a hill-like golden beetle was lying there, two stories high, and it looked like it was resting.

Afterwards, the golden beetle was aware of it, and when it saw her, it was stunned for a while, and then it showed a strange and stern look. There was still a bit of anger in the depths of the look, as if it was asking: Why, broke into it again? Got one? Not long ago, it was not enough to break in three, so I added another one and broke in front of it? Where is this place, this is its territory!

Bibi took a few glances at the golden beetle, sniffed the air vigorously, and her expression became strange.

She suddenly discovered that the reality was somewhat different from her previous conjecture.

She was planning to find the target, but the big golden bug in front of her was obviously not the target, and she didn't have any aura of the target on her body, which meant one thing: she was looking for the wrong one. There were so many strange creatures before, and they shouldn't be aimed at her, she also killed the wrong one.


Unable to help scratching her head, Bibi looked at the golden beetle, smiled and said, "Well... hello, my name is Bibi. I think there may be a little misunderstanding between us, but I think it's okay, yes Right? In short... I'm bothering you, I'm sorry to bother you, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first. "

After speaking, Bibi turned around and was about to leave the open space.

The golden beetle didn't agree with this. Its compound eyes turned red, and its eyes were very angry, as if saying: Come and leave when you want, what does it think of its territory? toilet?


The golden beetle screamed, and more than a thousand strange creatures sprang out from the forest outside the clearing, without any fuss, they launched a fearless attack on Bibi.

Facing the attacking strange creature, Bibi still hesitated, turned her head and tried to explain to the golden beetle: "This is really a misunderstanding, I didn't find you here on purpose, I..."

The golden beetle didn't make a sound, and it was the minions of the weird creature that answered Bibi, grabbing Bibi's face violently.

Bibi frowned, and she had no choice but to make a move. She pulled her hands in the air, as if pulling through a large net. Dozens of strange creatures that rushed were instantly chopped into pieces by the invisible wind blade.

But this only made the offensive slightly stagnant, and the remaining weird creatures stepped on the corpses of their companions and continued to pounce.

Bibi frowned slightly, pulled her hands together again, "stabbed", and dozens of strange creatures were chopped into pieces again.

Then, the third wave of weird creatures came...

Fight, long fight.

It took quite a while, and Bibi finally got rid of more than a thousand strange creatures, with a lot of blood stains on her body, which made her frown.

Turning his head, he looked at the golden beetle with displeasure, his expression was not as polite and apologetic as before, and he called out, "Hey, big bug, let me tell you again, whether you understand or not,

Let me make it clear: I am not here to find you, I am here to find someone else. It was a misunderstanding to find you here. The root cause is that these beasts you controlled attacked me.

Now that I know the truth, I want to leave and find the person I want. And you also took revenge on me, let me go now, we are both clean. Otherwise, if you pester me again, I want you to look good! "

After hearing this, the golden beetle turned its compound eyes slightly and cried out.


"Are you agreeing?" Bibi guessed, her eyes flickering.


In the next moment, more than two thousand strange creatures surged out and surrounded Bibi again, verifying the truth of Bibi's guess.

Bibi clenched her fists, with anger in her heart, she glared at the golden beetle and said, "You're forcing me, you know? Don't let these guys go away, I really want you to look good!"

After listening to Bibi's words, the golden beetle stared at Bibi silently for two seconds, and called out, "Hiss—"


More than two thousand strange creatures attacked instantly.

"Damn it!" Bibi's face was tense, she gritted her teeth, and grabbed a strange creature that was rushing towards her. Grab the opponent's front leg and swing it up as a weapon, like a war hammer to smash the other strange creatures.

"Bang bang bang!"

A large number of figures flew out and were directly seriously injured, and even the weird creatures that were swung around died.

Bibi didn't even look at this, and continued to smash the corpse non-stop until the corpse was broken into pieces before letting go, grabbing another weird creature and attacking again.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

After spending a long time like this, Bibi finally got rid of more than 2,000 weird creatures, sweat stains appeared on her tired face.

But she didn't dare to rest, for fear that the golden beetle would summon more weird creatures, and they would definitely not be able to kill them all. She stepped on her foot and rushed towards the golden beetle quickly, preparing to kill the golden beetle to prevent future troubles.

Unexpectedly, on the way she rushed towards the golden beetle, a black shadow flew out from the side and rear of the golden beetle and flew towards her face.

She was a little startled, but her reaction was quick. She quickly turned her body to avoid it, and turned her head to look, and found that the black shadow fell on the surface of the creeper next to it, which was a mass of spider silk.


Spider silk? What is this for?

Bibi was puzzled, a gray spider crawled out from behind the golden beetle.

"Papa papa!"

There was a cracking sound, and the dozens of eggs that the golden beetle had laid behind it at some point in time broke one after another, and a large gray spider crawled out of each of them, each of which was the size of a washbasin. near.

Bibi looked at it, curled her lips, a little disdainful.

Thousands of weird creatures didn't stop her just now, but now these dozens of spiders want to stop her?


Disregarding it in her heart, Bibi took a step and continued to rush towards the golden beetle.

At this moment, dozens of spiders shot out their webs at the same time, Bibi dodged quickly, and finally only a ball of spider silk hit her and stuck to her foot.

Bibi didn't think there was any danger to this, and raised her foot to get rid of it, but her expression changed the next moment, and she found that the spider silk was extremely tough, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't tear it off—her foot was killed. Dead fixed on creep.

Bibi felt a sense of crisis belatedly, and quickly tried to destroy the creep to regain her freedom, but it was too late.

At this time, all the spiders shot her silk continuously, and clusters of spider silk flew like snowflakes in a blizzard.

With one foot bound, Bibi's ability to dodge was reduced by almost 90%. Even if she tried her best to dodge, she was still stuck by more and more spider threads.

Gradually, dozens of spiders spit out their silk, exhausted their vitality and died one by one, and Bibi's whole body was wrapped in layers of spider silk, turning into a big rice dumpling. Bibi was inside, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move, even her mouth was stuck and unable to open, trapped into a living dead.

this! this!

Bibi was startled and unwilling, but there was nothing she could do.

At this time, the golden beetle slowly crawled towards Bibi, opened its mouth, and prepared to swallow Bibi into its stomach to compensate for the loss Bibi had caused it. However, before climbing two steps, the golden beetle suddenly felt vigilant and looked to the southwest, and the next moment a thick white light suddenly appeared in the field of vision.


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