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July, Yanyue.

Soma Alliance, on a road outside the southern capital "Shaar", Li Cha stepped forward and approached this city praised by many people.

Within a few miles, you can already see the appearance of the city very clearly.

The moment he saw it clearly, Li Cha showed some surprise in his eyes. He was not surprised by its prosperity—after all, he had seen a metropolis far beyond the current era on Earth, but was surprised by its dilapidation.

He didn't expect that the place known as the "City of Glory" and "City of Gold" looked even worse than the second-rate city of Faro.

The city wall protecting this city is indeed majestic, like a continuous mountain range, its height and thickness are enough to make the army of ordinary people feel desperate. to ignore.

However, considering the patrolling soldiers at the top of the city, the knights in magic suits holding magic-weave javelins, and the huge machine crossbow, under normal circumstances, wizards would not dare to provoke the majesty of the city too high-profile. After all, this is where the Alliance Emperor is located.

But other than that, the rest of the city of Char made people frown.

It can be clearly seen that outside the city wall, about 200 meters away, some dilapidated wooden sheds have been built without any plan, one by one, one by one. On the ground around the wooden shed, garbage is everywhere, sewage flows across the ground, and the sanitation conditions are extremely poor, even worse than some villages.

There are all kinds of people living in the wooden shed: good people, bad people, men, women, children, old people, traders, thieves...

The only thing they have in common is that they are very poor, so they can only live here.

However, compared with the poor people in other places, they all have a bit of arrogance in their eyes. It seems that even if they are poor and hungry, they can have a place outside the city of Shaar, and they are more knowledgeable than local landlords in poor villages.

And some young people looked at Xia's city with undisguised ambition, as if entering the city and obtaining a residence of their own would be a great success.

Li Cha walked along the road, walked through the large slums where these people lived, felt something, and slowly entered the city.

Compared with the outside of the city, the inside of the city is obviously a bit better. At least there are no slums, and all buildings are planned, and no exceptions are allowed.

But it seems that these buildings are not very prosperous, most of them are ordinary two-story stone buildings, and some are even bungalows.

The ground is not made of stone. Because of the summer, it has rained not long ago, and there are obvious wheel dents on the ground. The surface of the earth is covered with light yellow dust, and when the wind blows gently, the sky will immediately turn yellow.

Pedestrians walked in the dust, as if they were used to it. Some people held baskets and occasionally stopped by the side of the road to ask the prices of the goods sold by small roadside vendors.

Small traders basically sell daily necessities, fruits and vegetables, and a stall dozens of meters away is full of vegetables. At a glance, you can see big radishes, small radishes, long radishes, short radishes, white radishes, yellow radishes... well, those are carrots, in short, all kinds of radishes.

Is it because the radishes are being harvested at this season... Li Cha glanced at it, retracted his gaze, and continued to move forward along the road amidst the strong breath of life.

A few miles away, a new city wall appeared, more magnificent and more heavily guarded.

From the city gate, entering the interior of this new city wall, the scene in front of you has changed.

First of all, the ground is paved with flat stone slabs, and the road becomes very spacious. On both sides of the road with a width of about ten meters, there are no hawkers, and all of them are regular shops. The stone buildings are next to each other, most of them have three floors, and a few are as high as four or five floors.

At a distance, there are public entertainment places such as theaters and bathhouses. People come and go at the door, which is very lively, and it has the appearance of a big city.

It just seems that this level of prosperity is only comparable to that of Faro, not much higher than that.

Can't find a reason why people are praising this city.

Li Cha walked forward with his mouth pursed, and after walking for a few miles, the third city wall appeared, the whole body was dark, without gaps, as if it was made of iron.

After walking into the third city wall, there is a real prosperous atmosphere, rushing towards you.

As you can see, the stone buildings are like trees in the forest, densely distributed in various positions in the field of vision, one is taller and more gorgeous than the other. Squares, gardens, fountains, and sculptures are like embellishments, distributed on both sides of the road or at the end of the road. Tall buildings can be seen everywhere, drama theaters, bathhouses are everywhere, and places like taverns and hotels can line up an entire street.

The most iconic is the bell tower at intervals, slender like a toothpick, standing proudly among many buildings.


The bronze bell on the top of a bell tower was rung, followed by the bells on the bell towers of the whole city to inform the citizens of the city of the current time.

Listening to the sound of the copper bell, Li Cha realized something when he looked at the bustling scene around him.

It seems that the prosperity of Char is true, but not all of Char is prosperous.

According to the terms of the earth, the slums that were first seen outside the city should be regarded as the suburbs outside the third ring road of the city, naturally dilapidated. Once you enter the city, and enter the third ring road, it will look like it.

Then enter the city, enter the second ring road, and start to be equivalent to an ordinary big city.

Entering the city center, Char's prosperity is fully displayed.

The city is really too big, so there are obvious regional distinctions and differences in development. From a certain angle, it can also be seen that the city is constantly expanding. Perhaps when the expansion encounters a bottleneck, over time, it will gradually become as well-balanced as Faro or other cities.

Thinking of this, Li Cha's copper bell on the bell tower rang eleven times and then fell silent, bringing him back to his senses.

Then Li Cha turned his head with a sense, and looked to the side. A middle-aged man in a white robe walked slowly, noticed his eyes, nodded slightly as a greeting, and then walked into the distance.

Watching the other party leave, Li Cha was a little surprised. There was no other reason, because he felt the mana fluctuation from the other party, and it seemed that he should be a second-level wizard.

Level 2 wizard?

Immediately afterwards, he looked to the other side in response, and an apprentice wizard in gray hurried past.

Blinking, looking around, more targets are gathered in the eyes.

In the back, a first-level wizard walked into the jewelry store and asked about the price of the jewelry. In front, a first-level wizard was walking out of the tavern. Farther away, a second-level wizard and a girl at the wizard apprentice level pointed at the shops on the street.


There was a sound of footsteps, and a group of more than ten people came, wearing uniforms, like members of a certain group. Everyone has mana fluctuations in their bodies. They are all wizards, and their strength is not weak. The worst ones are first-level wizards and high-level wizards, and the leader has the cultivation base of a third-level wizard.

There are quite a lot of wizards in the center of Char City. Even if you can't say "wizards are not as good as dogs", it can be called "walking everywhere".

Under such circumstances, I'm afraid there are really few people who don't have good eyesight who dare to make trouble. After all, no one knows whether they will meet a powerful wizard.

Is it the city of wizards... Li Cha murmured, remembering another title of Shaar.

Afterwards, he shook his head lightly, turned a corner, and walked towards a location, which was his destination for coming to Shaar this time.


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