Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1268 High Specifications

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Li Cha walked to a seemingly quiet street, and stopped in front of a dark mansion.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

Reaching out, he gently knocked on the door.


Almost as soon as the hand was put down, the door was quickly opened, as if the people inside the door had been listening to the movement outside.

A young man in his twenties appeared, looking with a pair of bright eyes.

Li Cha glanced at the other party and was about to introduce himself. In his previous contact with the black-faced old man Oscar, Oscar gave him an address, telling him to come to the current mansion after he came to Shaar. If you report your name, someone will take the initiative to arrange for the two to meet.

Li Cha was about to speak, but he didn't expect the other party's eyes to flash, and he spoke out first, with undisguised surprise and excitement, he said: "You are Sir Li Cha, right?!"

"Uh..." Li Cha was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know how to speak. He nodded after a second, "If you're talking about Li Cha from Farrow, then I am."

"It's really Mrs. Richard, please come in, please come in!" The young man said, and finally added, "By the way, you can call me Masi, I am the person in charge of receiving you."

The young man named Masi led Li Cha into the door with a somewhat uncomfortable, aggressive respect and enthusiasm.

This made Li Cha couldn't help thinking of the waiter in a chain hot pot restaurant on the earth that is famous for its service.

After entering the door, there is a huge yard with green lawns and exquisite fountains. Li Cha noticed that there were a few young men in dark gray short jackets in the corner. After seeing him being led in by Mas, they all showed surprise and excitement, which really didn't look like a disguise. The next moment, Ma Si waved his hand lightly, and several young people quickly ran away in different directions, as if to notify someone or arrange something.

Li Cha had some doubts in his heart, but after all, this is a place arranged by Oscar, and it will definitely not be harmful to him. So he didn't ask a word, and walked patiently with Masi to the depths of the mansion, ready to see what the other party would do.

After walking about a few hundred meters in this way, he passed through a small circular door, and his eyes suddenly opened up, and Li Cha found that he had entered another courtyard.

The yard has thousands of square meters, the ground is covered with well-manicured lawns, there is a small fountain in each corner, and a pond in the center.

A gorgeous and clean three-story stone building stands on the north side of the courtyard. Looking in through the window, you can see that the furniture and furnishings inside are all available and elegant in style.

In addition, a team of servants, divided into two rows of male and female, was waiting at the door.

"My lord, this is the temporary residence we arranged for you in Shaar. You can live here until you meet Mr. Oscar. Everything inside has been replaced with new ones, and it is also the most expensive. I hope you can Satisfied." Masi stopped in the yard and introduced.

Pointing to the servants at the door, Ma Si said: "Next, during your stay, you can ask them for any requirements. They are your servants—six male servants, six female servants—a total of ten Two, I will meet any of your requirements, yes, any. If they violate your requirements, you can tell me directly, don't worry, I will use means to make them obedient."

Speaking of this, Ma Si's face was slightly grim, and he quickly regained his composure. Obviously, he was not as simple as he appeared on the surface.

Li Cha looked at the servants at the door, and found that the group of people were a little scared after hearing Masi's words, and looked at him with fear and respect, trying to appear docile.

The standard of the reception is a bit high, not to mention the courtyard, with only twelve servants, it is not something ordinary nobles can enjoy... Li Cha couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in thought.

He wasn't guilty, just a little surprised. Originally, he thought it would be the same as the connection with the spider web before, extremely mysterious and hidden, but it turned out not to be.

Turning his head and looking at Ma Si, out of caution, Li Cha confirmed and asked: "Are you sure, this is really for receiving me, Ma Si? Not another Li Cha, my namesake? "

"You can't make a mistake, my lord." Ma Si said seriously, "I have your image in my hand, although it doesn't look very similar, but since you are from Faro, it is completely correct."

I have met the person from the spider web before, and it is not surprising that the other party draws the image from memory... Well, after seeing this, it is indeed used to receive him... Li Cha blinked, thought for a while and looked at Ma Si: "Well, since I'm the host, I'm not being polite. But can I ask for some changes before moving in?"

"Of course, my lord." Masi said without hesitation, "You are a distinguished guest, your request is an order to me, any change is fine. If you are not satisfied with this yard, I can immediately take you Go to a few others until you're satisfied."

"That's not necessary." Li Cha waved his hand, "This yard is very good. The change I want is to let them leave and I can live in this yard by myself." When Li Cha spoke, he pointed to the door servant.

Ma Si's eyes widened a little, he was a little surprised, and asked in puzzlement: "Why is this, my lord? Could it be that you are not satisfied with these servants? Maybe I didn't say something clearly before, and it was my mistake.

As I said before, everything was replaced with new ones, including them. They are all new and have never been used by others. Adults don't have to worry about them and can use them with confidence. And they are absolutely loyal. Although they are not deaf and dumb, they will not reveal any secrets about you, my lord, otherwise they will really become dumb and deaf. "

"Mass, you misunderstood me." Li Cha explained, "I'm not dissatisfied with or wary of them, but I like to be quiet and don't want to be disturbed by other people where I live."

"But my lord, you can use them as a tool, as long as..." In the middle of speaking, Ma Si saw Li Cha's firm gaze, stopped talking, stopped trying to persuade, and said, "Okay, my lord, I Remove them immediately. However, before withdrawing, I beg my lord to leave one behind. The person who stays can stand at the door without entering the yard. In this way, if you have anything to do with me, your lord, you can Can I have an errand?"

"Alright." Li Cha nodded, and he was not too stubborn, so he agreed.

Taking a step, Li Cha walked towards the stone building. After walking a few steps, he thought of something, looked at Ma Si and said, "By the way, if it's not necessary, don't disturb me during my stay. Also, if possible, arrange for me to meet with you as soon as possible." A meeting with you, Mr. Oscar."

"Yes, my lord." Masi said seriously, "I will try my best to do it for you, it's just..."

Halfway through the speech, Ma Si showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Huh? Just what?" Li Cha asked with some doubts.


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